Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Clammers!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!

FG Addicts

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a lovely bunch of coconuts? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

How was your week? 

I want a recipe for an AMAZING dessert, who has one? 

See something in your neighbors town that impressed you?

Want some free Gift Cards??!! Got your ideas ready??!! Our EVENT CONTEST is in full swing. Make sure you email us your Entry by the Deadline!

Wan to drop us a note? You know we LOVE to hear from YOU!

Remember this post is for FUN!! If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DUECE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.

108 responses to “Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

  1. 😭 that girl I helped out of the abusive relationship blocked me on everything on my birthday 6/5/15 I was in love with her I feel so empty and lost now she was a big part of my life 😭😭 idk what to do any advice

    Btw I haven’t played the event much too sad I’m just finishing up getting Cleveland jr


    • Sorry. It was one of those I tried to warn about. It is just one of those situations you just got to let it go unfortunately. Know that no matter what YOU did or tried to do… you would not have been able to help. SHE has to change who she is. No one can change a person but themselves. You will only hurt yourself trying. So this is one of those that it is in your best interest to take the sting of the pain, but walk away. Find something else in your life to focus on. Put your compassion and caring into something else and in the future, try not to fall for those “fixer uppers” as 99% of the time they break you down too. 😦


      • 😭 thanks bunny she got out of the abusive relationship she was a lot happier this was the last thing she sent me so her just stop talking to me confuses me it felt like it came out of no where

        I love you, and your stupidness. you always make me smile even when my day is **** you’re a really amazing person and I love talking to you last night you made me realize how much I actually missed you and I’m happy I have you, I’m really lucky stupid ***


        • Like I said… rebound. When I got out of an abusive relationship, I did NOT want to deal with the drama of anymore. I wanted to focus on me. So I pushed everyone away. I was not ready.

          So… like I said… from personal perspective… walk away. Let her fix HERSELF. Become strong HERSELF. If you push, it will only push her away more and more and more. Even if you have good intentions. You will only get hurt. Then… there is the other thing… and this happens too many times to count… she could very well be leading you on. Telling you she left, when she didn’t. Telling you things are horrific, when they aren’t so bad… I won’t go into more than that. All I will say is people will do a LOT of odd things to get attention when they feel they are not getting enough.

          I am just saying, overall, this one has RED FLAG written all over it. As much as you want to be the good guy in this one, you will end up getting nothing more than scorned and hurt by it. Intentional or not.


  2. I never saw detective scrotes, did I miss something?


  3. “Don Corleone, the Godfather” is awarded to the top 10,000 Leaderboard players once the event is over… any idea as to whether this is a fully-mapped character or just a Deco?


    • We assume a Character. Will get more details closer to the end of the Event as all the Global Prize points will not be awarded until AFTER the event.


      • Thanks. I was ranked ~9000 until I hit the Tuba Wall, when I plummeted to ~40,000 and figured I would be lucky to get Zoot Suit Stewie. Since the Tuba Wall was cleared, I’ve clawed my way back to ~13,000 rank and was just curious how hard I needed to work on (play on) this game going into the final week. 🙂


  4. I’m trying to get Lois new costum but you need over 7,000 cookies and the purple cookie truck won’t give me cookies even tho it says it will I had them saved but they force me to use them on mr.washee to unlock Lois mission so it’s hard to get them back that sucks


  5. We need a parking garage for all those purple and gold cookie trucks between raids …. I wouldn’t mind one of each on my short roads, but it’s getting ridiculous.


  6. Ok why are tge nunchucks common and not always like the other goos items my good guise beanie building is not droppin nunchucks and i need a total of 63 to move on to the next level between raids and quests n it takes 4hrs to collect them and i only have a day and a half before next upgrade


    • Ask TinyCo. Mine still drop 99% of the time in my game.


      • I have Mr. Washee, Diabeto, and Junior plus the Beanie building all working to give me a chance at nunchucks every four hours. Typically only two, sometimes three produce. Definitely not the nearly always you are getting. So it could take me four hours for every money bag….. 😦


  7. While playing this event, I’ve had occasional inexplicable cravings for cookies. Not just any cookies, but ones with chocolate stripes and sprinkles. Fortunately, so far I haven’t found any but the chocolate striped ones in the grocery store (no sprinkles, deal killer). Please don’t tell me how to do it at home….
    I’m sure I would be disappointed anyway if I tapped the cookies and they didn’t automatically store themselves.


