Rupert’s Homemade Valentine Box

Hey there Clammers!

The final Phase 3 is in our games and with it we have a really cool Mystery Box full of items you did NOT win in the Affection Meter and some decorations from around the Romancing the Clam Event Area. Now I am sure you want to know, just what is IN Rupert’s Homemade Valentine’s Box?

Homemade Valentine's Rupert

Remember, in order to see the Mystery Box you need go be in Phase 3 content. That means COMPLETED My Funny Valentine Part 13 & started the Can’t Buy Me Love questline.

You will find the Mystery Box in your Featured Menu for the Event. Homemade Valentine's Rupert Mystery Box

There is also a shortcut to it in your game. Just tap on the Heart Meter Box in the lower Right Corner of your game. Heart Icon Meter

Once you get into the Event Menu Pop up, go to the Star Tab aka the “Featured Items”.  You will see the link to GO to the Mystery Box from there. Featured Items Phase 3 Valentine's Menu


Either way, it is just a simple tap to open up the Homemade Valentine’s Mystery Box. Let’s take a look at what YOU might get for the cost of 1,000 Homemade Valentine’s a try.Homemade Valentine's Rupert Box


To start off, every item in the Mystery Box is unique and will disappear once you win it. You can see the Prizes YOU have left in the Box the same usual way… tap on the Green “PRIZES” button with the magnifying glass and it will take you to the breakdown.

The prizes YOU see will depend on what LOVE/HATE Heart Prize YOU won for the Affection Meter.  As soon as you win a LOVE/HATE prize, its opposite goes into the Mystery Box. So if you have not yet WON the Voodoo Shop, Hot Meg will NOT appear until you have collected all the HATE hearts to get it. And vice versa for the LOVE side.

Here are the Prizes from the Affection Meter. Again, you will only see these in the Mystery Box if you did NOT win them from the Affection Meter and won the opposite of it instead.


Clammy SecretsClammy Secrets (15 Hearts/Building): Sits on a 5×5 base. Pays out 8 Homemade Valentine’s & 20XP every 4hrs. It is a shop that resembles a very similar OTHER “Secret” named shop that women frequent.  Will fit in with a mini mall area.

wickedcocoaWicked Cocoa Chocolatier (50 Hearts/Building): Sits on a 4×5 base. Pays out 16 Homemade Valentine’s & 40XP every 12hrs. Is not currently animated. The color scheme and design is pretty cool looking and gives the building a unique feel.

Bumper CarsBumper Buddies Bumper Cars (75 Hearts/Decoration): Sits on a 10×9 base. Is now animated. The cars move around a bit and bump one another when tapped as well as lights around it blink while the flags wave. Will go great in an amusement area.

Kool Aid Man's Girlfriend 1Kool-Aid Man’s Girlfriend (200 Hearts/Moving Decoration): This is a moving decoration. That means she is not a playable Character, but will roam around your Quahog streets with the other Characters. She is voice and says “YooHoo Baby” when tapped.

Cupid StatueCupid’s Statue (250 Hearts/Decoration): Sits on a 2×2 base. Currently not animated. Is needed in order to unlock Cupid from his bench. It is a cute statue that will fit into a Park type area.

Hot MegHot Meg (350 Hearts/Character Costume): This is a Character Costume for Meg. It comes with 3 outdoor tasks, a questline, and several other tasks that sound pretty funny. Right now all her tasks will payout Valentine’s. She also can go on dates at the Romantic Thoroughfare Park.



Crimes of Passion Archery Set 1Crimes of Passion Archery Set (15 Hearts/Decoration): Sits on a 2×2 base. Currently not animated. Would probably go well next to Cupid’s Throne.

hottubCool Your Jets Hot Tub (50 Hearts /Decoration): Sits on a 3×3 base. Animation on the hot tube makes it look like the water is bubbling, churning around, and a lil bit steamy.

driveinliquorLiquid Sorrow Liquid Store (75 Hearts/Building): Sits on a 6×6 base. Pays 6 Homemade Valentine’s & 20XP every 4hrs. Is not animated though the sign outside does give the appearance it is. I giggle it says Drive IN on it.

