Star Trek Returns? Second Contact LIVE!! (UPDATED)

Hey there Kardashians! (Let’s see how many Trekkies that irritates…hehehehehe)

Looks like the Enterprise has decided to make another stop on Earth… errr… in Quahog again. WOOHOO!! Get your Phasers at the ready, your fingers split for a Vulcan greeting, hope you’re not the one in the Red Shirt, and for the love of… keep your women away from the Captain!


Star Trek


Starfleet Peter Vulcan Quagmire Klingon Chris

First up, the Basic Requirements…

  • Players will need to be on Version 1.18.0 in the App Markets, so if you are not… go download it
  • Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s completed
  • Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version, not Windows Stand Alone
  • PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points.

Back with more in a bit…

Peter will kick things off for the Event. You will once again have to repair the crashed Shuttle over in the Event Area for $500, 10 secs.

Pull out ALL your Star Trek Characters from last year to get a good start at those Anti-Matters. Buildings too!



Old Buildings Not Dropping: First Up as noted below, Buildings from Previous Event (like the Borg Cubes) are not dropping the additional Material items (like Gamma Ray). Only the newly purchased ones are. Already sent in for clarification

Star Trek Character Tasks Crashing: I am seeing that if you try and send a Star Trek Character from Quahog, it irritates the game and may freeze on you. However if you send them from the Enterprise, they went just fine. May be something with them trying to transport to Enterprise. Already sent in report.

Borg Rupert: As noted below, DO NOT BUY HIM. If you see him, leave him be. I think he snuck in too soon and due to he wasn’t coded yet or ready, you will not get him. So save your Clams and wait.



Starfleet PeterStarfleet Peter


Anti Matter24 Anti-Matter (Always): Clear Borgs OR Clear Tribbles OR Dilithium Mine OR Dilithium Refinery OR Dilithium Lab OR Borg Cube OR Starfleet Academy OR Starfleet Medical Center OR Starfleet Research Facility OR Misc Star Trek Characters (List to Come) OR Misc Questlines OR Enterprise “Rooms” OR Previous Star Trek Buildings (List to Come)

Captain's Log6 Captain’s Log (Rare): Peter Stub His Knee OR Clearing Borg

Replicator Hamburger1 Replicator Hamburger (Common): Jerome Be a Superior Athlete OR Joe Give Self a Sponge Bath

Red Shirt3 Red Shirts (Common): Chris Fat Kid Hula Hoop OR Founding Father


Vulcan QuagmireVulcan Quagmire: He is linked to the Bridge. Costume will be in Al’s


Anti Matter75 Anti-Matter (Always): Clear Borgs OR Clear Tribbles OR Dilithium Mine OR Dilithium Refinery OR Dilithium Lab OR Borg Cube OR Starfleet Academy OR Starfleet Medical Center OR Starfleet Research Facility OR Misc Star Trek Characters (List to Come) OR Misc Questlines OR Enterprise “Rooms” OR Previous Star Trek Buildings (List to Come)

Really Large Q-Tip8 Really Large Q-Tips (Uncommon): Planet Vulcan Away Mission OR Bonnie Go To Ladies Night OR Bruce Fret About Something OR Ferengi Mort Hiss at Hew-mons

Mind Meld For Dummies10 Mind Meld for Dummies Books (Rare): Medical Lab (Enterprise Room) OR Quahog Mini Mart

Space Condoms18 Space Condoms (Always): Planet Vulcan Away Missions (Borg Cubes) OR Phaser Battles Shooting Gallery Or George Takei Show Off Fencing


Klingon ChrisKlingon Chris: He is linked to Ten Forward (Costume will be in Al’s)


Anti Matter150 Anti-Matter (Always): Clear Borgs OR Clear Tribbles OR Dilithium Mine OR Dilithium Refinery OR Dilithium Lab OR Borg Cube OR Starfleet Academy OR Starfleet Medical Center OR Starfleet Research Facility OR Misc Star Trek Characters (List to Come) OR Misc Questlines OR Enterprise “Rooms” OR Previous Star Trek Buildings (List to Come)