  8. Is it me, or are coins basically useless 99% of the time?? I’ve been playing for over a year (King Butt was my first theme) and have over 2,000,000 coins. I hate having to clear the coins just to keep my town clean. I wish they offered more expansion opportunities so I can spend my coins…and, display all the cool stuff I’ve collected. Anybody else having the same issue? Exchanging coins for clams would be awesome too…every 100,000 coins= 5 clams or something. Other than that…I love this game. Stopped playing Clash of Clans entirely.


    • This is how I look at this game and the other we write on… also the reason I do NOT put everything I own out on the land. Coins ONLY come into use main during District releases, no other time as Events… they always have their own Currency.

      So I store away Buildings and only occasionally keep the basic ones I need out, so I don’t have to keep collecting on them. Then I design specific areas and switch them out now n then. I usually keep an allotment of around 1 million coins handy. If I get low, I will pull some buildings back out to build it up again. Otherwise, game runs a lot smoother with out all those “extras” in it. My thoughts anyway.


      • Thanks. I do that too…but as much as I need to. I just like how I organize the town and I love some of the buildings. Guess I need to just pick and choose. This coming Christmas is going to be like decorating the house…busting out all my decorations.


    • I have been playing this game too long. I read your last line as Clash of Clams.


    • My GF fluctuates up and down between about 1 to 3 Million. She feels 500K is running low. She buys LOTS of the coin buildings or decorations for the 1 week mini events. The one with the water spouts…. she spent 2 million on those alone. For “decorating purposes” as she says. I know I spent a ton on campfires to be able to write fire messages all over my own town. 😉

      I also saw a player town once that was nothing but a swath of lake of the Beer River with roads through it and the odd grassy area with buildings. Cost them MILLIONS! 🙂


  9. So, I’m curious… according to Addicts Guidelines, this is a Spoiler Free Site summarized like this:
    “ANY content of the game until either it is directly confirmed by TinyCo or live in the game itself.”
    “do NOT post any links to sites not ran by TinyCo that have “spoilers.”

    That said, when I mentioned the 24 Hour Eagle Statue back on Wednesday… is that considered a spoiler? I’m also 100% positive what the last goon is(My GF GUESSED it 2 weeks ago and I read the code to confirm!) and the THREE characters we have yet to receive that isn’t Mob Bonnie or DON Corleone. **** I”ll stay mum on the last one, but my theory is it’s the Don’s Competition. 😉

    Basically, can we speculate, theorize, or talk about these things or are they considered spoilers? I mean the coding is in the game, It’s just technically not live quite yet.


    • Here is the thing… the LEGAL side of it. It is ILLEGAL to post ANY information from the “game files”. So to keep our standing with our site and our access, we abide by ALL those rules and guidelines set forth by the Company who’s game we are writing about. It’s the law. We follow the law.

      Secondly, and this goes for BOTH games we write on… regardless if it is “in the files” that does not mean that it will go live in the game nor even go live as originally coded in the files. Time and time and time again we have seen this game (and the other we write on) with MANY items in the files that never make it to the game or are changed so much by the time they go live, they are nothing like originally seen.

      So to keep to the information we provide on this site to be as accurate as possible to things ACTUALLY in the game, we focus on facts and things we CAN confirm live in the game. We do not trust “unconfirmed speculation” as we know better in the years we have been doing this. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Something awesome happened to me yesterday. I wanted the Judge because he’s cheap and I had five dollars in Google Play credit. I also had a task where I could buy $5 worth of coins and get $5 worth of clams free, but I forgot about that while I was buying the clams and who really cares about coins anyway. But I bought 130 clams and then all of a sudden that buy coins get clams quest was complete and I got 130 clams free. But I bought clams, not coins so I got 260 clams for five dollars. And then a deal popped up saying buy $20 worth of coins, get $20 worth of clams free. I’m tempted to see if the same thing will happen, but I’m not willing to spend $20 all at once. I don’t know if I should report this or not though.


  11. Fyi, for those who accidentally purchased the slammer – TinyCo are refunding you because it is a known glitch to them. I did the same in week one and that was in their reply to me.


  12. YAY!!!!! I just sent Stewie to destroy the last Chumba Wumba, and with that, no more Pawtucket Brewery! WooHoo!!


  13. Is anybody else having issues with the videos to get free clams to load?


  14. Floyd Wetherton’s voice is absolutely hilarious! Worth the clams 🙂


  15. johnnyicemaker

    In the spirit of event “Cookies” here is my awesome desert recipe.