Big Mouthed Girlfriend DollsBig Mouthed Girlfriend Dolls (100 Hearts/Decoration): Sits on a 3×3 base. Currently not animated. These pretty much fit with all other Quagmire’s “toys” and even the Clammy Secrets building.

Brookfield Insane AsylumBrookfield Insane Asylum (125 Hearts/Building): NOTE: you will NOT get this in the Mystery Box if you already have one in your game from Halloween. Sits on a 8×11 base. Pays out 10 Homemade Valentine’s & 30xp every 8hrs.

Mr Needlez Voodoo ShopMr. Needlez Voodoo Shop (150 Hearts/Building): Sits on a 6×8 base. Pays out 10 Homemade Valentine’s & 30XP every 8hrs. I really love the design to the building and all the little details in the windows. Not currently animated but the candles give the appearance it is.


And now for the additional Prizes that Everyone can see. Many come from the Event Area.

Morning Arousal CoffeeMorning Arousal Cafe (Decoration): Sits on a 5×9 base. The Cafe sign is animated with blinking lights and steam/smoke rises from the vent on the rooftop. It is a cool looking location, just curious as to why a decoration instead of a building. I really like the look of this building and the outdoor area.

Casroja Movie TheaterCasaroja Movie Theater (Decoration): Sits on a 6×8 base. Currently not animated. It is a cool looking location, just curious as to why a decoration instead of a building.

Fancy Wishes FountainFancy Wishes Fountain (Decoration): Sits on a 7×7 base. Is animated. Water is spraying out of the two lil spouts on either side as well as the larger one in the Center. Not very high like the Event area. But noticeable.

Cupid's ThroneCupid’s Throne (Decoration): Sits on a 5×9 base. The animation is very similar to that in the Event Area. The heart moves colors inward and blinks while Cupid works away on the letters. He will also try to fly off but is chained to his desk.

Cupid Brian StatueCupid Brian Statue (Decoration): Sits on a 2×2 base. Animated. Lil hearts rise up from below the base of the Statue. It is a really cute statue.

Cherub Stewie StatueCherub Stewie Statue (Decoration): Sits on a 2×2 base. Animated. Lil hearts rise up from below the base of the Statue. I love this statue just due to how cute Stewie looks. Lol.

So every player will have at LEAST 6 items in the Mystery Box to win from the Event Area. Then up to 6 more from the Affection Meter depending on if you complete winning all 6 Love/Hate Prizes for each Character in it. That is a total of 12 prizes possible, so make sure you have at least 12,000 Valentine’s set aside for just the Mystery Box if you plan on getting it all.


What do YOU think of the Rupert Mystery Box? Have you tried you luck at it yet? What success did YOU have? Like your Prizes? Worth it to you? Happy they put the Prizes you didn’t win in here for just Valentine’s? Let us know.


Bunny with locket

100 responses to “Rupert’s Homemade Valentine Box

  1. Thibaut campbell

    I still had loads of homemade valentines day cards in the game but how do I get ruperts box ???


  2. I loved the Rupert’s box!! It was worth it for sure. Rewarding you with prizes that you may not have unlocked during the event is nice. And then using the event currency (valentines cards) to purchase those Rupert boxs actually made it worth playing the event more.


  3. I actually got the cupid statue on my second try which was really lucky considering everyone else is getting it last and having a hard time getting it. But of corse I’m stuck on can’t beat love 4 so I won’t have enough time or cams to finish all the tasks in time so I can get cupid which makes having the cupid statue completely pointless, too bad I couldn’t sell it to someone who really needs it since I can’t use it. Or even if it costed 10 clams to speed up the 12 hr tasks like it did for the first 12 hr task then I would just be able to get cupid but noooo, they had to up it to 24 clams to speed up the 12 hr tasks they’re just trying to make it nearly impossible to get everything you need, I hate it.


