Tag Archives: Simpson’s Tapped Out

Futurama Thoughts, with a sprinkling of FGQFS & Tapped Out on top!!!

So after a long time in the promoting,  Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow, (FWOT), finally hit our App stores at the end of June, and although there’s now a dedicated Addicts site devoted to it I thought I’d still do a little post now and then where we could discuss  not only the latest goings on at Futurama, but also FGQFS and Tapped Out (TSTO).

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Futurama Thoughts, with a sprinkling of FGQFS & Tapped Out on top!!!

So after a long time in the promoting,  Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow, (FWOT), finally hit our App stores at the end of June, and although there’s now a dedicated Addicts site devoted to it I thought I’d still do a little post now and then where we could discuss  not only the latest goings on at Futurama, but also FGQFS and Tapped Out (TSTO).

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