    Double Stuff Oreo Cookies
    Glass of Milk

    1-Hold Double Stuff Oreo Cookie, each hand grasping one of the two chocolate wafers, twist and remove one chocolate wafer “side” from each cookie.
    2-Dunk each removed chocolate wafer in milk for several seconds and then eat.
    3-Take remaining Oreo cookie “halves” with one side of chocolate wafer and Double Stuff filling and lightly press filling sides together.
    4-Dunk resulting “Quadruple” Stuff cookie in milk for several seconds and then eat.
    5-Drink milk.
    6-Repeat steps 1-5 as desired until entire package of cookies and/or milk are completely consumed.
    7-Enjoy Life!!



      I do have a killer home made Oreo Cookie recipe I love to use. It is a KILLER as there is a LOT of sugar used. LOTS… just like Oreos. 😛


  16. How many times can I purchase the Giant Golden Paper Crane and receive 1000 Mob Rep? Is it a one-time-only thing, or can I use 20,000 Cookies to purchase 4,000 Mob Rep, for example?


  17. Whelp, I was just randomly clicking around on facebook yesterday, thought I’d try the facebook version for sheets and giggles. Lo and behold, they have the beta up and running. Takes a minute to load, and only works on FireFox and Chrome for me at the moment. (Being a die-hard for Internet Explorer, I tried and tried to get it to work on it. Haha! I just don’t trust Google, love the search engine, but they seem a little…nosey…)

    My friend is ecstatic to finally get to play. (It’s refused to run on any of his devices since launch.) Happy to have him aboard.

    Aaaaaaaand now I’ve been sucked back into the game. Haha! I think from here on out I’m going to focus only on collecting canonical, show-related characters. Hopefully I can get Mr. Washee Washee by the end after taking a two week break.

    In other news: As I was out and about today, I saw a purple truck that looked EXACTLY like those in the game. As I sat there glaring at it, as I thought to myself, “If I only had a goon hired…”

    Can’t think of any good dessert recipes at the moment. I’ve just been sticking to the basic strawberries smothered in cool wHip lately. I’ve been craving some vanilla Dunkaroos, but can’t find them anywhere.


    • Google has been much better with privacy in the recent years. You can turn off any ads that use your personal information to cater to you, and they are transparent letting you know how much they know about you based off what you have told them.


  18. Sorry if two versions of this comment go through I had trouble logging in so I assume the post was lost. Anyway, I need help ladies! I just received a new quest the best around pt 1. It requires armored cookie trucks, but I do not have those.. so I’m unable to progress that quest. Disclaimer: I’m only on good to be a gangster pt 6.. Cleveland Jr put me back really really far. Not only getting him but moving him to level 3 took forever to progress the story. I’m sort of bitter about it lol. I tried searching for this but couldn’t find anything with the search terms I used.


  19. I have an awesome and easy buttering er cake recipe. Basically you buy a boxed chocolate cake mix…bake it like the directions say. Mix a can of sweetened condensed milk and a jar of caramel ice cream topping together. Pour hAlf the mixture onto each of the hot cake halves. Let them soak a bit. Dump one half of the cake intl a trifle bowl. Cover it with whipped cream and crushed butterfingers. Repeat with the other half. Store in the fridge.


  20. Hi. Question not a comment. Was curious if using clams to unlock a character, for example Washee Washee, will it still take away the gurl scout cookies?


  21. gahhh…have been feeling kind or stuck, BUT for the most part,completed “Rise To The Top”, i’m just about to be on “Good To Be A Gangster Part 8”,waiting on Mort&Jerome to finish their tasks to earn 2 stars on the Takanawa Estate Map!…oh yeah,I need tapes for Mr.Washee Washee and I have collected EVERYTHING for Gangster School Girl Tricia EXCEPT those 20,000 cookies 😔…don’t think it’s gonna happen!.Prized Possessions I won Security Octopus the other day LOL it’s gotta be my favorite deco so far out of anything else. ❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤
    🌸🌼🌺turned 24 yrs.old yesterday(June 28th) WOOHOO🌺🌼🌸


  22. Most of the star trek characters are maxed out, but my highest comicon character is 23. I am so tired of seeing Stan Lee all the time, but I don’t want to store him until he is maxed.


  23. I had been bouncing between 6k and 12k on the leaderboards, but the last few days I have stayed in the 3k range. I am very surprised I made it that high.