  4. Since they introduced Human Rupert’s box I have not been able to purchase anything. I keep getting the message Bunny shared when thou have emptied the box. The there aren’t any prizes etc etc etc…
    Any ideas on what to do? I sent a message to Tiny Co but thought I would ask ya’ll while I am waiting to hear back from them.


  5. I used to be able to open these without issue. Now I receive a message that’s says, ” we have encountered an issue with your payment. Please contact Community support for assistance.” I have almost 4,000 Valentine’s Day cards, so this should be a no brainier. Any suggestions for fixes?

    Thanks in advance!


    • It means that there is nothing else currently in there for you to get… so you either got it all. Or… need to win another Affection Meter prize so the one lost can go in the box.


  6. So here I am collecting for my 11th !!!! HM box and still no cupid statue, I have 10 other items to show for it but the most important one still eludes me. Which btw, there is a 90.9% probability of getting the cupid stature after opening 10 HM boxes, but lucky me I beat the odds and its come down to the very last item. Now with 28h left, if I don’t get cupid before this event ends, I’m going to bite someone…

    Is there anyone else that’s feeling my pain, misery loves company..


  7. I’m hoping for a new mystery box with couple to win as NPC also would be nice to have one of each of the fat joggers too I have 20,000 cards still and 500 hearts :/


  8. I have opened up the Rupert box several times and have had in this order:
    Big Mouthed Girlfriend Dolls
    Morning Arousal Cafe
    Cassaroja Movie Theater
    Cupid’s Throne
    Fancy Wishes Fountain
    Bumper Buddies Bumper Cars
    Seriously, all that is left is three statues, including the cupid one I need and two more broken heart decorations I can do without.

    Problem is I might be able to scrape together 2,000 HVs, one for cupid and one to get cupid… but Joes still stuck at level 9 so he can’t even unlock the cupid bench yet and unless I can scrape together 5,000 in less than a day, I have a 1/5 odds of getting Cupid. Yep, I wasted 6,000 HV on useless deco. The only one worth having is Cupid’s Throne.


  9. Is there going to be anything else to spend hearts or hmv on last minute or should i just spend everything i have left now on the mystery box and decos?


  10. I have emptied the box and all have 5000 Valentine’s and counting. Nothing left to buy. Wish the buildings connected rent and had a purpose (continued to allow dating tasks after event ends). Maybe we’ll be able to buy the buildings that costed clams with the Valentine’s post event???? That’d be cool.


  11. l’m up to unlocking hot Meg. I’ve tried the mystery box twice for previous prizes… the game seems to have given me the prizes in order so far. I sure hope it actually is a random prize winning, because I don’t have thousands of HVs to get every prize sequentially before I can get Kool Aid Man’s Girlfriend. I play regularly, and I have nowhere near the thousands of HVs people seem to have. What am I missing? Has anyone else received the mystery prizes in order? I mean, winning coffee shop first, then the theatre, etc.?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I sometimes get that. Last box actually for donuts. It’s so random each time and varies by each player.


      • wildthornberry88

        I can’t render the exact order but I ca an tell you I got the archery set first, the hot tub second to last and the Cupid statute dead last (so frustrating & took a few days to reach). This is excluding the voodoo shop which I received after the box was previously emptied.


  12. Can I get please get bunny in my game …:-) still waiting to c alissa avatar…great job on hosting the site

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awwww. If you look at our main header, you’ll see both of us in there. 🙂


    • I am all for Bunny and Alissa to get their own characters. For as much work as she and Alissa have done, I really think that TinyCo should create them.
      They’ve already created the storyline for the New Year’s Bunny, made the Bunny Ski Slope … How hard would it be to build their favorite fansite custodians into the game.
      Let’s be realistic, if they can work that hard on a storyline, they can surely finish it by putting a Sweet Bunny and Alissa into the game.