Klingon Dictionary15 English-Klingon Dictionaries (Common): Oh No’s Away Mission OR Cargo Bay (Enterprise Room) OR Worf Wear Many Hats OR Clear Borg

Bat'leth8 Bat-leth (Uncommon): Yellow Tribbles

Prosthetic Forehead4 Prosthetic Foreheads (Rare): Make Herbert a Peeping Tom OR Make Quagmire Host a Genital Jamoboree


Sexy Sarong Herbert Edo HerbertEdo Herbert: He is linked to Sick Bay. Costume will show up in Al’s. Chance Drop Red MatterRed Matter (2hrs)


Anti Matter250 Anti-Matter (Always): Clear Borgs OR Clear Tribbles OR Dilithium Mine OR Dilithium Refinery OR Dilithium Lab OR Borg Cube OR Starfleet Academy OR Starfleet Medical Center OR Starfleet Research Facility OR Misc Star Trek Characters (List to Come) OR Misc Questlines OR Enterprise “Rooms” OR Previous Star Trek Buildings (List to Come)

Cat Food20 Cat Foods (Common): Borg Cube 63697 OR Clear Borg Kitten OR Riker Seduce Alien Ladies OR Locutus Drink Borg Tea OR Patrick Stewart Relax


Seven of NineSeven of Nine: 265 Clam IconClams, Chance drop Red MatterRed Matter (2hrs)

GuinanGuinan: 200 Clam IconClams, Always drops Photon TorpedoesPhoton Torpedoes (6hrs) (still verifying how as I don’t see it just yet)

WorfWorf: 260 Clam IconClams, Always drops Communication BadgeStar Trek Communication Badge (6hrs)

Starfleet Human RupertStarfleet Human Rupert (Costume): 300 Clam IconClams, Fully Tasked, Tasks Pay out Anti MatterAnti Matter, Comes with Questline

LeaderboardBorg Human Rupert: 300 Clam IconClams… DO NOT BUY THIS YET. It seems it is an Oops. I ended up with a 2nd Richard Sherman in my game wandering around. Lol. You will find him instead on the Leaderboard Prizes.



Deanna TroiDeanna Troi: You will get her started once you have unlocked Ten Forward aboard the Enterprise. She will show up as “FREE” in the Menu to be placed. Once placed you can start earning items for her. Chance Red MatterDrop Red Matter (2hrs) & Communication BadgeStar Trek Communication Badge (6hrs)


Anti Matter220 Anti-Matter (Always): Clear Borgs OR Clear Tribbles OR Dilithium Mine OR Dilithium Refinery OR Dilithium Lab OR Borg Cube OR Starfleet Academy OR Starfleet Medical Center OR Starfleet Research Facility OR Misc Star Trek Characters (List to Come) OR Misc Questlines OR Enterprise “Rooms” OR Previous Star Trek Buildings (List to Come)

Picture Frame18 Riker’s Picture in Heart Frame (Rare): **NEW 2/16** Jerome Trade Baseball Cards Host Happy Hour OR Yellow Tribbles OR Picard’s Fencing (Verified)

Headband16 Headbands (Common): Bruce Be a Good Listener OR Klingon Chris Battle Cry OR Joe Patrol School

Chocolate Bar 6 Chocolates (Always): Phaser Battles Shooting Gallery (Borg Cubes)


Beverly CrusherBeverly Crusher: You will get her started once you have unlocked Sick Bay aboard the Enterprise. She will show up as “FREE” in the Menu to be placed. Once placed you can start earning items for her.


Anti Matter300 Anti-Matter (Always): Clear Borgs OR Clear Tribbles OR Dilithium Mine OR Dilithium Refinery OR Dilithium Lab OR Borg Cube OR Starfleet Academy OR Starfleet Medical Center OR Starfleet Research Facility OR Misc Star Trek Characters (List to Come) OR Misc Questlines OR Enterprise “Rooms” OR Previous Star Trek Buildings (List to Come)

Medical Tricorder11 Medical Tricorders (Uncommon): Joe Patrol the School OR Herbert Buy Candy for Kids OR Starfleet Lois Holodeck Romance

Hypospray36 Hyposprays (Uncommon): Bruce Pass Out Flyers OR Stop ‘N’ Shop OR Thrift Shop

