Mob Rep Prizes: Breaking Down the Fake Romantic Gondola Ride

Hello There Clammers!

How are my favorite mobsters doing today?  Everyone working on racking up as much Mob Rep as you can?  (amidst all the crashes..which hopefully will be ending VERY soon)  So as we finish out week 1 and work our way into week 2, everyone should be earning Mob Rep at a decent rate.  So whatcha gonna do with all that Mob Rep you’re collecting?  Unlock really cool prizes of course!

While we’ve taken break in recent events from the prize chart, it’s nice to see TinyCo going back to it for the Mobster Event!  Of course it’ll take some work to unlock all of the prizes, but hey you have a month to do it!  So let’s take a look at the first “real” prize of the Mob Event…the Fake Romantic Gondola Ride…

Fedoras Mob RepFedoras Mob Rep

There are a total of 10 Mob Rep Prizes ranging in cost from 100 Fedora Mob Rep 1 up to 17,500 Fedora Mob Rep 1.  The Gondola Ride is actually the 4th prize awarded, and you’ll earn it once you reach 2,500 Fedora Mob Rep 1.  So let’s first take a look at the three prizes you’ll unlock before you reach the Gondola Ride….

Gurl Scout Cookies250 Cookies is the first prize awarded at 100 Fedora Mob Rep 1.  You’ll find the cookies to be very useful for you during this event, as they can be used to purchase buildings, unlock characters and hire goons!  So 250 Cookies is always a nice helpful prize for this event…

Clams10 Clams is the second prize awarded at 500 Fedora Mob Rep 1.  Who doesn’t love free clams?!  I think y’all know what to do with these guys!  Always a nice prize to win!

Gurl Scout Cookies750 Cookies is the third prize awarded at 1,000 Fedora Mob Rep 1.  As the third prize the cookie amount increases, which is always nice.  Again you’ll use cookies for unlocking characters, buying items in the store & hiring goons…a very helpful prize!

So now that we’ve given you the basics of the first three prizes…let’s talk about that fourth prize.  The first “real” prize for the event…the Fake Romantic Gondola Ride….because after all what’s an event about the I-talians (I can say that because I am one) without a Gondola Ride?  Either real or taking place at the Las Vegas Venetian (I’ve been on it…it’s fun.  But just hope you can get someone that can sing…otherwise it’s a long ride…)

Fake Romantic Gondola Ride

Prize: Fake Romantic Gondola Ride
Unlock Point: 4th Prize unlocked at Fedora Mob Rep 1
Size: 7×8
Does it Do Anything?: Currently, no.  It’s not even animated.  It just sits in your town.  BUT that doesn’t mean something won’t happen to it later.  TinyCo has been known to make changes to inactive prizes during events…so sit tight we may see something with this later in the event (at least some animation).
Personal Thought:
Not bad for the first “real” prize.  It’s a simple little decoration, that hopefully will have some animation added to it later.  Also, it looks great next to some of those Valentine’s Day decorations…if you’ve got them.

When unlocking the prizes you’ll have to claim them from the prize group in order to get them in your Quahog.  Once you’ve earned enough Fedora Mob Rep 1 to unlock the prize you’ll see this popup:

2015-06-09 01.32.21

You’ll still have to go to the individual prize page and tap “Claim” in order to get it in your town (this goes for the Cookies and Clams too…if you don’t tap claim you won’t see them).

2015-06-09 01.32.27

And that my friends covers the details behind this Gondola Ride…and yes, TinyCo has it spelled wrong. I just assume there are no Italians there 😉

What are your thoughts on the Gondola Ride?  How about the cookie and clam prizes?  How much Mob Rep have you earned so far?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!


48 responses to “Mob Rep Prizes: Breaking Down the Fake Romantic Gondola Ride

  1. The Gondola is okay, but I wish it didn’t have that gray strip at the end. That stops you from being able to connect it to the water/lake which would have been nice.


  2. Thanks for keeping us updated. Just wanted to say, that I noticed that if I send multiple goons to raid cookie trucks the Fedora count seems to collectively add. I just sent 2 and while the second hat was still floating on the screen my rep increased by 10 (5 for each truck)

    Also, I hope tinyco does something for those of us who didn’t exploit the fence. How am I supposed to compete with someone sitting on 22k?


  3. I put mine next to the Pawtucket Brewery Beer-Falls with it’s own gondala. Kinda fun. 🙂


  4. I can’t place my gondola ride 😕 anyone know what I should do? When I hit claim it didn’t show in my town, then I looked in my storage and there it was but I couldn’t pull it out. I’ve tried for 2 days now…should I just contact tinyco?


