Tag Archives: Imperator Lois

Boomsday 2016 Character Questlines: Stan, Peter, Lois, Roger

It’s the End of the World as we know it… and I feel… TOTALLY FREAKED THE FRAK OUT!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Our town is now going to be overrun with Mutant Eggy Weggies, Mutant Stewies, Mutant Humans, and DARYL??!! Oh wait, no, that was the OTHER show. Get back in the house Carl! GET IN THE HOUSE!!

With the New Event comes along a lot of Side Questlines. Ones that come along with the New Characters/Costumes for the Event. These are not Critical to finish and up to you to do at your own leisure as most continue after the Event is over. Questlines for Characters like Armageddon Stan, Apocalypse Peter, Imperator Lois, and Warrior Roger.

Warrior Roger Imperator Lois Armageddon Stan Apocalypse Peter

Let’s take a look at Mad to the Max, Saving the End of the World, Mommy Fearest, & Sax Positive and all you will encounter along the way. Continue reading

Boomsday Event Poll, Where Are You??!!

Hey there Raptured Friends!

With the last Phase of the Event about upon us, I wanted to get an idea just where in the Phases the Players are.

Boomsday Splash Screen

Feel free to look at the questions in the Poll and answer all those that apply to YOU.


Just in case you have issues seeing the Poll, here is the direct link.



Boomsday Phase 3 Is Here!

Hey there Raptured Friends!

Some REALLY cool things are dropping now into our game. One Character in particular I know myself as well as many others REALLY wanted in the game for a long time now. EEEEE!!!

What all new madness, Characters, and crazies will this Phase bring? Take a look below once I update it all!


Mutant Human Rupert

First up, the Basics

  • Players will need to Fortify your Gates and complete Peterpocalypse Again Part 9 in order for Phase 2 to launch.
  • Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s completed
  • Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version (iOS, Google, Amazon, Facebook). NOT Windows Stand Alone
  • PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points
  • Don’t have a TON of Tasks open in your Task Menu. If you have too many open, no new ones can arrive. If you do not see new Tasks popping up, clear out some incompleted Tasks already on your List to make room for more

Back with more in a bit.

For more information on the Event, go to the Event Page HERE. 



TIMER WARNING!!! Ollie WILL be timed. Same as Commander Jesus, he will be found in the Event Area. AVOID HIM UNTIL YOU’RE READY! ANYTHING taking you to him will start his 7 DAY TIMER. Give yourself enough time to collect a few needed things before getting to him. More details to come, just wanted to give a heads up on him.

He is located on the metal slab right next to Commander Jesus in the sludgy water. He will be waving at you and a LOCK icon next to him. Tapping the Lock Icon is just one way to trigger him. FYI, Part 5 of Boom & Doom does tell you to Discover him and will start his timer.

Ollie: I do not have him unlocked yet, and will not for a bit… but just tapping on him I do not hear a voice yet.
17 Umbrellas (Common): Sidewalk Joe Get Chiseled Legs OR Fortified Water Tank OR Plane Wreckage (Stockpile Tanker)
10 Propeller Hats (Uncommon): Outdoor Skate Park (Stockpile Tanker) OR Biker Brian (not released yet)
5 Yellow Rain Coats (Rare): Mutant Research Facility (Stockpile Tanker) OR Imperator Lois Practice Being First Lady
6 Channel 5 Microphones (Rare): Goldman & Son Trading Post (Stockpile Tanker) OR Human Fort (Stockpile Tanker)


Imperator Lois: She will show up in Al’s around Boom & Doom Pt. 5 (Questline will also take you to her)
18 Goggles (Common): Commander Jesus Rock the Vote OR Armageddon Stan’s Rapture Cycle
6 Scarves (Uncommon): Mutant Saloon (Stockpile Tanker)
5 Apocalyptic Steering Wheels (Rare): Petrol Pump (Stockpile Tanker)
2 Hand Cannons (Extra Rare): Fuel Refinery (Stockpile Tanker)


