Star Trek Poll: Characters

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Over the next little while, we will be putting out various polls for a few Events. Star Trek being the first one. Please take a look at the polls and answer all the questions you can that apply.

Helpful Tips: In the Comments portions if the polls, be constructive in your responses as it will help us all overall as Players. Don’t just say something is wrong, explain WHY you personally feel it is wrong and WHAT you personally feel will make it better. What can they change and HOW. Keep it on point. Keep to the Addicts Guidelines. (Think of it as writing a letter to your boss.) We will be forwarding all those directly to them. As a Community, we can continue to work together to let our voices and thoughts be heard. 😉

Khan Captain Kirk Fight GornSpock Play LuteStarfleet Lois

This Poll will be specifically for the Star Trek Characters. So focus on those. Then watch for more Polls to come on other items.

Have fun and enjoy. 😉


43 responses to “Star Trek Poll: Characters

  1. Some of the questions are slightly ambiguous, for example, “did you purchase with clams” Well, if I purchased a box with clams, and got the character, Consuela Borg, then yes, however, I did not outright buy her for clams, so no. *chuckle*


    • Any Clams spent is still a loss of Clams to you… so in my mind… still a Clam buy. 😉

      In a Mystery Box Especially as you could spend a LOT of those lil shells. 😉


  2. Hi Alissa, Bunny, & Wookiee, I really just want to take the time to say I appreciate the time you put into this site, I heavy rely on it for information during events. I don’t know what I would do without it! The poll is a great addition.


  3. Bunny you are awesome all around and thank you for putting these polls together. I wish you ran out games instead of tinyco! Lol. & Of course i forgot to add half of my comments before i sent in lol but im sure i am not the only one who would’ve made those comments so it’s ok. P.s. the poll worked fine for me.


    • Lol. Thanks. Happy to help. If I made a game, I would probably go bankrupt due to I tend to give everything away for free. My poor employees would starve.

      But don’t worry. More polls coming so plenty of chances to add thoughts. 😉


  4. I hope I didn’t miss a lot out of this event. I kinda skipped this event. When I said “kinda,” what I mean is I only unlocked 1 character and I think 1 skin and just took a break from this event :p. Can’t wait for the June event though.


    • Also, since I did miss the Stars wars event, will the characters and the skins that I didn’t achieve affect me in any later quests? Like it’ll make it more difficult for me to get stuff?


  5. I really appreciate the work y’all do on both of your sites. I rely on them for information during events and have often found extremely useful information. I also appreciate having a ‘voice’ in taking these polls. How will anyone know we are happy/unhappy unless we say so? (Other than a rise or fall in clam buying, I suppose…) My husband and I both spent an unreasonable (for us) amount on virtual cash for this event, simply because we love Star Trek and wanted to get everything that we could get, but good lord some of the costs were high. If it hadn’t been Star Trek characters for the same price, we wouldn’t have spent the money. Some of them, I didn’t mind the price as much (IE: Spock with proceeds going to a foundation).


  6. This entire event was a huge frustration for me, besides the whole game crashing any time I moved or looked at the screen the wrong way. At least that was fixed in the first few weeks. Still didn’t make me want to play the game any more… Things weren’t dropping, only a handful of characters (in a game of about 40+) could collect stuff, I was constantly behind on the starfleet level because nothing dropped a decent amount of experience.
    The crystal amounts that dropped for the characters actions and buildings/rooms were so sucked out that the only way i was able to even get enough crystals for the mentioned characters is that I eventually stopped doing quests and just sent peter Lois and quagmire to the Borg cube (or whatever it was called) to try to get 500 crystals. At least I had some luck with that. (Also got about 40 clams from the cube.)
    I was constantly calculating whether I’d even be able to get Picard or Kirk or even joe and stewie. I knew I had no chance of getting uhura at all. Especially with the amount of stuff that was added in the last week or so of the event.
    I gave up on trying to get Herbert because it was a waste of materials at the time and the people to send to that planet were also needed for quests. Plus if it’s like a 1% chance I’m going to get it, why bother.
    Meg, I wanted. Until they changed it to “oh you can only get her if you get the other three ridiculously expensive characters.” But why would I pay for them if I never enjoyed the show?
    Captain joe is my favourite only because of his tasks. Beep boop.


