Tag Archives: Santa’s HQ

Family Guy Help! Raid To The North Pole “Issues” (Part 5)

Hey there New Year Babes!

Bouncing back by for a new set of Glitches in the game surrounding Santa’s HQ and the items inside.

Consuela Technical Support Bunny Glitch Continue reading

Christmas Character Profile: Kevin Swanson

Greetings Merry Lil Soldiers!!

It’s beginning to look a lot like MORE Christmas. Raid to the North Pole Phase 2 is now live in our games. This means more Costumes, Buildings, Decorations, and just a lil bit of snow.

With this new Christmas Event, we also get some new Characters. Like Kevin Swanson.

Kevin Swanson

Let’s take a look at what Kevin Swanson can do in our silly lil games.
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Christmas Character Profile: Sarah Connor

Greetings Merry Lil Soldiers!!

It’s beginning to look a lot like MORE Christmas. Raid to the North Pole Phase 2 is now live in our games. This means more Costumes, Buildings, Decorations, and just a lil bit of snow.

With this new Christmas Event, we also get some new Characters. Like Sarah Connor.

Sarah Connor

Let’s take a look at what Sarah can do in our silly lil games.
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Christmas “Premium” Character Profile: Lyle

This post brought to you courtesy of a collaboration with Bunny & Lotty. Enjoy! 🙂

Greetings Christmas Crackers!!

It’s beginning to look a lot like MORE Christmas. Raid to the North Pole Phase 2 is now live in our games. This means more Costumes, Buildings, Decorations, and just a lil bit of snow.

With this new Christmas Event, we also get some new Characters. Like Lyle.


Let’s take a look at what Lyle can do in our silly lil games.
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