Hey there Screaming Slashers!

Quick bounce by as you’re going to be seeing some changes and pop ups in your games shortly if not already.




This will give us all one more week to continue working on all the things going on in our games as well as allow them time to release all the remaining content they still have.

So hang in there. Go at a pace that works for you. More to come in our games and now more time to work on getting those things.



69 responses to “EVENT EXTENDED ONE WEEK!!!

  1. Well, that’s just awesome because I’m still on Phase 3 because I’m having a really hard time getting scream points. I really wanted to get Ruth so as to complete the group, and I had already accepted I’d miss her, but now I have a chance. I have enough reels for the 5th object on page 4 of the booth, so I may make it now. I don’t think I’ll get Death’s Mom but I’ll be happy with Ruth at least 🙂


  2. Well thats cool. I m actually bang on track anyway. I caught up in week three and have been on the pace through week 4. I havent been buying the final reel prizes and only getting things that quests made me get so plenty reels to quickly buy the needed items and start collecting for characters. Just unlocked Patrick and Megs last friend.


    • Same here. After falling behind i got caught up. Unlocked Patrick yesterday, unlocked Ruth tonight and killed the second clown for part 10 30 minutes before the timer for the next phase ended. Got 122 reels saved and ready to go for phase 5.
      Bring it hehe


  3. Well, I can see that Albert (hook hand) and the Pope will be two of the characters later today – or tomorrow – as they were included in the episode just recently. Couldn’t figure out who the wind chime guy was until I saw him in the same episode.


  4. did they also give a bunch of glasses away as well as extending the game because last night I was 7 glasses away from joes house skin so this morning I was able to buy it (what with the over night tasks I knew I had enough) then I checked how many I had left by buying(?) the prison skin , it said 150/150!! So I bought that too then I bought evil stewie doll thing then I got the buggy then a bus then 3 pirates.ive still got over 30 glasses left, wahoo!!


  5. So glad with this, I’m still in the middle of week 3, and I probably still won’t get everything, but at least I get a bit more 😄


  6. Hi bunny,
    Is there any news about another Ollie’s mystery box?
    two days ago my Peter had a “!” over his head that triggers another pop up for a second Ollie’s box (a second round).
    Sadly, that was only a bug and no boxes for me ;_;


  7. Probably still not enough for me to finish (LOL) but thank you Tinyco!


  8. Wow. Wonder if they suspected people would get too far behind when scheduling the events after this one? So the extension might have been anticipated as a possibility and so they didn’t plan something else in that extra week. I’m now in phase 4 finally (freemium, checking the game quite a few times a day), level 12. Have only just placed the looney room and am probably days from unlocking Patrick. So I have several hundred reels to go before I can even start Ruth’s timer, meaning it will be a long time before I get past the early part of the main quest line requiring that. The extension will mean I’ll be able to enjoy phase 5 rather than just getting a brief peek at it.


  9. Well, it is 1:00 am pacific time, and my game still shows the event ending in 7 days, 14 hours, no extension reflected. I checked, and there is no update available. Using Android, Galaxy Tab S and a Galaxy 6 Edge


  10. This came as a surprise, I’ve managed to keep up with this event, by using some Clams, and I have 1,108 Film Reels banked for tomorrow’s update, but I’m glad that this will give those that are behind sone extra time to finish the event. 🙂


  11. this is pretty awesome THANKS TINYCO! y’all are the best!i caught up to the beginning/ middle of phase4 && reason why it took me longer than expected to get to this point was because it was somewhat time-consuming to unlock Death’s Dog.once i got him, the rest of phase3 went by pretty quickly&Now i have Clowns running around, but they seem kinda scarce in my town? i bought the clown car for MORE to spawn out, but so far it doesn’t seem any are even spawning at all from that?(and wow i’m so surprised they made that clown car that spawns clowns into a FREEMIUM thing instead of having to buy it wit clams! i think this is a first i’ve seen so far since i’ve played for over a year now!😉😊) i’ve had roughly 1-2 clowns ONLY runnin around at one time since i updated to phase4,so don’t really know what’s goin on wit that i hope i am wrong bout it.Also, did everybody notice that when you upgrade to phase4,the drops in the Concession Stand are all different.each option now jus has a pic of a film reel on each one and in my game,the total numbers of popcorn, soda, and licorice needed to trade in are ALOT lower than what they were before….my only concern at the moment is those gunpowder barrels&&how you can ONLY get them from very FEW characters and buildings…OTHER THAN ALL THAT STUFF!!!: i’m enjoying this event MORE wit every new content released. It should be damn well noticeable now that TinyCo., are making the many changes especially for us Freemium playas,to makes It a lil easier for us to get all the characters&& i feel as if they are giving us the same chance almost as premium have to progress thru our games successfully. For anybody who are NOT enjoying this event anymore, THE END IS VERY NEAR so all you guys’ suffering shall be over and done wit here pretty soon lmao!!!


