Tag Archives: Midlife Crisis Lois

Caption This Clammers!

As you are playing through quest lines, finishing up some tasks, or seeking to get those “rare” items for our characters… you may catch a glance at some of the funny moments that happen in our games. For those of you that are watching and are actually able capture these rather silly and strange things as they happen, we want to see them.

Now comes the fun part, once a week we will be posting these silly images here but want YOU, the readers, to caption them for us. So put on your silly thinking hats, let out that lil comedian inside, and have some fun! (Keep them PG please.)

This week’s Caption This was sent in by Addicts Reader Bman….



If you’ve got an image you’d like to submit for a “Caption This Clammers!” post, email it to us at familyguyaddicts@gmail.com or post it on the Family Guy Addicts Flickr page, you never know when yours might be next!

Quest for Stuff Quick Walkthroughs: Asiantown

Hello there Clammers!

We last left off our walkthrough we had unlocked Dr. Hartman and Brian (oh those bones!).  Now we’re prompted by Brian suggesting he knows where Stewie is, but to get there we’ll have to go through Asiantown (District 7).   So now we pick this back up with part 1 of the quests that will pop up for you while in Asiantown!

Asiantown is where you’ll unlock Connie & Tricia, two characters that have appeared locked in the game since it started.  Well now we’ll finally see what they can do!

Once again this District walkthrough is structured by questline  (Note: Questline is considered the entire task list that is required under a certain title.  For example One Hot Mama Pt. 1, Pt. 2 etc).  This should help you keep track of what comes next in each questline & what you’ll need to do.  Keep in mind, with this game various quests/tasks can be running at once.  You can be in the middle of 1 questline and another questline will start, however the order in which the questlines appear may be different for each game.

Unlocking characters in Asaintown will take a lot of patience, as the list of “Stuff” required to unlock is longer, and the quantities of each are greater.  Take your time, try not to get frustrated when the items don’t appear.  Try a different task to unlock the item, or try working on a different item.

So let’s pick our walkthrough back up with Lois, Connie, Tricia & a whole new District to explore!

2014-05-13 23.20.08

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