Laser Scalpel24 Laser Scalpels (Rare): Quagmire Mix Drinks OR Lois Get an Adrenaline Rush



Dilithium MineDilithium Mine: 700 Clams, Earns 100 Anti MatterAnti Matter & 30xp every 8hrs

Dilithium RefineryDilithium Refinery: 400 Clams, Earns 60 Anti MatterAnti Matter & 25xp every 6hrs

Dilithium LabDilithium Lab: 200 Clams, Earns 25 Anti MatterAnti Matter & 20xp every 4hrs

Starfleet AcademyStarfleet Academy: 100 Clams, Earns 8 Anti MatterAnti Matter & 25xp every 6hrs, Always drops Photon TorpedoesPhoton Torpedoes (***though not active yet in my game, see below)

Starfleet Research FacilityStarfleet Research Facility: 100 Clams, Earns 8 Anti MatterAnti Matter & 25xp every 6hrs, Always drops Communication BadgeStar Trek Communication Badge (***though not active yet in my game, see below)

Starfleet Medical CenterStarfleet Medical Center: 125 Clams, Earns 5 Anti MatterAnti Matter & 20xp every 4hrs, Always drops Gamma RayGamma Ray (***though not active yet in my game, see below)


Borg CubeBorg Cube: $1200, 1 min Build Time, Earns 2 Anti MatterAnti-Matter & 15xp every 2hrs, Chance drop drops Gamma Ray Gamma Ray (***though not active yet in my game, see below) & Cat Food


***For those that already had these from the Previous Events, take them out of Inventory to get a good head start. FYI though, they are currently not dropping the additional Materials. Just Anti-Matter

UPDATE 2/13: I am now seeing that the Buildings from previous Star Trek that are now Clam Buildings this Event are now dropping the additional Materials. So it looks like only the Borg Cubes from the previous Star Trek will not be dropping the Gamma Rays.



Photon Torpedoes

You can find these around the game, but also in the Menu to outright purchase at discounts for the more you get.

3 Photon Torpedoes: 35 Clams

12 Photon Torpedoes: 125 Clams

24 Photon Torpedoes: 225 Clams


Photon TorpedoesPhoton Torpedoes (Uncommon): Starfleet Peter Do the Peter Maneuver OR Vulcan Quagmire Live Long and Giggity OR Guinan Fire Her Gun OR Brown (Red) Tribbles



There is a Mystery Box for this Event for the cost of 75 Clams per chance. The Decorations and Building Skins will NOT repeat, Anti-Matter, Red Matter, and Borg Bits CAN repeat. What all is inside?

PeterCraftPetercraft (Decoration)

GornGorn (Moving Decoration)

Picard's FishbowlPicard’s Fishbowl (Decoration)

Spot the CatSpot the Cat (Moving Decoration)

Borg Assimilated James Woods HighBorg Assimilated James Woods High (Building Skin)

Giant TribbleGiant Tribble (Decoration)

Anti Matter200 Anti-Matter

Anti Matter100 Anti-Matter

Red Matter10 Red Matter

Borg Bits7 Borg Bits



Those back for round two, this is the same. Those just trying this for the first time, the Enterprise will be a separate Play Space you can travel to once you reach Star Trek: Second Contact Part 2. Once there, you can then travel back and forth from Enterprise and Quahog. You will see the Enterprise/Home Icon in the lower right corner of your game while in each Play Space for a quick tap to travel.

The Enterprise will be set up in Sections/Districts. Just like in the game, you will have to explore and repair different areas of the ship as you progress through the Event unlocking various areas. Some will Unlock via the Main Questline in Phase 1, others in Phase 2.




Another returning item. This will be aboard the Enterprise and your “crafting” area where you will be able to select various items to create for various amounts of Materials you can collect during the Event. Items Created will first drop into Inventory, so you will need to go there to pull them out and into Quahog.

You will know what item you are looking at as it will be highlighted in Orange around it, so make sure you have selected the correct one before using Material to create it.