    • I’ve got plenty of gunpowder because the drops from Death’s doggie and his mom’s house are pretty frequent. But the bottleneck is the capacity of the prop shack, so juggling four different launchers has been difficult especially since clowns need three cannons and the horsies need two pumpkin launchers and they take a long time to make. The only option so far to increase capacity is a premium clam purchase, which goes against my religion… 🙂


  12. If they really wanted to help, they should cut down the crafting times in the concession stand. I have more things than I can craft for the next two weeks, and that is the bottleneck for this event…getting reels quickly enough.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Yes, that is something I have mentioned a few times. I know that many people (including myself) have found the crafting time does take too long. If it was shorter you would be able to craft enough items to get the reels very quickly! Maybe TinyCo thinks that this would just make the game too easy (also I think they seem to like premium players spending clams to hurry these things along). At least they have been kind enough to give everyone an extra week for this event, this hopefully will give more players time to craft more items.


    • I gave TinyCo feedback regarding crafting times and tried to play on their pocketbook by suggesting that lower times would provide incentive to increase the capacity and purchase decos that produce crafting items.


  13. Oh yes! Im so happy! Though my only concern is if they will place more content in during that fifth week. If they pull a Star Trek event, for me that will sort of defeat the purpose of an extension, only on the sense that we’re playing catch up only to need to play catch up sooner for new content… Wow I really hope this doesn’t sound like I’m angry, it was only meant as a little bit of criticism not like… Augh, blegh, bunny you know me already hnnggg lol nevertheless, I’m grateful!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mainly I think that they will just stagger the last few items and Characters that would have been in Week 5 and now split them between 5 & 6.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think they should just release all of week five once week five starts if that is the case. The only reason I say that is because it gets all that content out at once so you can just go right for it once you’re done with this (week 4) phase. But who knows. Either way, I’m in the process of playing catch up and at the Meg insect deco thing so it’ll be a while for me.


  14. Yes on the extra week. I’m really on track and am ready for the next phase – except for missing those way too costly last items from the movie projection booth. That extra week will help those who are behind at least finish up. My only fear is that they will add extra stuff and the players that had a chance of finishing will get disappointed yet again. I’d really love a week off to rest and relax.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. chocolate thunda

    Most of you guys are complaining because you don’t hace the cyclops house. Well I don’t even have the shine bright twins so stop complaining. Also I am finding deaths dog hard to get,i is anyone else.


  16. Thank goodness for this! Compared to the past few events, this time I’d kept up fairly well until mid-phase 3 – then progression just ground to a halt. I’m a day or so into phase four now, and I check in multiple times a day and have been playing for over a year! Considering this issue seems to happen with every event lately, let’s all hope TinyCo learns from this and paces future content more reasonably for all players.


  17. Thank you so very much fur the extension. As is, I’m roughly a week behind, due in part to the Scream Level / Concessions tradeoff issue early in the event. The extention should give me just enough time to finish. This has been one of the more difficult events, but I think I’ve also had less time to play this one. Work + Haunted House obligations + not disrupting my sleep cycle this time around. In the past, I’d actually taken to setting several alarms to wake up throughout the night and give myself a leg up. It became a little disruptive to my actual life.

    Hope the folks who’ve already finished, or would finish by the original end date get a little something extra! Y’all are troopers!


