Tag Archives: Placeables are out of bound glitch

Prison Meg Update, District 9, and More!! (Updated and Complete)

9-11-14 11PM EST UPDATE: iOS Update just hit, so iOS players please check to see if your game is now showing the District 9 items and those with issues of the force reload to update, check the app market to see if it is there for you now. Let us know. Google play also saw an update, but it may just be minor glitch fixes. Kindle users, check yours too and let us know if you see anything yet. 

I am putting this info at the top for all to see (it’s throughout the post too). If you have iOS/Amazon you will NOT see the new stuff til your Update hits your market. Only Android had it hit.

If you play on cross devices and updated your Android device then tried to switch to iOS/Kindle, you will only see the “you must update” pop up. Again, you got to wait for your market to push the Update before you can see it. Crossing devices made it now impossible for the non updated one to be able to play.

For Android, Precious Metals quest must be done along with District 8 to trigger the Blimp quest and District 9.

Hope that helps. 🙂 Continue reading