Tag Archives: Millennial Man

New Event Teaser!!!

There’s more than a hint of what’s coming to a Quahog near you soon in the latest game update hitting our app stores. If you want to know more continue reading, if you don’t then move on to the next post until you update your App.

Warning Spoilers Ahead!!!

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Local Celebrity Mystery Box!!!

There’s a new Mystery Box in our games and it’s jam-packed with returning Characters & Costumes. Addicts let me introduce the Local Celebrity Mystery Box.Not going to deny it, this is my kind of Mystery Box,  packed full of characters, costumes and no materials. For 200 Clams per try you’ve the chance to win a returning character or costume. The 200 Clams is an ouch, but I’m not going complain too much as it’s a good Box.

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New Event Teaser!!!

There’s more than a hint of what’s coming to a Quahog near you soon in the latest game update hitting our app stores. If you want to know more continue reading, if you don’t then move on to the next post until you update your App.

Warning Spoilers Ahead!!!

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Millennial Man Week 2 is here…..

It looks like some more trade wars are coming our way as Peter is still setting up that startup in  the Millenial Man event.

I’m seeing the full week 2 content on IOS, app version 1.73.0, and pulling info now and I’ll get the LIVE post up as soon as possible. Until then you can throw caution to the wind as as it’s the final week there is NO timed character to unlock. However there are 40 bonus Clams to be gained if you unlock the Social Media Consultant within 6 days of the Viral Vindication quest triggering. And also remember you’ve only got until 8th August @ 3PM PDT to finish up unlocking any event characters or costumes.

Since they’ve proved popular I thought I’d continue with the polls to ask if you’re ready to move onto the new weeks content. Please vote in the poll, it’s only going to be open for 24hrs.

~ Russian Tigger

Angel Investor Mystery Box!!!

There’s a new Mystery Box in ur games and it’s jam packed with returning Characters & Costumes. Addicts let me introduce the Angel Investor Mystery Box.Not going to deny it, this is my kind of Mystery Box,  packed full of characters and no materials. For 145 Clams per try you’ve the chance to win a returning character or costume from the likes of The Captain, Ron Griffin, L’il Lois, Roaring 20’s Brian and more!!! I’ve personally tried it twice and picked up The Captain and Ron Griffin. But what about everyone else? Anyone else tried their luck? Let us know in the comments.

~ Russian Tigger

Millennial Man is here….. and the Social Media Consultant is NOT timed….

It looks like some trade wars are coming our way as Peter is setting up a startup in  the Millenial Man event.

I’m seeing the full event on IOS, app version 1.73.0, and pulling info now and I’ll get the LIVE post up as soon as possible. Until then you can throw caution to the wind as there is NO timed character to unlock.

Yes let me repeat the good news, there’s no unlock timer on the Social Media Consultant. However you won’t place him for unlocked no until Part 5 of  the main Questline, Scrappy Startup.

~ Russian Tigger

New Event Teaser!!!

There’s more than a hint of what’s coming to a Quahog near you soon in the latest game update hitting our app stores. If you want to know more continue reading, if you don’t then move on to the next post until you update your App.

Warning Spoilers Ahead!!!

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