  18. Janelle Hoshing

    Nooooo. I don’t have a problem with the event I’ve actually been ready for phase 5 since Monday. However I just started playing in August and I don’t have all the districts unlocked. I’m trying to build the blimp right now and having most of the characters needed turning into wolves for an extra week is awful! Can we have the option to end on the 5th if we’re on track. I honestly don’t need the extra time. I have over 700 reels I’ve been saving since Sunday I’ll literally be finished with phase 5 the day it launches.


    • The same happened to me and Tom Tucker/Vinny. Me and my awful timing for this games, lol. I’d say that you manage your cannonballs. If you are so ready for Week five then you’ll have no problems because you won’t need Bonnie, Joe and those that much; and you could devote your prompt shack to cannons mainly. Use your cannonballs for Brian and Stewie as priority to get blimp parts. Also, remember that Seamus and Meg help, and so does Lois if you have her free. Just time their actions and turn them back to normal when they’re ready.
      For Tom Tucker, Hartman and buildings will help when you get there (I got most of his parts like this), but you will need Brian and Stewie too. If you happen to have 5o clams and want to but Jake, he won’t turn. Apparently characters acquired after the wolves don’t turn. And for Vinny, you can send them to do that dance shared activity with no problems because they don’t turn if they are on shared activities.
      Well, hope it helps. I had to the same planning, so I can say you’ll manage! 🙂


  19. It needs a week extension by design, Meg’s friends on 7 day timer have required all of the new concessions to even begin to unlock. That took most of the phase so I was wondering how it would be achievable if a similar mechanic was employed in the last week, now it makes sense.


  20. Im really good with the reals and all, but my scream level is only lvl 12. Any tips?


  21. Indeed, nothing’s truly feels so much better than the smell of hope.


  22. I still have 900 reels at the moment (and already have all the content from phase 4 – including the Rainbow Barf creature), have finished all quests from phase 4 as well (except the long and ongoing Parade of Horribles quest line). I am ready for phase 5 to hit – and now we are told that there will be an extra week? I would have been able to take things a little bit slower if I knew this would be the case 🙂 , TinyCo rarely ever extend the events.
    I also agree that it would be nice if they could offer the skins (school / Griffin house) once more – with the much better value of trade-ins at the concession stand from phase 4, I would probably be able to get them with the amount of reels I have been able to obtain at the moment.


    • i would wait till phase 5 drops before i started making plans on how to spend my film reels. tiny co has a bad habit of making the final final item expensive, and it is usually a character or skin (hot meg/ captain kirk/ jesus/mr weed) so the final item in the projector booth will most likely be a charactet or skin for one of the characters and mostly likely be around 1000 film reels.


      • I no longer have the option of the skins for the school or Griffin house anyway (the time on both has expired). I already have spent my reels for all of the phase 4 items, with 900 reels left over. So I don’t have anything (at the moment) to purchase before phase 5 starts.


  23. i know you’ve said a lot about concession stand, but just wondering if it gets better again, I was starting to get somewhere phase 3, and have only just got deaths dog to start phase 4 this morning. However my options for trading have drastically reduced again. First off just liquorice, then 1 liquorice option 1 high chocolate option and one soda that disappeared as soon as used it.
    Do the options open up a bit again??
    It’s slowed me right back down
    Thanks for the help


    • Check Phase 4 live post for a HUGE list of options I’ve seen. My honest suggest is collect them for a bit first, then trade. Won’t know til tomorrow how that’ll change.


  24. Hopefully they toss in an extra character to buy at least like the Star Trek extension. If I’m not mistaken that extra week brought us two characters actually. If not maybe let us attempt buying the “Freakin’ hard” items again with the last week. I’m sure they’ll think of something I can’t remember the last time Tiny Co let a week slip by without at least some type of new content.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Do you think they’ll bring back the chance of getting the Griffin House or the Prom Night building skins? I’d love to have another chance. I’d keep getting to those and a new week would start. Hard to delay the timer, let alone gather the reels! Maybe with another week, one of them may be possible!


  26. I think I am sort of on track, maybe a day behind, but shouldn’t be more than that, but as I still have the main districts as well, I appreciate this. I am about to open district 9, and hopefully I can now focus a bit on that next to the event without getting stressed.


  27. Well that’s very good, as I feel like I’m most of a week behind. Haven’t even gotten the Cyclops house yet, and still two more prizes after that this week in order to unlock the last of Meg’s friends.