Mutant Meg (Costume): 240 Clam IconClams, Fully Tasked, Comes with a Questline, 8hr Task with Neil to drop 1 Lightbulb Leave a Slime Trail


The Gas Man: 250 Clam IconClams, +1800CP on Placement, Earns 45 & 1CP every 8hrs, Always drops 15 Gas CanGasoline

Electric Boogie: 200 Clam IconClams, +80CP on Placement, Earns 45 & 1CP every 8hrs, Always drops 1 Lightbulb

Fortified Water Tower: 60 Clam IconClams, +80CP on Placement, Earns 45 & 1CP every 8hrs, Always drops 1 Umbrella



Destroyed Quahog Fire Station No. 5: 50 Toilet PaperToilet Paper

Destroyed Police Department: 35 Toilet PaperToilet Paper

Destroyed Quahog Public Library: 25 Toilet PaperToilet Paper

Destroyed Lighthouse: 100 Toilet PaperToilet Paper



Barbed Fence: 7 Toilet PaperToilet Paper

War Monocycle: 60 Toilet PaperToilet Paper



Power Plant Gates

Tapping on the Gates will tell you how often your “bad guy” will spawn, like the Mutant Goldfish. It will also tell you when the next Upgrade for the Event (Phase 4) will hit along with how many Crisis Level Points you will need to access the content.

Phase 4 right now will require you to hit Crisis Level 11



Much like Chris being infected and needing cured, now Bonnie will be involved in the Event Action.

Right when you get into the new Main Questline for Phase 3, Boom & Doom Pt. 1, Bonnie can begin to get chased by the Motorcycle Mutants.

Just like Chris, if she is on a Task it will still keep timing down. She will however need to be saved from the Motorcycle Mutants in order to collect her Payout for her Task.

Only Imperator Lois can help her, so work on getting her into your game to help Bonnie.



Chris Radiation Sickness

Chris will now have multiple Payouts when you cure him.

+18 Water BottleWater Bottles
+ Gas CanGasoline (still verifying the drop as I have to wait for him to get sick again) Per TinyCo, this was in error. He will NOT drop them.



Neutralization Station

You will find this on the Left Side of the Event Area. It looks like a wrecked airplane. Much like previous Events, here will be where you create an item to help you out in the Event. Each item will require specific Materials and time to create it. Once created, you can use it once.

There will be a CAPACITY (how many TOTAL you can have in Queue and complete in your game). My Game Capacity started with 8. You can increase it if you want +4 by spending Clams on Armageddon Stan’s Trailer.

There will be a QUEUE (the MAX amount of items you can craft at a time). My Game Queue was 6 items total can be crafted at a time, up to Capacity.

The NEW Item added to the Neutralization Station is a Roach Zapper. These will be used to take out Bad Roaches.

Roach Zapper: Requires 1 Lightbulb & 1hr 30mins to create

Lightbulb: Armageddon Stan Look Sharp OR Apocalypse Peter Drive on the Wrong Side of the Road OR Bonnie Build a Pillow Fort OR The Diner at the End of the Apocalypse OR Electric Boogie OR Mutant Meg Make Mutant Friends Leave a Slime Trail



Bad Roaches

These will start appearing during Boom & Doom Pt. 2.  They will require TWO Roach Darts to clear them. I see 3 appear right away.

Same as the Mutants, watch the Kill Zone. Make sure they are PURPLE in color and walking into the Kill Zone Circle before tapping to fire the Roach Zapper.

Also, due to you need to hit them TWICE, watch their Heart Level. They start at 100 so if you see 100, they have not been hit. If you see 50 on their Heart Meter when you tap on them, they just need one more hit.

Be careful as well that another Roach doesn’t walk into the circle and turn Purple instead while you are placing the Roach Zapper to fire at a different one.

