Tag Archives: Ornamental Skulls

Boomsday Timed Character Profiles: Sidewalk Joe & Commander Jesus

FYI… UPDATE IN APP MARKET: iOS and Google have the 1.21.5 App Update. Ensure you download it to put any patches in place that may impact your game. Amazon and Facebook users, let me know if/when you see it.

Green Steam Egg Piles

  • Mutant Stewie Eggs will now have a green smoke tower above them, so that they are easier to locate if they hiding behind buildings.
  • Mutant Stewies will spawn from the gate for players who are working on completing the second challenge. This is in addition to the Eggs. Once the challenge is completed, Mutant Stewies will stop spawning from the gate


  • The team is working on a fix for the Facebook and Google Play issue – they are related. We hope to have a fix soon!

Hey there Cockroaches!


It looks like we have been transported back in time to 1999, or is it now? With all the times I hear on the radio or see on the TV “THE END IS NEAR”, I just never know when the world is actually gonna end. Guess I will just have to keep on waiting to kidnap “friends” for my underground shelter. Wait to take out a bunch of Zombies with my real life Maze in the back yard. Wait to see if Twinkies and Cockroaches really do survive anything (well Twinkies almost didn’t survive a company going under”.

With a New Event comes Timed New Characters/Costumes, like Sidewalk Joe & Commander Jesus.

Sidewalk Joe Commander Jesus

Let’s take a look at what Sidewalk Joe & Commander Jesus can do in our silly lil games. Continue reading