  13. Hi again and thanks again. I have read and read and read this post over and I understand that these prizes come from the box however I am still hitting a wall as to getting the fountain. I do not see it available in my box??
    Please let me know if this is an issue that I need to contact TinyCo with?
    Thank you a lost sheep


  14. I’d hoped that the cinema and coffee show were actual buildings. 😦 Not a fan of decos…lol

    Liked by 1 person

  15. It took me 8 or 9 tries to get Cupid’s statue but I was able to unlock Cupid after getting it.
    I have 4 more quests total, between the main quest, cupid’s quest, and hot meg’s quest to finish before completing all of the freemium event quests.
    I’m currently at 712 HMV and only have one prize left in the mystery box. I don’t really care for the archery set but I might as well get it since I have excess HMV.


  16. Grrr. I need Cupid’s statue, and am getting everything BUT that. Lol.


  17. I’m hoping that the dating buildings are decorations because the dating will continue after the event for those with the decorations. That’s my hope at least.


  18. Just got Hot Meg! And to top it off Ida cleared a sprayer and came thru like a boss and dropped a clam!


  19. is there any point to continuing to collect hearts and valentines once you win all the fremium goals? perhaps tinyco has a stretch goal?

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I love that they give us a mystery box for this and previous events to win the prizes we didn’t get…I just hope there will be something I can spend the rest of the homemade valentines on that I have left. I got all prizes in the mystery box and still have over 60,000 left. I think I kinda went overboard buying stuff that paid them out cause now I have an abundance 😑 lol

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I finally got the Cupid statue from the mystery box and I will actually be able to get sleep tonight lol and I only need 3 more hearts for Hot Meg this was a fun event

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Is there a way to get the Cupid stand after you get hot Meg? I went with the asylum on that one not knowing I would need it to unlock Cupid.


  23. Have u girls heard anything about the fence deco in the valentine garden or the the nice bench on weather they let us buy them? They r very nice compare to what is offer to us now. Theres like 3 different type of fences that is way nicer then any we have so far.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Did anyone notice a possible change in the spawn rate of the PDA couples? I know I cleared all 8 and then about 30 mins later they appeared again! Will have to check on this again, maybe TinyCo is making it easier for us to get all the Affection Meter prizes…


  25. @Bunny: I just unlocked Hot Meg – Mission acomplished 🙂 Thank you so much for all the help and hints, you and your fellow addicts make this game as good as it is. Youre the best! Keep up the good work!

    Not like the work I used to do in that chinese restaurant… (insert random Peter flashback in here)


  26. I only whant the cinima I got everything from the event area besides that and only 1 hate prize so I’m worried
    Is it rare?


  27. That’s a lot of huge decorations.


  28. meeehhhh….now to collect either Love or Hate hearts :p


  29. Boom. First try and got Hot Meg.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. what happens if u click on rupert after u get everthing? Do u just lose 1000 hv?


  31. 31k valentines and there is nothing to spend them on, yes I got all the mystery box rewards.


  32. First off a huge thank you to everyone at this site!
    Where do I obtain the Fany Wishes fountain?
    Thank you!!


  33. I;m very disappointed that the cafe and theater are just decorations and not buildings. They are big enough to be and it makes more sense for them to be buildings and earn coins/valentines. Hopefully they change it for after the event. Is there any possiblity of that happening?

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Who made those beautifal drawnings of Bunny, alissa and Wookie?


  35. Just wanted to say thanks for all you do Bunny! It’s very much appreciated with all of your guy’s hard work.

    Liked by 2 people

  36. Can you contact tinyco, I’m having a issue since I woke up I can not access my town and it won’t let me login so that I can finish the event


  37. I think TinyCo have judged this event almost perfectly. I have just bought the last mystery box prize, Cupid and all other freemium items and have about 200 cards left. Have been playing quite a lot though, so I feel sorry for people that haven’t been able to for whatever reason (always think timed events that give characters are a bit unfair if you happen to be out of the country and can’t access the game). Can’t understand how people have everything AND 40k cards still remaining (!). My only complaint is that the PDA couples were so annoying at the start and the inability to see what affection meter prizes were coming up… and TinyCo improved both of these after feedback (and the mystery box is a great touch).