  24. Is there a way to increase my cookie count without spending clams? 20,000 cookies for Trisha’s outfit and barely halfway there. Mr. Washy Washy is paid, just waiting for a few more tapes. I’m doubting that I will reach another 10,000 cookies while still trying to unlock Washy and Cleveland’s boxing promoter skin before the events end. 😦


  25. This is a non FGQFS rant. WTD & yadda combined! have nephew who got married back east yesterday, but year ago had our family save a sept date. Lots of family drama and chaos behind scenes, but (heres my what the Deuce). They picked a weekend in June where his only brother was unable to attend, and never got formal invites to any family. Yet some how all nearby aunts n uncles attended as “invitees” cancelled but wife & i never got invited as well as some other family. while it is his right to do what he wants & have who he wants, it he way it has been done is a slap in face, to not even talk with half of family! Rest of family is not “officially” in the know still thinks they are getting married in sept, so we are fortunate that we have not purchased air tix, but if we had I’d realky be annoyed!!

    We were told about wedding in confidence, but now pics are popping up on social sites. So guess cat is out of bag!

    So not sure if we should send gift (as peace offering not to them but our brother n sis in law ) or just write them off as apparently all the past events such as our wedding which they attended meant little to them! I think common courtesy to family is to call or write and explain changes and why limiting guests. Or am i wrong?


    • I say send a small gift as a token of congratulations (just not money!!!). It will make you feel better about the situation. I’m sorry they did this to everyone, family can really suck sometimes!! I couldn’t imagine having a wedding without my siblings there. I’m all for just the couple going to the court house (or a pastor) and then making an announcement and maybe having a party for any one who wants to go, less headache and hurt feelings that way.


    • I wouldn’t worry about a gift- if you feel like it, do it. If you don’t feel like it, don’t. It sounds as though they were just terribly disorganized. Maybe a little something happened that made them rush to get married now (watch for birth announcements…) or someone got ill and they pushed it up for that or whoever was doing the real planning dropped out or got sick. There can be all sorts of innocent reasons for it, so don’t take it personally. Plans change. People make mistakes or just get overwhelmed.


  26. Hey Bunny,
    I have a recipe for a great raw black forest cake. Made mostly from cashews, cherries and coconut. Want it?


  27. Had such a positive experience with customer service. I am a premium player but only buy characters. Last night I accidentally purchased The Slammer. Contacted them and they refunded my clams. SUPER classy move on their part. They didn’t have to do that.


  28. Alyssa/Bunny, when you get time can you please post a character break down for the Judge. I would like to buy him seeing as how he is a main Family Guy character (wish he came with the Courthouse). Just want to see if he’s worth it. Thanks!


  29. Just got the consuela mob prize but not sure where the costume is. Do I get that in harringtons? I don’t see it there or in my inventory

    Liked by 1 person

    • As long as you own her as a Character… it will be in Al’s. If you do not, check Inventory first for her Home, then place it and get here, then go to Al’s for the Costume.


  30. It was really nice of TinyCo to change the tapes to an always drop. But, shouldn’t they also lower the clam purchase of a tape to an always drop item, not 15 clams each. Just wondering!!


  31. WooHoo! Finally crafted the last item for the Brewery, so no more having to deal with that! Seemed to take forever to craft all the materials, so glad that is over! *grin*

    On a side note, when will the chumba wumbas stop wandering my streets? I have the 2 I crafted stored, and I keep sending stewie to get rid of the street walkers, but they keep on coming back!


    • Once the questline is done… you will stop having them spawn. So make sure the questline completed too fully for the District. Then only the 2 you bought remained.


      • Congrats Robyn! The brewery was a B to complete. And when you are truly done, you will not want to see another chumba wumba again for a long while. And when you read comments from players thinking they are done, you may tell them they are not. Maybe wanna scream no, you are NOT done and then realize they have to go through it to understand the hell on earth that was!!! Lol


        • Thanks! I am already at the point where I no longer want them in my town, and yeah, it was a major B to complete, but i kept plugging along in between events and using the characters that were not in the events, until finally I crafted the last fountain, and checked off stewie’s plunging the pipework task as completed!

          So for me it was not so much torture, because there was always something else going on, just a very long process, but two words – beer taps! Arrrgh!


      • Okay, I guess I will keep sending stewie to wipe out the remaining chumba wumdas until they are dead and gone! And yes, after reading the 12 billion previous posts on the topic, I knew that all the questlines had to be done and all the limits had to be reached! *chuckle* My brewery is just a deco right now, and there are no further quests to be done as i finished the last of the them right before I posted my YAY!