  5. At least you guys can easily see if you end up missing fedoras… My fedora counter icon at the bottom stopped showing the actual fedora count. Since yesterday it just shows %1% – so I can no longer see if the counter goes up while collecting. I have to click on the leaderboard to see the current count. And hope I have kept correct count of starting number and then all the additional adds to see if the ending total is “about right”


    • Try restarting your device to see if it comes back. If not, let them know.


      • KnowledgeThePoet

        At all cost do not I repeat do not uninstall and reinstall the game I did that trying to fix my problem had 4,000 cookies and then my cookies went to 0 now I’m stuck trying to rebuild my cookies smdh


        • If you lost them from an Uninstall… something else is going on in your game and you need to contact TinyCo on it right away. I have reinstalled 4 devices since the new Content and Patch hit Android. My cookies are just as I left them.


  6. When I go into the individual prizes page ALL of the prizes are highlighted as claimable for me, even though I only have a mob rep of 2263. Anyone else getting this in their game? Not gonna lie it’s pretty tempting to click claim for them all but I don’t wanna face the wrath of TinyCo and potentially be bounced from the global leaderboard for ‘cheating’!!!

    Also cookie trucks appear to have stopped turning up in my game, haven’t had any in the last 24 hours and absolutely no sign whatsoever of the mythical gold truck either (been logging in every few hours to check). Considering they were spawning almost constantly beforehand it’s a bit strange, or is this supposed to have happened as part of the upgrade?


  7. Just sent this in within game message to tinyco.
    anyone else having this issue?

    new crash. game crashed when I cicked on the golden cookie truck.
    could you lower the cost for Cleveland as an apology for those affected by the previous 4 day game crash?


    • Me too! Can’t clear golden cookie trucks because the game will crash. And after rebooting 3 times the truck was gone, so were my goons but still no boxing glove. I sent in game message to TinyCo yesterday.


  8. Hey everyone, .. Special thanks to Alissa and Bunny for working so hard to get info to us all. ❤
    I was just wondering if anyone else is not getting the purple cookie trucks in their game… I got them last evening not long after week two went live and I updated the mansion, but have not seen one since .. Eight goons awaiting! Lol ..
    I have not seen a gold truck yet either and I play fairly constantly.. I even check in a few times during the night.
    Thanks for any info anyone has regarding this issue! ❤ 🙂 .. Just wondering is all…
    My motto with this game is 'Stay Calm and Just Keep Playing!" Lol


  9. KnowledgeThePoet

    The golden cookie truck appeared last night I defeated it and there was no payout not only that I placed 15 fancy fence bush or what ever and got no pay out tiny co needs to get it together I’m tired of my mob rep not going anywhere I was on the top of the leaders board at the don zuit suit Stewie and the bronze griffin house but all this not being able to collect my mob rep has pushed me all the way back down to zuit suit Stewie grrrr I’ve sent them reports but nothing back I’m about ready to give up on them


    • Since the update the fence no longer gives rep. This has been discussed all over the boards. TinyCo amended it due to many exploiting it as a way to move up the leaderboard. It was not being used as intended. It was meant to be a deco. As for the Golden Truck, I noticed if you have not upgraded the mansion it only pays out coins. Lastly, Mob rep will go up and down throughout the day for many reasons such as different time zones waking up, players reaching different stages in game etc.


  10. I been doing so so on this event considering I had the login bug. I was a bit peeved I didnt get a shot at getting the 1x and up prizes as that phase was replaced with the new upgrade.

    Any word on the disappearing gold truck?


  11. So I’ve had 2 gold trucks show up. Hit them with 6 goons and the game crashed. No gloves, lose my goons, and the truck leaves. Can’t get a response to get back what I’ve lost.

    Do you guys even test this crap internally?


  12. First question I finished one round at the casino and the star is missing today 😦 also when is the crash update going to hit apple I’m getting mad every time I try to make goons or click on Bonnie question mark thank god my bf has a iPhone a regularly use but when he’s at work I use my iPod which is not working for me and I already missed the golden truck 😦


  13. I’m amused by the Raids too, but have noticed often my Goon glides instead of struts to the truck. That’s a bit disconcerting to say the least LOL

    Oh, and I’m only up to 1600 Fedoras . . . got my work to do!


