Li’l Griffins Event Side Questlines: Li’l Peter, Li’l Lois, & Li’l Giant Chicken

Hey there Rascals!

With all this cute lil stuff all over our games, you can’t help but feel like a lil kid. Now where did I put my Red Wagon and dog with a black spot around his eye?

The New Event of course brings with it some New Characters Questlines, Li’l Characters even. Like Li’l Peter and Li’l Giant Chicken.

Li'l Giant Chicken Li'l Peter GriffinLi'l Lois

Let’s take a look at Chicken, Fight!, Forever Young, & Li’l Lolita and all you will encounter along the way. 

The Main Post for Li’l Griffin’s is HERE.
Main Questline for Li’l Griffin’s is HERE



After It’s the Li’l Things Pt. 1
Chicken Hearted
Peter Starts

Unlock Lil’ Giant Chicken:

23 Stickers (Common):Steroid Chicks
11 Apple Juices (Always): Cockfight Training Center OR Buddy Cianci Jr High OR Li’l Malt Shop
9 Egg Polish (Rare): Mort Break Out in Hives OR Quagmire Drink at the Clam OR Li’l Giant Chicken Clubhouse Or Deluxe Playground Set
21 Chicken Wires (Common): Chris Eat a Large Ham OR Jerome Bake Sandy Scones OR Li’l Lois Bask in Popularity OR James Woods High
6 Bird Seeds (Uncommon): Quagmire Fantasize About Women OR Silly Clam OR Li’l Peter Li’l Shipoopi OR Li’l Lois Learn About Birds and Bees

Completed Task Earns 300Family Guy Coin, 150xp


After Unlocking Li’l Giant Chicken
Chicken, Fight! Pt. 1
Li’l Giant Chicken Starts

Have Li’l Giant Chicken Play with Hoop and Stick: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin, 20xp
Have Lois Practice Tai-Jitsu: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin, 20xp

Completed Task Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 25xp


Chicken, Fight! Pt. 2
Li’l Giant Chicken Starts

Have Li’l Giant Chicken Punch Li’l Punching Bag: 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp
Have Bonnie Twerk It: 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 25xp


Chicken, Fight! Pt. 3
Li’l Giant Chicken Starts

Have Li’l Giant Chicken Lay an Egg: 6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp
Have Bruce Frolic with Jeffrey: 12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 25xp




After It’s the Li’l Things Pt. 2
Li’l Peter Pecked a Peck
Peter Starts

Unlock Li’l Peter: 

16 Stickers (Common): Steroid Chicks
10 Kick Me Signs (Uncommon): Lois Teach Piano OR Joe Patrol the School OR Founding Father
5 Chocolate Milks (Rare): Bonnie Got To Ladies’ Night OR Bruce Fret About Something OR The Playground
14 Green Shorts (Common): Jerome Be a Superior Athlete OR Quahog National Bank OR Li’l Clubhouse

Completed Task Earns 200Family Guy Coin, 100xp


After Unlocking Li’l Peter
Forever Young Pt. 1
Li’l Peter Starts

Have Li’l Peter Li’l Shipoopi: 6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp
Have Peter Stub His Knee: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin, 20xp
Have Chris Run Around With a Bucket on Head: 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 25xp


Forever Young Pt. 2
Li’l Peter Starts

Have Li’l Peter Sneak Into R Rated Movies: 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp
Have Peter Cook Disgusting Vegatables: 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp
Have Herbert By Candy for Kids: 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 25xp


Forever Young Pt. 3
Li’l Peter Starts

Have Li’l Peter Drink Rootbeer: 12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin, 65xp
Have Peter Kick Stuff Roadhouse!: 12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin, 65xp
Have Meg Pop a Zit: 12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin, 65xp

Completed Task Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 25xp


Forever Young Pt. 4
Li’l Peter Starts

Have Li’l Peter Take a Nap: 6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp
Have Peter Have Nap Time (Requires Quagmire): 6hrs, Earns 165Family Guy Coin, 115xp
Have Stewie Catch Some Zzzz: 6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 150Family Guy Coin, 75xp


After Purchasing Li’l Lois
Li’l Lolita Pt. 1
Li’l Lois Starts

Have Li’l Lois Li’l Tai Jitsu: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin, 20xp
Have Joe Beer Skeet Shooting: 1hr, Earns 20Family Guy Coin, 10xp

Completed Task Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 25xp


Li’l Lolita Pt. 2
Li’l Lois Starts

Have Li’l Lois Li’l Dance: 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp
Have Quagmire Giggity Strut: 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 25xp


Li’l Lolita Pt. 3
Li’l Lois Starts

Have Li’l Lois Enjoy Boy Band: 12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin, 65xp
Have Jerome Bake Sandy Scone: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp

Completed Task Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 25xp


Li’l Lolita Pt. 4
Li’l Lois Starts

Have Li’l Lois Bask in Popularity: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp
Have Brian Do the Scoot: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp

Completed Task Earns 150Family Guy Coin, 75xp


There you have it, the Side Questlines for some New Cute Li’l Characters brought into our games.

Have you unlocked Li’l Giant Chicken yet? How about Li’l Peter? If not, how far away are you? Did you splurge and pick up Li’l Lois? Going to work on any of these Questlines or leave them til after the Event? Let us know.


4 responses to “Li’l Griffins Event Side Questlines: Li’l Peter, Li’l Lois, & Li’l Giant Chicken

  1. It’s getting hard to unlock lil chicken in time before the event ends. They need to ethier make it longer or have more people drops stuff to unlock.


    • I agree. I have 3 things going that drops it and I’m stuck at 8. Hopefully I get the last one tonight. Seemed at the beginning the drop rate was good now it seems impossible. Good luck getting it.


  2. I hope they do Japanese universe next.


  3. These little multiverse mini events are fun, keep them coming, and thanks for the walkthroughs, should finish them by Thursday.


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