    It’s the queue that’s the problem, it bottlenecks all progress. I’ve got TONS of materials of all types, but because it takes 45-90 minutes to craft each item, that severely limits the chance to actually use them to…get the other crafting materials needed to get the reels. And now that I write that out I realize how ridiculous that is.

    Character task->Get crafting materials for weapons
    Craft weapons->Get weapons for attacking monsters
    Attack monsters->get refreshments for crafting
    Use refreshments->Get reels
    Use reels->Unlock prizes

    The music event was, I feel, the best use of the queue since its inception, because it was just part of the event, whereas in this event (and to a lesser extent the mobster event), almost everything flows through it so it significantly gates progress.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes dude, thats right. Ridiculous. Now I have 2 characters on an 8 hour task, to get 2 pumpkins. Its 1h30m to get these pumpkincannons or what. Thats two times. So almost 10 hours to get one shot. Then I kill this horseman, and get 10 chocobars. I need now 60 choco to get 30 reels. So for 30 reels I have to wait at least 18 hours. Oh, cmon… Thats ridiculous. Event extended… So what? Not Happy with that. 😦

      Liked by 1 person

    • I agree about the times to create in the Queue are too long. No item should be over 1 hour. Its silly to take out Horsemen you have to wait 8 hours to get a Pumpkin and then another 90 minutes to create the Cannon. The model should be the long it takes to gain an item the shorter it should be to process it through the Queue.

      Liked by 1 person

  28. FREAKING SWEET! as Peter would say


  29. Ask and you shall receive! thank you tinyco!


  30. This is great! I’m only about 1 – 1 ½ days behind in week 4. I think this gives me a good chance to finish Phase 5. But hopefully this extension doesn’t mean that Phase 5 will be extremely difficult.


  31. Hey. I didn’t see any details on their Facebook page and I haven’t got any pop ups or anything and I know sometimes you guys have an inside track so I thought I’d ask this here.

    Does this mean there will still be new content on Thursday but we’ll have 2 weeks to do it? Or will they wait til next Thursday for the new content? I’m hoping and assuming the first one but this is only my 2nd big event and they didn’t extend the last one.



    • There is no answer for that. I assume same release tomorrow evening for Phase 5… then from there anything goes with the extra time. Possibly another drop next Thursday


  32. Will this mean an extra week of content?


  33. Awesome. There is hope. Yaaaayyyy!

    Now back to killing werewolves.


  34. Hand of pandora

    Yay! Hopefully this’ll give me time to catch up!


  35. As long as they release less than they extend it for, this is good. Cause right now I’m still trying to get cyclops house.


  36. Even with the extension I’ll still miss out on items unless they give more options in the concession stand.taking me to long to collect licorice.but the extension is good news though.


  37. Awesome. My wife just unlocked Al’s at the end of week 2.

    And this makes me a little more comfortable with the way they have been releasing stuff in the concession stand. Where you usually need the 7th item for drops. At least now we will have time to get drops from it.

    I also wonder if this means they will add another character to it for the extended week like they did with Star Trek by giving us Seven of Nine.


  38. I have to say that I lost a lot of interest in this game “knowing” that there was no way I’d complete the event, but this extension helps spark some of my interest again. Still might not get there, but it helps.


  39. This is my first event ever. I happened to download this game just as the event was released. While I am sure the answer is on your blog somewhere but I’m asking anyway. What happens when the event is over? Do you lose everything you have acquired so far. Outfits, buildings etc?


    • Anything you have live in your game, whether bought with Clams, characters unlocked and walking around, Building and Decorations acquired… all yours to keep. Items you did not buy or characters you don’t have walking around BEFORE event ends will go with event.

      Exceptions are Costumes/ Skins for something you unlock in a District later or. For instance if you got a Building Skin for the Prison but aren’t to the actual Prison itself in the Districts… the skin will sit in Inventory until you get there.


  40. Sweet. This should help all those who got stuck on week 2.


  41. DemonicElectronic

    That’s good to hear, I was wondering how much stuff/how fast we were gonna have to collect for 3 more characters in one week!


  42. Fantastic news and great to see them listening to the players 🙂


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