Red MatterRed Matter (Uncommon): Deanna Troi Scour Through Wardrobe OR Edo Hebert Be Carefree OR Seven of Nine Be Condescending OR Data Embrace Childlike Wonder

Borg BitsBorg Bits (Rare): Clear Borg Kitten OR Clear Borg OR Away Missions OR Mystery Box OR Shooting Gallery

Tachyon ParticlesTachyon Particle (Uncommon): Shooting Gallery OR Away Missions

More Information on this coming in a separate post



Planet Vulcan

You will be able to send Specific Characters off to another Planet to see what prizes and rewards they bring back. Each Planet will be different in Prizes, Characters used, times, and Cost.

As the Characters on Away Missions are essentially on a “Task”, they can’t be used for anything else until they return. Won’t unlock until Ten Forward is Unlocked.

These are the ONLY items I have left after playing last Event from each Planet. Will update the rest once it is verified.

Borg Cube PlanetBorg Cube:
Earns 5 Anti MatterAnti-Matter
Takes 2hrs
Costs 1 Communication BadgeCommunication Badge
Team: Starfleet Peter & Klingon Chris & Vulcan Quagmire
Payout options- 3 Borg BitsBorg Bits OR 4 LatinumLatinum OR 20 Anti MatterAnti- Matter
Planet VulcanPlanet Vulcan: Cost 100 Clams to unlock
Earns 10 Anti MatterAnti-Matter
Takes 2hrs
Costs 4 Communication BadgeCommunication Badges
Team: Klingon Chris & Starfleet Peter
Payout options- 15 LatinumLatinum OR 4 Really Large Q-TipGiant Q-Tips OR 5 Space CondomsSpace Condoms OR 40 Anti MatterAnti-Matter
Oh'NosOh No’s:
Earns 15 Anti MatterAnti-Matter
Takes 3hrs
Costs 2 Communication BadgeCommunication Badges
Team: Starfleet Peter & Vulcan Quamgire
Payout options- 6 Tachyon ParticlesTachyon Particle OR 5 Klingon DictionaryKlingon Dictionaries
Terra BoberraTerra Boberra:
Earns 20 Anti MatterAnti- Matter
Takes 6hrs
Costs 3 Communication BadgeCommunication Badges
Team: Klingon Chris
Payout options- 5 Cat NipCatnip OR 14 LatinumLatinum


**More information on these coming up in another post.



Phaser Battle Icon

Phaser Battles Romulan Warbird

This will not appear until you get to the Enterprise. Once aboard as you progress through the Questline, look for the Gallery Icon in the lower right of your game (Ship firing Laser). Tap on it to open the Gallery.

There are various “Ships” floating about in space in the Gallery and taking them down with Photon Torpedoes will give you various Payouts. As I have pretty much everything, I will list the info and items I was able to verify. ***NOTE: You MUST destroy a ship BEFORE it leaves the screen in order to get a payout.***

Borg CubeBorg Cube: Took 3 hits to destroy. I got 3 LatinumLatinum & 5 Anti MatterAnti- Matter & 4 Borg BitsBorg Parts. I got 2 Anti MatterAnti- Matter & 5 Tachyon ParticlesTachyon Particles.

Big Chunky Asteroid Big Round Asteroid Lil Fast Moving Asteroid Medium Chunky AsteroidAsteroid: Took 1 hit to destroy. I got 2 Anti MatterAnti- Matter

Romulan WarbirdRomulan Warbird: Took 1 hit to destroy. I got 2 Anti MatterAnti- Matter

Shielded PeterCraftShielded Petercraft (moves REALLY fast): Took 2 hits to destroy. I got 5 Anti MatterAnti-Matter


***The payouts will vary each time it seems. I am still running through this part to get more info.




They will start to appear in your QUAHOG once you reach Star Trek: Second Contact Part 2. They will stop appearing in Quahog AFTER Star Trek: Second Contact Part 5 and instead will appear in the ENTERPRISE, so pay attention to where you are in the Questline to know where to look for them to appear.

I saw 8 right away and just tapping on them dropped Chance of the Following…

Anti MatterAnti-Matter
Captain's LogCaptain’s Logs
Borg BitsBorg Bits
Klingon DictionaryKlingon Dictionaries

While in Quahog, you just need to tap them to make them disappear. Once you hit Part 5 and they move to the Enterprise, you now will need Specific Characters to Clear them.

