Tag Archives: Star Trek

Quahog Star Trek Walkthroughs: Phase 6

Hello There Clammers!

Star Trek has arrived in Quahog!  And with this sixth phase you’ll battle a more powerful Bertram, defeat the Borg  & try not to throw your phone across the room as you blow stuff up!

During Phase 6 several questlines will popup in order to help you understand the event ahead, and prepare our Tiny Quahogs for travel to the Enterprise!  Working your way through these questlines will help you earn more Dilithium Crystals and XP to help you better move through the event, and buy Enterprise items!

So what are we waiting for?  Let’s take a closer look at the main questlines for phase 6 that you’ll encounter…

Bladed Borg Bertram

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Quahog Star Trek Walkthroughs: Phase 5

Hello There Clammers!

Star Trek has arrived in Quahog!  And with this fifth phase you’ll unlock Data, Picard, Talosian Stewie  & try not to throw your phone across the room as you blow stuff up!

During Phase 5 several questlines will popup in order to help you understand the event ahead, and prepare our Tiny Quahogs for travel to the Enterprise!  Working your way through these questlines will help you earn more Dilithium Crystals and XP to help you better move through the event, and buy Enterprise items!

So what are we waiting for?  Let’s take a closer look at the main questlines for phase 5 that you’ll encounter…

The Holodeck Unlocked

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Quahog Star Trek Premium Walkthroughs: Guinan and Q

Hello There Clammers!

Star Trek has arrived in Quahog!  And as the last couple of phases rolled out some new premium characters were introduced! Both Q and Guinan have their advantages to joining the USS Enterprise (you can check out the SIB here) and if you add them to your ship they’ll both come equipped with a full set of tasks and questlines!

Working your way through these questlines will help you earn more Dilithium Crystals and XP to help you better move through the event, and buy Enterprise items!

So what are we waiting for?  Let’s take a closer look at the these premium questlines for Guinan and Q….

Guinan Shoot Gun Q

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Quahog Star Trek Walkthroughs: Phase 4

Hello There Clammers!

Star Trek has arrived in Quahog!  And with this fourth phase you’ll unlock Dr. Crusher, Vulcan Quagmire & try not to throw your phone across the room as you try to blow stuff up!

During Phase 4 several questlines will popup in order to help you understand the event ahead, and prepare our Tiny Quahogs for travel to the Enterprise!  Working your way through these questlines will help you earn more Dilithium Crystals and XP to help you better move through the event, and buy Enterprise items!

So what are we waiting for?  Let’s take a closer look at the main questlines for phase 4 that you’ll encounter…

Sick Bay Unlocked

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Quahog Star Trek Walkthroughs: Phase 3

Hello There Clammers!

Star Trek has arrived in Quahog!  And with this third phase you’ll unlock Locutus, Starfleet Lois & blow stuff up!

During Phase 3 several questlines will popup in order to help you understand the event ahead, and prepare our Tiny Quahogs for travel to the Enterprise!  Working your way through these questlines will help you earn more Dilithium Crystals and XP to help you better move through the event, and buy Enterprise items!

So what are we waiting for?  Let’s take a closer look at the main questlines for phase 3 that you’ll encounter…

Bridge Unlocked

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Quahog Star Trek Walkthroughs: Klingon Chris & Worf

Hello There Clammers!

Star Trek has arrived in Quahog!  And with this second phase you’ll unlock Deanna, Klingon Chris & travel to strange new planets!  (well at least send characters to travel)

During Phase 2 several questlines will popup in order to help you understand the event ahead, and prepare our Tiny Quahogs for travel to the Enterprise!  In addition to a few character questlines.  Working your way through these questlines will help you earn more Dilithium Crystals and XP to help you better move through the event, and buy Enterprise items!

So what are we waiting for?  Let’s take a closer look at the Klingon questlines that you’ll encounter…

Worf                 Klingon Chris

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Quahog Star Trek Walkthroughs: Phase 2

Hello There Clammers!

Star Trek has arrived in Quahog!  And with this second phase you’ll unlock Deanna, Klingon Chris & travel to strange new planets!  (well at least send characters to travel)

During Phase 2 several questlines will popup in order to help you understand the event ahead, and prepare our Tiny Quahogs for travel to the Enterprise!  Working your way through these questlines will help you earn more Dilithium Crystals and XP to help you better move through the event, and buy Enterprise items!

So what are we waiting for?  Let’s take a closer look at the main questlines for phase 2 that you’ll encounter…


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Quahog Star Trek Walkthroughs: Phase 1

Hello There Clammers!

Star Trek has arrived in Quahog!  And with this first phase you’ll unlock Riker, Geordi, Starfleet Peter and travel to the Enterprise!

During Phase 1 several questlines will popup in order to help you understand the event ahead, and prepare our Tiny Quahogs for travel to the Enterprise!  (even Joe gets his diapers packed!)  Working your way through these questlines will help you earn more Dilithium Crystals and XP to help you better move through the event, and buy Enterprise items!

So what are we waiting for?  Let’s take a closer look at the main questlines for phase 1 that you’ll encounter…

1 (11)

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