Monthly Archives: April 2015

New Starfleet Rupert Mystery Box!

FYI… You will need to be upgraded to Warp Core 6 and Phase 6 to see this Mystery Box. 

Hey there Tribblemakers!

With another week added to the Trek Event, TinyCo is also offering their usual “Game Currency” Mystery Box. This time in the form of Starfleet Rupert. So just what can you win inside this Fun lil Dilithium Crystal Mystery Box? Starfleet Rupert Mystery Box



WARNING: Tribbles and the Computer Bank can repeat. 

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Star Trek Character Profile: Phase 5 Costumes, Picard

Note: Before I get into the post I wanna give a shout out to the Addicts that work with my husband at the MLB Network.  Hi everyone at MLB Network!  And yes…he really is my husband.  Go see him tomorrow he’ll have some stuff for you….oh and thanks for being Awesome! -Alissa 

Hello There Space Clammers!

Star Trek has taken over Quahog!  A Starfleet Shuttle has conveniently crashed in Quahog and apparently someone decided that the future of the Galaxy should rest on Peter’s shoulders.  (cause that sounds like a smart idea!)  It’s your mission to help Peter save the Galaxy, after all it’d be a pretty boring game if he did it by himself!

Along the way you’ll unlock skins/costumes for your favorite residents of Quahog…and in some cases your favorite Star Trek Characters!  These costumes will help you earn items needed to unlock other characters and more Dilithium Crystals, the much needed event currency for this event!  During Phase 5 (week 5), there are two costumes you can unlock and one of those is Picard a skin for Locutus.  Let’s take a closer look at this costume and see just what happens when you unlock it in your Quahog…


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Star Trek Event Extended!!!

Hey there Tribblemakers!

I know many of you that got the in game messaging responses in regards to an extension are patiently waiting news of just what will happen with the Event. For now, it is still showing as just 1 day (01D)  left in the Menu. So, will there be an Extension?

Star Trek Event Extended Continue reading

Star Trek Enterprise: Replicator (Phase 6)

Hey there Tribblemakers!

The Final Frontier and Phase is upon us. The last of the items are now in the Replicator to create. So what items were recently added? Replicator Ice Cream

For items from Phase 1, see the main Replicator post HERE. 

For items from Phase 2 & 3, see the post HERE. 

For items from Phase 4 & 5, see the post HERE

Let’s take a look at the items you can get for Phase 6 of the Star Trek Enterprise Event. Continue reading

Star Trek Character Profile: Phase 5 Costumes, Talosian Stewie

Hello There Space Clammers!

Star Trek has taken over Quahog!  A Starfleet Shuttle has conveniently crashed in Quahog and apparently someone decided that the future of the Galaxy should rest on Peter’s shoulders.  (cause that sounds like a smart idea!)  It’s your mission to help Peter save the Galaxy, after all it’d be a pretty boring game if he did it by himself!

Along the way you’ll unlock skins/costumes for your favorite residents of Quahog…and Meg!  These costumes will help you earn items needed to unlock other characters and more Dilithium Crystals, the much needed event currency for this event!  During Phase 5 (week 5), there are a couple of costumes you can unlock, including Talosian Stewie.  Let’s take a closer look at this costume and see just what happens when you unlock it in your Quahog…Talosian Stewie

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Star Trek How To: Borg Bertram Battles Part 2

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Warp Core 6 is now live in our games and we now have a 2 more Borg Bertram’s to Battle. So what kind of changes can you expect with the new Bertram and the Characters to help out to get Dilithium Crystals and Dark Matter?Clawed Borg Bertram Continue reading

Quahog Star Trek Walkthroughs: Phase 6

Hello There Clammers!

Star Trek has arrived in Quahog!  And with this sixth phase you’ll battle a more powerful Bertram, defeat the Borg  & try not to throw your phone across the room as you blow stuff up!

During Phase 6 several questlines will popup in order to help you understand the event ahead, and prepare our Tiny Quahogs for travel to the Enterprise!  Working your way through these questlines will help you earn more Dilithium Crystals and XP to help you better move through the event, and buy Enterprise items!

So what are we waiting for?  Let’s take a closer look at the main questlines for phase 6 that you’ll encounter…

Bladed Borg Bertram

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Addicts Meet & Greet Recap

Hey all~

Taking a step out of the Event for a minute to flash back to a really cool thing that happened at the end of March. Addicts Meet and Greet. Woohoo!!

Addicts Playing Games Continue reading

Random Family Guy Poll: Social

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Just thought it would be fun today to step outside the box and get some ideas of just WHERE people go when seeking information. We like to find ways to inform our readers on the latest stuff we find on the games. There are just so many locations to go nowadays when it comes to Social. Some have been around for what seems like forever. Some are just starting up.

So I figured, why not ask?

Take a peek at this poll and let us know what YOU think about/use when it comes to the Social options out there.

Thanks so much! Your feedback helps us. 🙂


Star Trek Enterprise Crash

UPDATE 4/28, 1AM: TinyCo has released the patch and it has been running now for bout an hour. Please make sure you force close the app. Restart your device if needed. Let us know if you still have issue getting to Enterprise or using the Inventory. 

UPDATE 4/27 330PM: TinyCo has found the cause of Enterprise and Inventory Crash. Fix should be out VERY soon. Once in place, a Force Close and/or Restart of device should help to put it into effect.  

UPDATE 4/27: They should be getting into the offices soon. When I get any updates on the progress, I will let you know. In the meantime just do what you can until this is resolved.(They were working on it all weekend.) I let them know many of you are wanting an extenstion, but feel free to pass it on too within your game or email. As always, your feedback is helpful. Just remember, kindness goes a long way. 😉

UPDATE: Working further with TinyCo to help get this pinpointed, so please help on your end by sending in details of what YOU are experiencing with the Enterprise crash. Right now, this is what they are looking for…. 

1) Does reinstalling the game fix it? (Please sign up for an account first!)
2) What actions do players most recently remember setting characters on?
3) Is anyone on iOS?
**4) If a player is crashing when visiting the Enterprise, and has access to an additional device, can they play as normal on the NEW device?**

So try an Uninstall/Reinstall ONLY if your game is saved to an email or Facebook that you can reload the saved file from. If not saved, save it! It really needs to be linked no matter what so you do not lose all the time you put in your game if something like your phone lost or stolen happens or you get a new one too.

So far this looks to be Android, but we want to confirm… any iOS having issue of Enterprise not accessible?


Hey all you Tribblemakers!

This is what I get for attempting to take a few hours off. The game gets all cranky and decides to throw a tantrum and shut down. Pssssh. 😛

But seriously, I actually had a melt down with my phone and have been trying to get it fixed, then replaced. I was aware of the issues, just no way to get online to help report back. Sorry.

Short story long, I have been sending reports to TinyCo of all the things I was seeing you state you are experiencing. Continue to message it all in to them please. Use your game menu if you can get in, if not… email and send as MUCH info as possible. Device, Version, Player ID if you have it, Screenshot of the start screen if you do not, tell them what it is you are seeing and how long ago it started.

Consuela Technical Support Bunny Glitch Continue reading