2hr Clear Borg Task Requires: Vulcan Quagmire OR Deanna Troi OR Worf



Brown Tribble Beige Tribble Yellow Tribble

They will start to appear on the ENTERPRISE once you reach Star Trek: Second Contact Part 3. Tapping on Tribbles will make them Multiply at times. Reward is a Chance at…

Anti MatterAnti- Matter
Gamma RayGamma Ray
Photon TorpedoesPhoton Torpedoes (Brown (Red) Tribbles)Brown Tribble
Bat'lethBat’leth (Yellow Tribbles)Yellow Tribble

Picture FrameRiker’s Picture in Heart Frame (Yellow Tribbles)  **NEW 2/16**



Borg Kitten

They will start to appear on the ENTERPRISE once you reach Star Trek: Second Contact Part 6. You will need to Collect Cat NipCat Nip from Away Missions on Terra Boberra to Destroy them.

Each Borg Kitten Requires 1 Bag of Katnip. Similar to other Walking NPCs, you tap on the Borg Kitten, Tap on the Cat NipCat Nip (I had to twice a few times), the Kill Zone Circle will show up, make sure the Borg Kitten turns Purple, then place the Cat Nip by tapping the Check Mark. They will eat it, short circuit out, then poof… reward.

It took me 3 to 4 Away Missions to finally get the 5 Cat NipCat Nip Reward, so FYI on that.

Chance Payout of

Borg BitsBorg Bits

Cat FoodCat Food

Cat NipCatnip: Planet Away Mission (Terra Boberra) OR Borg Consuela Eject Pets from Enterprise (NEW 2/16)



Here are some additional locations I am seeing so far that drop Materials not already listed.

Communication BadgeStar Trek Communication Badges: Worf Eat Rokeg Blood Pie OR  Deanna Troi Work as a Translator OR Weapons Locker (Enterprise Room) OR T’Plana-Hath OR Bat’leth Badassery Outlet OR Starfleet Research Facility

Gamma RayGamma Rays (Uncommon): Starfleet Peter Press All The Buttons OR Tribbles OR Borg Cube 63697 OR Starfleet Medical Center


****This dropped REALLY late here, and I have gone about as far as my body will allow me to tonight. Sorry. I will have to gather more info tomorrow and update the post throughout the day from work as I can. 

***2/12/16– Updated Post to as about as far as I am going to (Minus Crusher and Herbert). More details will be provided in separate posts that focus more on the Tasks and areas of the game, so watch out for them.


339 responses to “Star Trek Returns? Second Contact LIVE!! (UPDATED)

  1. Any word on when Edo Herbert becomes available to earn? I don’t see his costume anywhere.


  2. Worf that I’ve had from last years event has disappeared from storage. Anyone else had this issue? Very disappointed that yet another ‘event’ is buggy!


  3. Any reports of no event, do you know? I know my boyfriend and myself have nothing new except for a dollar bill button next to the coin counter that does nothing. I see people talking in the Facebook chat for the game that a lot of other people haven’t gotten an event started, either. Refresh doesn’t help. Mobile doesn’t have it, either.


  4. Hi! I’ve tried to start Troi to sense others’ feelings for part 3 of the quest line Vulcan Embarrassment both in Quaghog and on the Enterprise but she just freezes at both places. Does anyone have any idea on how to get this to work?


  5. The Amazon update STILL hasn’t dropped yet, and I feel like I’m already so far behind. And given the most recent events seeming trend… it seems like it’ll be either very expensive or very impossible to complete this event, even if I didn’t start almost a full day late.

    Is there anywhere you know of where we can go with an update available that we can push that’s OUTSIDE of Amazon? I’ve tried google play & messaged both Amazon & Tinyco… but well… I wouldn’t be asking if I had resolution.

    Bunny… will you go work for Tinyco? I’m sure you’d have all of these bugs & issues tested & ironed out LONG before events dropped. Lemme know if you need a reference.


    • Bwahahahahahahah. Most people pissed off accuse me of “working for TinyCo” to be the reason for their anger and problems.

