Tag Archives: hades questline

Greek Life Walkthroughs: Tri-Bri and Hades

Hello There Clammers!

Week 2 of Greek Life has hit…and you know what that means.  Time for a brand new questline to work through! (you know, just in case you needed more than the week 1 questlines to deal with 😉

Two new freemium characters (well costume and character) were introduced for this event.  Hades and Tri-Bri.  They’ll popup with side quests once you’ve unlocked them….the side quests aren’t required to be completed to move onto week 3.  They’re just “filler” to keep you busy in the game.

So let’s take a look at the quick walkthroughs for these two characters….

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Special shoutout and thanks to Chris K for putting these walkthroughs together!  Thanks Chris!  Continue reading