    • Clarence Jones III

      Congrats! I am about 20,000 coins away from being done with the dumb item drops as well. Should be finished by Wednesday, woohoo!


  32. Completely randomn but Jesus gave me 2 clams today 🙂 I couldn’t believe it. I froze for a few seconds lol.
    Bunny, I don’t have an awesome desert recipe since I’m not too big on sweets but I do crave them once in a while. 😉 For those times, I would LOVE to find a desert that is hugely satisfying but super low in calories. If I ever truly find one, I will def pass it on 😉


  33. Took my wife to a coffee/desert shop this morning. It was a great time till she asked if I wanted to bring home a bunch of cookies…



  34. I’m wondering if we will be able to redeem our excess cookies and massive number of fedoras for any sort of decos or buildings. I’d love to be able to buy the Stewie and Brian statues, the chihuahua, crocodile (or is it an alligator?), CopaHavana, nightclub, Consuela’s safehouse and Fatfather’s mansion. There wouldn’t be room in my lil town, but having them in my inventory to use when redecorating would be nice. I’d love to buy another pair of the bad roaches for a nice knife fight with the ones I already have. I have two of the skilled ninjas duking it out in my lil town. LOL


    • Remember, MANY player are struggling to get just the amounts needed to gain the Characters and get the items already in the game. There are few and far between with a lot of “excess” Cookies.

      As far as your Mob Rep… that is the Leaderboards and nothing more. So your “Excess” there will get you that current prize you end up on.

      As in past Events though, there will most likely be some kind of Cookie Box.


      • Thanks for the info.


      • Could you please elaborate on what you mean by “As in past Events though, there will most likely be some kind of Cookie Box.”
        The Star Trek event was the first FGTQFS event I ever played, I starting playing the game in week 2 of that event, and due to moving and not having internet service I missed the last 2 weeks of that event.
        I bought with clams the 500 cookie machine and the 200 cookie machine so I have a ton of cookies, enough to buy the skins for Lois,Trisha, and Bonnie when she comes out with a ton of cookies to spare, so I am curious what you mean by Cookie box, what have the other big events done?
        Also I was one of the people who spent tens of thousands of cookies on decos “I have over 525 bushes, and 330+ Bamboo patches
        and I still have some 27k+ cookies, most of which are earmarked for the character skins but with 11 days in the event left I’m sure Ill have some 15k+ cookies to spend.


        • In the end of each Event (either last day or just shortly after… depending) they usually have some kind of Event Currency Mystery Box full of decorations and possible other items from the Entire Event. All we can do is wait and see, but I always wait til the last day to spend my “extras”


  35. Finally unlocked Mr. Washee Washee. YAY!

    Now its just finishing off the Week 3 quest line, which I’m at Part 7. I still need to destroy Fort Nox again.


  36. wildthornberry88

    Hey, what kinda desserts do you like? Fruity ones? Chocolatey ones? I have plenty of recommendations! I’m trying to put an event plan together too; I hope to email it tomorrow ^_^


  37. I went on an 11 day vacation, and have not had Cleveland Jr. unlocked yet. 🙂 I’m taking this event slowly now, but I am kinda bummed that I will probably not get Consuela, as I am a freemium player. I only have 4,111 mob rep.


    • Hmmmm, 11 day vacation or imaginary character in a game…. that is what is known as a no-brainer! *chuckle*


    • I took a 3 day vacation from all games this weekend. It was wonderful and felt like a “real” vacation. Went for long walks on the beach, hung out with friends, live music, etc. So relaxing to cut the cord for a little while, it dropped my leader board position by 50,000, but I don’t care.

      Liked by 1 person

  38. since this is an open thread and it is also supposed to be fun, Bunny have you ever Googled Continental Rabbits?
    I love some of those pictures,, and the FEET on some of them, cracks me up every time I see those pics.


  39. OK with the 4th of July coming up next week, I hope they do a Rocky mini side quest,,Why?
    If you google
    Family Guy -Rocky
    there are three videos of Family Guy episodes in which they have Rocky Cutaways , and in the original Rocky movie, Rocky fights Apollo Crede on the Bi-centennial (1976) our country’s 200th birthday (4th of July)
    so since Family Guy has done at least 3 episodes with Rocky cutaways and it is the 4th of July next Saturday and this event has already touched on the whole Boxing thing, it would be sweet to see Peter (as Rocky) fighting Cleveland (as Apollo Crede) and hopefully it will not be Clam based, but something you can earn (relatively easily) to celebrate the 4th of July.


