Tag Archives: Ming the Merciless

Guys In Black Character Questline-Ming: No Mercy


Every thousand years, I test each life system in the Universe. I visit it with mysteries, earthquakes, unpredicted eclipses, strange craters in the wilderness… If these are taken as natural, I judge that system ignorant and harmless – I spare it. But if the Hand of Ming is recognized in these events, I judge that system dangerous to us. I call upon the great god Dyzan, and for his greater glory…

… and for our mutual pleasure…

… I destroy it utterly.

Let’s all put on some Red Robes and head into  Ming the Merciless’ Questline.  

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Guys In Black Character Profile: Ming The Merciless

Pathetic Earthlings!!!!

Yes with the new Guys In Black event it looks like we’re going to be begging for mercy as we’re getting some new Characters and one of them just happens to be Ming The Merciless.

Let’s throw you some information on what Ming The Merciless. can do in our silly lil games.

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Guys In Black 101: Ming The Merciless

This guys eyebrows are ON POINT! I wonder if he does YouTube Make Up Tutorials. 😉

“Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here. If you had known anything about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would’ve hidden from it in terror.”

Phase 3 has decided to drop into our silly lil Quahogs for the Guys in Black Event. With it came another New Bad Guy to Battle. He comes from somewhere in the 60’s outerspace with a fantastic Spaceship. Ming the Merciless is in now our games to Battle.

Just what does this incarnation do for the Event? Let’s take a look.

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