Tag Archives: Drummin Teddy

Where The Hell?… Raid to the North Pole Decorations

Note From Bunny: This post was brought to you by the generous help of one of our Addicts Helpers! Thanks!!

In this lil game of ours, it is easy to get lost and so focused into collecting items or unlocking characters that we tend to forget the lil things that make the game what it is. Like Where the HELL did these items come from and why are they in our games?

Well I am here to do just that for you. Let’s take a look at the Family Guy Series and find out just Where The HELL Did That Come From?

Raid to the North Pole Icon

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Final Weekly Challenge LIVE!

Hey there Clammers!

I wanted to touch really quickly on the Weekly Challenges that have already hit our games and the now Final Weekly Challenge that just launched.

Remember these are OPTIONAL. You do not have to do them, some of you will not even see them as these are considered “PREMIUM” Challenges. They will be very… well… Challenging and depending on where you are in the game or who you have, Clams may be required to complete them all. Keep in mind you are doing this at your own will. Also, this is a helpful post so if you plan on making comments that will NOT help other Players with these Challenges, then seek the appropriate post to put your comment on. 🙂

Santa Kitty

Let’s dive into the Weekly Challenges.  Continue reading