    • Sorry for the long, rambling rant! I finally have a space to put it and let it all spill out. Unfortunately, since it’s been a while between the event and the poll it ended up just coming out as word diarrhea. 😛

      Not saying you guys are doing anything wrong with the time between! I know you two are busy both with your personal lives and with this lacklustre firefighter “event”, if you can call it that.
      I’m ready for that poll too… 😉


    • Do me a favor, when I do an overall post for the entire event…make sure you add this to the poll Comments section so they see stuff like this when I send them in. 😉


    • If 40+ characters dropped crap (or stuff if you want to be technical) there would be no challenge. I was ahead on the starfleet level as a freemium player. I actually got everything out of the event. Weren’t there like 3 things added the last week, Uhura, borg statues, and a giant tribble? Not that much…

      I’m not saying you don’t have a point cause you do. This was a hard event, but what’s wrong with that every once in a while. I mean that lackluster firefighter even was lackluster because it was insanely easy. I didn’t try and all I lost out on was 4 mystery box prizes. (btw I was hoping for an easy event after ST so I found it fun).

      I do 100% about the Meg thing. I’m fine with premium characters and the fact that there were alot in this event because it was so long. But most were steeply priced with like 65 or more clams more than a normal premium and truthfully they seemed less useful than other premium characters of other events. So having a skin cost 600+ clams with three practically useless characters was dumb, only a good idea if you know and like the show. That Scotty deal was good though since he was a full character.


      • Oh, and that Joe skin= worst skin ever. So boring looking and gross as crap. His quest line was short and not so funny (more jokes about Joe being disabled, woot!) and his task names are funny, but that doesn’t make him or his outside task better. Alright, that sounds very negative, but he was just bad (and a steep material price for so late in the event when people we’re getting Kirk, though I got him really quickly I know people who didn’t get him at all [which isn’t much of a loss]).
        BOOP, BEEP. RAGE BEEP. Hilarious


  7. Did the poll. Should we be expecting another event tonight?


  8. Overall I loved star trek. I loved everything i got from it, the adjustments you made to drops were just right. Everything was challenging yet still possible. Just a little suggestion. Stop doing updates right before the weekend when theres no one in the office to see them though, its highly irrisponsible. You made up for the enterprise crash with compensation and friendly customer service so I forgive you but come on! If you dont work weekends then do updates on tuesdays so you can be around if something goes wrong like that. Your customer support is fabulous when reachable.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We will still continue to do polls, including and overall so make sure you put those kind of comments into those polls so they see them when I forward them on. 😉


      • I missread at first I thought you meant you were forwarding these comments to them as well. Oops


        • Nah. It is OK. They do read our site, but not every single comment. That’s why I like to focus things in one spot, then I can link them to the one post or in this case, send them a copy of all the poll results. So it’s all in one place. 😉


          • In my poll comment since it was about characters I requested they dont put skins in premium mystery boxes. I didnt appreciate having to spend all those clams on stuff I didnt want to get to the good prize. I hope that other players will suggest the same.


            • It is a tough one for that. I have mixed thoughts on each Mystery Box. But Characters in there are really rough depending on how it is set up and what else is in it. So definitely something I would like further looked into personally.

              Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for taking this poll. It is great that they are seeking player feedback and I hope it improves future events!


  10. The poll for needs to be fixed. You have radio buttons where multiple choice check boxes should be, and no n/a option where the question might not apply.


    • As stated in first paragraph… “Please take a look at the polls and answer all the questions you can that apply”… so only answer the ones that apply to you. Skip the ones that don’t. 😉


  11. The poll doesn’t work properly :O


  12. This question: “What Characters were you able to Create in the Replicator during the Star Trek Event?” (Check All That Apply) is set up as a single-choice radio button and not as a multiple choice checkbox, so it is impossible to choose more than one. You’ll need to fix that one if you’re going to get meaningful results for it.


  13. Bunny you need to fix the poll. You have a question where you should have used check boxes so we could “check all that apply”. Instead it a one answer pip for choices.


  14. Hi bunny
    I’m trying to complete the survey but can’t answer one of the questions fully.
    The question asking to check all characters that were created in the replicator is only letting me select 1 rather than all that apply


  15. Hi, I just want to fill Your form, but there is a tiny problem with question “What Characters were you able to Create in the Replicator during the Star Trek Event? (Check All That Apply)”. You can choose only one option and I have more than one character to choose.


  16. You can not check all that apply in the characters that were created in the replicator.


  17. Submitted my thoughts but the replicator characters question would only let me select one character, not all of the ones I unlocked?


  18. Fyi, the question about which characters one was able to replicate in the replicator has radio buttons rather check boxes but you ate asked to check all that apply.


  19. The replicator section uses radio buttons instead of checkmarks which seems to be unintentional but prevents selection of all that apply.


  20. I can’t put multiple options in on the characters earned the the replicator question.


  21. Bunny the Poll is not working right for question What Characters were you able to Create in the Replicator during the Star Trek Event?
    You are only able to make one selection you cannot click all that apply


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