  14. I have noticed that when I send more than one goon out to raid a cookie truck, the 2nd, 3rd or 4th goon that finishes….the fedora is not added to my total. This has been going on since I was able to raid the trucks. I have reported it, with no answer.


  15. I have been unable to open the game on my iphone since around 4 this morning. The load bar makes it about halfway across on the splash screen before Ollie pops up and yells at me to upgrade. I’ve already upgraded. Clicking OK just sends me to the app store, and the only option there is to open the app. Opening the apps sends me back to the splash screen and screaming Ollie. Is anyone else having problems with this?


    • Let me ask this… did you update on android to the new patch and now trying to play on an iOS device that doesn’t have the patch?


      • No, both devices have the new patch. I generally use my tablet, which I am not having any problems with at the moment, but I use my iphone to play when I am away from home. It had been working fine up until this morning.


      • I deleted the app from iOS and reinstalled it. The game opened and worked. However, when I logged in from my account it sent me back to the splash screen and I’m back to the Ollie pop-up telling me I have to update. Not sure what to do from here?


        • So you did NOT have this game on an Android?

          At this point you will have to wait til the Patch hits the App Market. Sorry. Apple has it…just waiting on them to approve/release it.


          • No, I DO have the game on an Android device. It’s usually my preferred method of playing, but I do not take it out when I leave or go to work. I only use my iPhone to play when I am not home.

            It still works on my Android device—just will not open on iOS.


  16. Here I am again demanding you take me off your email list! Don’t make me get ugly with you stupid little girls! Quit emailing me!! I don’t want any updates. Quit emailiy me!Quit emailiy me!Quit emailiy me!


    • Dude CHILL THE FRAK OUT! We have ZERO control over the emailing lists. You MUST contact WordPress to be removed. It may require you to do some actual work besides just sitting here yelling at us (even though I know that can be difficult from behind a computer screen…such a rough life you must have)…but sorry YOU signed up for them so YOU have to contact WordPress to be removed. Here I’ll even help you out and save you the trouble of trying to work the search bar (since I know it’s a lot harder than sitting here yelling at us)… go there and follow the steps to UNFOLLOW.

      So i suggest you stop calling us stupid and take a good hard look in the mirror because you’re the one who signed up for the email alerts in the first place…

      Liked by 3 people

    • Exactly what Alissa said. I have already told you as well NUMEROUS times we do NOT control WordPress. We are NOT WordPress. We have no access to YOUR email. It is YOURS. So there is no way we can stop something that we have absolutely no access to what so ever that YOU set up.

      Instead of taking time to constantly harass us and be abusive to us on our site, you could have had this issue taken care of LONG ago… by following the steps YOUR email told you to do in the first place.

      Liked by 2 people

    • U done the right thing by posting that girls………..

      Shows people the irrational childish posts u have to put up with on the daily


  17. If you claim a prize do you keep your mob rep or do you pay it for a prize ?


  18. O Sole Miiiiiooooooo!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. 2024 fedoras counted and working on the gondola here. But I would already have it if all my earned fedoras were counted- after a few successful collections, one is skipped. In just a few hours, I tracked a loss of 20 fedoras. 😦 I reported it and I know you folks have reported the problem – any word on a fix? Or have they just been focusing on the crash problem? It might be more widespread than reported, especially if people tap and move on, letting hats and cookies fly up/down on their own. I started seriously tracking only when I lost 15 at once in the warehouse and had assumed I was just mistaken when I felt the counter had missed others. It could be due to a tiny typo in one line of the program. I’ve noticed it especially when goons are involved but it can happen with other characters or buildings. Otherwise, I still get a kick out of watching the goon routine… Which is why I’ve noticed, I stay to watch it! Less easily amused people might hit RAID and move on.


    • While all Fedora losses are tragic…be happy it’s only 20. I’m missing roughly 1500.

      Still no word on them replacing them yet. I know it’s one they’re working on, but I also know the crashing was top priority. As soon as we know more we’ll let everyone know 🙂


      • I’ve noticed that it’s mostly Fedoras that I collect within a few minutes of closing the app. The game used to save whenever I closed it, now it seems to lose the last few minutes. Has made collecting these dog food items really tough, as well as goon training. Can’t even count the number of times I’ve gone back to my game just to see that no goons have been hired, despite hiring all 6 slots before closing the app.


    • I started up the game at 2pm EST and now the counter says “961%”… The leaderboard says 2037, which might be right. I’ve only been tracking misses, forgot to record totals before quitting this morning. I’m still at the most recent version. Anybody else see this?


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