    Liked by 1 person

  38. yessss unlocked EVERYTHING just now!! have 250 homemade Valentines left after buying the last 3 prized in this mystery boxXx.
    waitin on Hott Meg to finish creating in 5 more minutes ❤ !! complete success this event was.


  39. I have 40,000 homemade valentine’s and completed everything. What can i do with all those cards ??


  40. I’m pretty disappointed I went for the asylum as a prize not knowing the statue was important. Finally got to the phase to unlock Cupid and it doesn’t let me use clams to buy him like usually with other characters and in the time left until the end I cannot save enough cards to gamble with the mystery box. I don’t think it’s fair that we can’t buy him. The first time I feel like I got screwed over big time! I opened the box three times tho and all I got was decos.


    • Let them know your thoughts. Their intention on him was a legit “NO CLAM” Character. So they opted to not have any Clam options on him.


      • Yeah okay makes sense. Thanks for the reply I first thought my game glitched since someone said here that they were able to buy him. I guess they actually just used the clams to get more cards then.


  41. I’ve bought 5, naturally I didn’t get the Cupid statue or hot Meg. As I went the other direction on both, so those storyline a are stuck. Doubt I have but a couple more I can buy before the end of the event 😦


  42. Got all the prizes in Ruperts Mystery Box two or three days ago, and currently have about 4000 hm Valentines to spare. I feel TinyCo was extremely generous with this event. I never purchased the Romantic Thoroughfare, and STILL landed up with many cool buildings, decos & characters. Can’t complain. Thanks for the free stuff TinyCo 🙂


  43. Well I won everything in the mystery box . It’s now sat empty but still displayed as though I can open it.

    I had 1000 free Valentine cards so thought I’d see what happens if I buy it when showing as empty

    …… All I can say is ‘ oh my god !!! ‘

    Liked by 1 person

  44. I think the mystery box has pushed me to the brink … don’t want to sound like i am complaining (I love the Game) but … after all of the hassles I’ve gone through in this event and I want to get Cupid but didn’t get the statue with the hearts … I’ve now spent all of the valentines that I had and have gotten EVERY OTHER prize in the box EXCEPT that friggin’ cupid statue … so now I have just over two days to get 1000 more valentines to get cupid statue … last item in the box and the 1000 needed for Cupid himself!!! … in the words of the pop-tart commercial … “Jam it!, Jam it!, Jam it!”


    • If you get the right people on quests you can get lots of hearts
      Cheryl tigers
      And clevland
      – as well as some premium charecters
      They did a whole post on it have a scroll you can find it
      I can get 1000 every day I have shcool and work to so its not tricky


    • Getting 1000 Valentine hearts a day is easy
      You’ll be fine


  45. They need a better way to earn currency. I’m a pretty hardcore player and I’m still short. I need 6000 to get the rest of these prizes by Thursday afternoon😞


  46. I’ve gotten everything from the box and still Have 25k + hmv


  47. I already got all of the prizes. I went with the love prizes all the way down the meter even with Hot Meg. Love her animated task with Quagmire.


  48. I’m not sure if this is where I ask this… But I have already won all of the hate or love prizes from the affection meter. Is there a reason I should still be sending people on dates to collect hearts or clearing pda couples to collect hearts? Will the hearts you have left over be able to be spent on a mystery box or will they just disappear once this event ends?


  49. I would suggest people wait till last minute to try for these. I used 2000 hearts and got the stupid archery thing and then the movie theatre. Within hours I opened the theatre for another 1000 hearts so I could send people there (I’m behind cause I went south for vacation). So you may pick up some of these in reg game use. Once you have it it won’t come up if I’m right (I was hoping for Meg- cause I’m running out of time)


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