      Now here’s someone begging me to work for them? Thanks. Made me giggle. 😉


  6. i still have the objective to get Fit Brian in my objective list because I was never able to get him and now it won’t go away. Anyone know how to get rid of it?


  7. Cool to revisit this. Glad I already have all the characters because this seems like a lot of stuff to do in two weeks for those who didn’t get to play the event last year. I hope they bring back the away mission that had a chance of clams.

    I keep an area of Quahog open for event stuff so I filled it with all the buildings from last years event. I had to laugh when I was placing my 66 Earl Grey Tea’s… I remembered someone here giving me a hard time about getting so many of them last year. Well looks like they came in handy after all! With those buildings and 11 Latinum Loans, 7 Borg Cubes, and 6 Klingon Temples, I already have a little over 2K anti-matter. I don’t know what use they will have for me since I have all the characters unlocked but it’s still nice to have them if needed.

    Also.. Bunny, great job getting the info on this event put up last night! It was definitely late when this hit and I didn’t expect anything would be here when I looked last night but there it was… tons of info to get people started as usual.


  8. Hadn’t logged in in several months but when I got the notification about Star Trek being back wanted to play. However I’m getting a message “Somehow attempting to latch character lois that is unlatchable”

    Anybody see that before? I’ve deleted and re-added the app but no luck.


  9. Rehash of Star Trek, Meh. I want a Star Wars event! At least I have most of the characters and costumes from the previous event, so it shouldn’t be too impossible to play.


  10. I’m not sure what’s going on. All of a sudden the Google Play market is saying my device is not compatible with this version of the game. I have a Galaxy s5 and have had no issues until now. The last event went fine. Not sure what to do.


  11. Still no Facebook as of this post at 11:40AM EST, but I figured I’d mention one thing that did change. That delightful Giving Tree from Christmas was slated to give 12 clams until Jan 31st. They’d forgotten about it or were just nice, letting it run through the Superbowl event. But as of today… it gives 12 coins.

    It was nice while it lasted.


  12. Didn’t have my eyes in this morning and wasted shots in the shooting gallery because I thought two hits were needed instead of three. Makes it even tougher since the only borg cubes I have seen have run north to south so their screen time is limited. Gotta wait to collect more ammo.


  13. How does one collect gamma rays? Haven’t seen any character/building that drops them. Thank you!


  14. Anybody else have Guinan…if so, are you experiencing the same freezing problem when attempting to give her a 2hr task???
    It freezes on her and her task list, with the 2 hr task symbol over top but it’s like it’s not catching. I can ‘x’ out of her and then give her another task but i can’t give her a 2 hr task.

    Anyone else having this issue??

    P.s. I’ve contacted TC.


  15. Firstly, love that Star Trek is back …

    While sending away my chracaters before work, I have come across 3 characters so far that at least one of their tasks does not work, my guess is this is the material drop task. They are as follows:
    Crusher – Treat a Patient
    Riker – Sit Down, Riker Style
    Guinan – Mix Drinks


    • If I remember correctly those took place in specific locations and those aren’t unlocked yet.


    • Is it because the areas needed for these tasks are maybe locked?


    • Crusher’s storyline popped up yet I can’t start her quest line because it won’t start Treat a Patient task. The icon just floats in the bubble and freezes there. I can exit out of the actions pop-up though so at least the whole game isn’t freezing up. I don’t know if it’s because the sickbay isn’t open yet or if she/her quest line appeared too early.

      As for the other two characters I haven’t encountered a problem.


    • I think the tasks that are having issues are the ones that require specific rooms on the Enterprise. Like, Mix Drinks requires Ten Forward. Assuming we have to unlock the room to be able to do the task.


    • These are encountering errors due to the places they use not being unlocked. It is common sense that anything in an area still locked can’t be done.


    • I’m having the same issue….


    • I can place the “cloud” action item bubble over the action, but it doesn’t stick. It basically freezes, but I can still X out of the box.


    • This isn’t really a bug. Those actions can only be done on the Enterprise like they originally were during the first Star Trek event. Since those sections are currently locked those tasks are blocked from use.