  40. Need help. Newbie with clam purchases. Purchased a $50 iTunes card. My Apple ID says I now have a $50 credit. However, when I try to purchase $49.99 worth of clams it says I have Insuficient funds. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to have a credit card attached to the account even though I have enough credit? I don’t want it to hit my credit card.


  41. Finally caved and bought some clams, opened the boxes and got the conveyer belt. People keep complaining this game is a “money grab” well yeah, they need money to pay people to make the game! :p

    Liked by 1 person

  42. For all those celebrating, Happy Pride Day, and how wonderful you can also celebrate the highest court in the land recognizing your right to marry whoever your love!

    And Bunny, here is a recipe for an amazing dessert bar, if you are looking for something less formal.


    ½ cup butter, melted
    ½ cup brown sugar
    1 egg
    ½ teaspoon vanilla
    ¾ cup flour plus 2 tablespoons
    1 cup mini chocolate chips + 1/2 cup for top
    5 Butterfinger bars, king size

    8oz. cream cheese, room temperature
    1/3 cup sugar
    1 egg
    1 teaspoon vanilla

    Create a sling by lining the pan with foil so that there is a one inch overhang on each side. Cover foil with bake spray. Heat oven to 375 degrees F.

    Melt butter and let cool to warm. Add in brown sugar and mix to combine. Add in egg and vanilla extract and mix to combine. Add in flour and fold to combine. Add in 1 cup of mini chocolate chips and fold to combine. Pour mixture into pan; set aside.

    Add all ingredients in a bowl and beat until blended. Set aside.

    Press 3/4 of cookie mixture into pan. Place Butterfinger bars side-by-side on top of cookie dough. Pour cheesecake mixture on top. Crumble remaining cookie dough sprinkle on top of cheesecake layer along with remaining 1/2 cup of chocolate chips all over top. Transfer pan to oven and bake for about 30-40 minutes at 375 degrees F. Remove from oven set on wire rack to cool.


  43. Recipe for One Big Chocolate Chip Cookie

    Prep Time 5 minutes
    Cook Time 12 minutes
    Yield 2 servings, one 7-inch cookie


    2 Tbsp salted butter
    3 Tbsp packed light-brown sugar
    1 pinch salt
    1 tbsp whisked egg*
    1/4 tsp vanilla extract
    1/3 cup all-purpose flour
    1/8 tsp baking soda
    1/4 cup chocolate chips, divided


    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place butter in a microwave safe mixing bowl. Heat in microwave until nearly melted (you want it almost all the way melted, remove from microwave just before completely melted and stir to fully melt. You just don’t want it too hot or it will cook the egg and melt the chocolate chips when stirring).

    To melted butter, add brown sugar, salt, 1 tbsp egg, the vanilla, flour and baking soda. Stir with a spoon until well combined, about 20 – 30 seconds. Mix in 3 tablespoons of the chocolate chips. Shape dough into a 3 1/2-inch disk on a Silpat or parchment paper lined baking sheet, gently press remaining 1 Tbsp chocolate chips randomly over top and sides of cookie. Bake in preheated oven 12 – 14 minutes, until cookie is golden. Serve warm or allow to cool on a wire rack then store in an airtight container.

    *To get 1 Tbsp egg, crack egg into a small bowl, whisk until yolk and white are well blended, then measure out 1 Tbsp. Reserve remainder for another use (aka tomorrows breakfast). N.B. one tablespoon of egg is not quite enough. tip a little extra into the batter. your cookie will come up much more cake-like and be much less likely to crumble.

    ** Since i’m a chocolate fiend, i add 3 teaspoons of cocoa powder to the batter to make a chocolate chocolate-chip cookie.


  44. Ugh. So many goons…taking a “mental health” day to feed my snakes then off to the firing range with Winona and Vera…


  45. FINALLY got Jailhouse Meg. FINALLY got Week 3 done this morning. FINALLY making a bit of headway on the blimp (used reverse psychology and did the plutonium first). FINALLY feeling like I’m almost caught up.

    By the way, TWELVE hours to eat boogers? COME ON! (LOL)….which reminds me…..where’s the weekly “What the Deuce” post?


    • There never was a “Weekly” one. It is just a page we refresh now and then… but they are open ALL the time. So post on it at anytime you need to use it. The most recent is always linked right here in this thread. 😉


  46. If nobody else says it first……..

    The only amazing dessert for you would be carrot cake 🐰🐇🍰


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