Tag Archives: Seven of Nine

Star Trek Main Questline: Star Trek Second Contact (Week 1)

Hey there Kardashians!! 😉

Tribbles are back, Lil Borg Kittens are roaming, somewhere the Captain is over acting, and poor Meg can’t even get a Klingon to love her.

With the Mini Event re-release of the Star Trek Event we now have a new Questline to take us through it, Star Trek: First Contact.

Star Trek Splash Screen

Let’s take a look at Star Trek: First Contact and all you will encounter along the way.  Continue reading

Star Trek Returns? Second Contact LIVE!! (UPDATED)

Hey there Kardashians! (Let’s see how many Trekkies that irritates…hehehehehe)

Looks like the Enterprise has decided to make another stop on Earth… errr… in Quahog again. WOOHOO!! Get your Phasers at the ready, your fingers split for a Vulcan greeting, hope you’re not the one in the Red Shirt, and for the love of… keep your women away from the Captain!


Star Trek


Starfleet Peter Vulcan Quagmire Klingon Chris

First up, the Basic Requirements…

  • Players will need to be on Version 1.18.0 in the App Markets, so if you are not… go download it
  • Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s completed
  • Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version, not Windows Stand Alone
  • PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points.

Back with more in a bit… Continue reading

Star Trek Questline: Uhura & Seven of Nine

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Rounding the final few days for the Star Trek Event. For those of you that were wondering just what to do in the extra week given to us while those that needed it caught up, well you got two new Character options to try for among other things. In this post, we will be going over the questlines for Uhura & Seven of Nine.

Uhura Seven of Nine Continue reading

Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Clammers!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Seven of Nine Uhura

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a lovely bunch of coconuts? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

How was your week? 

Any plans for a vacation soon? 

Swapping out Winter for Summer clothes in the closet?!


Remember this post is for FUN!! If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DUECE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.