Payout: Chance of +15 Gas CanGasoline (I got +15 from all 3 I cleared)



Twinkly Trading Post

You will find this on the Left Side of the Event Area. It looks like a thrown together Building with lots of “Twinklies” outside. Here is where you can Trade Event Materials collected for the Event Currency Twinkles. Twinkles will be used to purchase items at the Stockpile Tanker. This will be your main source of Twinklies.

Here are the Exchange Options I saw in My Game in Phase 3 (they randomly appeared in no particular order). Yours will vary, but feel free to comment yours below:

39Water BottleWater Bottles: 5 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies
86Water BottleWater Bottles: 10 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies

36CigarettesCigarettes AND 16 Gas CanGasoline: 24 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies
48CigarettesCigarettes AND 28 Gas CanGasoline: 24 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies
56CigarettesCigarettes AND 32 Gas CanGasoline: 24 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies

12Gas CanGasoline AND 30Water BottleWater Bottles: 15 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies
15Gas CanGasoline AND 36Water BottleWater Bottles: 15 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies
24Gas CanGasoline AND 42Water BottleWater Bottles: 15 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies

10 Gas CanGasoline: 4 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies
12 Gas CanGasoline: 4 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies

Water BottleWater Bottles (Always): Clear Mutant Goldfish OR Help Chris Recover from Radiation Sickeness (requires Clevemire) OR Endless Water Tower

CigarettesCigarettes: Bomb Mutant Stewies (Chance) OR Return a Mutant Human back to Normal (Always) OR Mr. Ciggy (Always)

Gas CanGasoline (Always): Help Chris Recover from Radiation Sickness OR The Gas Man OR Clear Bad Roaches


Stockpile Tanker

You will find this on the Right Side of the Event Area. Here is where Buildings/Decorations for the Event can be purchased with Twinkles. Prizes here will have to be unlocked in order. In other words to get to the LAST item, all the items in front of it have to be purchased first.

FYI- Per TinyCo, the “CHANCE” drops mean they can drop 0 OR 1 OR 2 of that item. Just keep that in mind. They are NOT guaranteed drops.

Here are the new items in the Stockpile Tanker for Phase 3

Armageddon Stan’s Rapture Cycle: +22CP on Unlock, Earns 55 & 3CP every 10hrs, Chance of 2 Goggles
22Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies

Petrol Pump: +35CP on Unlock, Earns 45 & 2CP every 8hrs, Chance of 2 Apocalyptic Steering Wheels
35Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies

Mutant Saloon: +44CP on Unlock, Earns 40 & 2CP every 6hrs, Chance of 2 Scarves
44Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies

Outdoor Skate Park: Earns 40 & 2CP every 6hrs, Chance of 2 Propeller Hats
74Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies

Fuel Refinery: +85CP on Unlock, Earns 20 & 1CP every 2hrs, Chance of 2 Hand Cannons
85Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies

Mutant Research Facility: +103CP on Placement, Earns 20 & 1CP every 2hrs, Chance of 2 Yellow Rain Coats
103Twinklies Twinkly Twinklies

Human Fort:  Earns 10 & 1CP every 1hr, Chance of 2 Channel 5 Microphones
118Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies

TIMER WARNING!!! Once you unlock the Prize in front of the Battle Tested Roller Chicks, ANYTHING that brings you back to the Stockpile Tanker (Quest, Tasks, ANYTHING) will start the Battled Tested Roller Chick’s ONE DAY TIMER! Proceed with caution and take your time getting the items you need before triggering his timer if you want the Battle Tested Roller Chicks. Remember, these timed items are optional. It is your choice to try for them, or you can opt to skip them if you would like and just keep working towards getting a hard start on the next Phase.

Battle Tested Roller Chicks:
510 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies


There you have the Basics of Phase 3. Still working on some items and will update them, but this should be enough to get you started.

Are you to Phase 3 yet? If not, what part of the Questline are you on? What else is preventing it? Any of the new items you are most excited to get? Let us know.