    • Crusher’s requires Sick Bay, and the other two require Ten Forward. Actually last time I checked, they had removed Guinan’s 2hr task, so maybe they’ve already patched the others, and those tasks should come back once the areas are unlocked.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Riker sits “Riker Style” in Ten Forward.


  16. Excited for the new event! I started playing Family Guy right towards the end of this event last year, so I have Captain Kirk but that was all I can get. Celebrating my one year Family Guy anniversary 🙂

    Side note: will there be more free ways to get photon torpedoes? Questline needs me to collect three, and then shoot down two borg cubes (two torpedoes each), but right now only free way is a 6-hour Peter task.


  17. When I opened my game and it said to reload for a Star Trek event I at first thought it was a glitch or something, this was a nice surprise, and I love the Starfleet Human Rupert outfit (hopefully we will now finally get the Dr Manhatten outfit for him at some point in the future). I really enjoyed the first Star Trek event, so I’m looking forward to this one, but hopefully we’ll get to unlock Bertram this time, as I was really disappointed that we didn’t get to last time.


    • Hi Steve, I was same I got an error then tried to open game again and saw Star Trek splash screen and thought Holy Cow what’s going on, then the game opened and nice surprise. As I did first event I’m going work through new Questline and hopefully use some the spare time to tidy my town, as it’s getting be a busy mess.


      • Yeah, I got all the characters the first time around, so I’m also just working through the questline and kinda hoping for maybe a few new characters to be added. My town seriously needs some updating also, everything has become so crowded over the last few months, I’m kinda thinking about setting up sections of the town each themed with buildings and decorations from each major event.


  18. kodiakthejuggler

    The game crashes when you try to set your characters to do story-related tasks. Looks like TinyCo jumped the gun on this event. I’d rather have finished the football event and won Football Jesus instead!!!


  19. My premium buildings from the last Star Trek event are not dropping any premium currency this time around; do I have to buy the same building again or is a known issue?


  20. Some issues completing requests, when you drag an action for the character to perform, it sticks and then when you click on the cross the action hasn’t been selected … Are tiny co updating these issues?


    • Do you mean to a Building? If so, I know that hasn’t been working a while now


    • Known issue. See previous comments. Looks like it only happens on tasks that require areas of the Enterprise that haven’t been unlocked yet. On Android, it looks like at least one of those tasks has been removed (Guinan’s 2hr Mix Drinks, which requires Ten Forward), so if a problem task hasn’t been removed from yours, just pick a different task until the requisite area is unlocked. Also try to be on the Enterprise when you send people to Enterprise tasks. Some have reported the game crashing when you send them from Quahog (though I’ve had no problems with that yet myself).


  21. Ok, anti-matter is pink but what are those blue things needed to unlock Enterprise rooms which only Peter can get as far as I understand?


  22. I thought this was a glitch at first when it said the Star Trek event was starting. I’ve already collected all the characters that were in the event, so unless they add new one, this is going to be a fairly relaxed event for me.

    Just as well really. I lost my mum on Sunday. The game has been a distraction to help me keep my mind off things, but I don’t need a stressful busy event right at the moment 😦


    • 😦

      Just lost one of my Gramms Sunday, funeral Wednesday. Hang in there. I know what you mean in wanting a distraction. Take the time you need and heal how YOU need to. Sending loves in the meantime your way. 🙂


      • Small world. My mums funeral is Wednesday as well. Very sorry to hear about your loss 😦

        Sending you all my loves as well 🙂


      • My deepest condolences for your loss. I lost my second to last grandparent this past summer. I only have one left. My thoughts go out for you and your family. Stay safe Bunny, I’m here for you.


    • I know how you feel. My mother passed away on January 16 from Congestive Heart failure her memorial service was January 23 (she was cremated) and my birthday was January 24. Happy Birthday to me, huh? So I have had my ups and downs since then. This game has been a distraction for me also as has been the “other” game.


  23. like one person has commented, I play via Facebook and no smart phone. as if things are not bad enough, being the last to know a new theme has started, as I live in U.K., now I have to contact TinyCo!
    Came here to look for any changes, refreshed my browser, still nothing. I will put money on it that I will not be able to complete yet another theme!


    • ??? Not sure what you are trying to say. If you have an issue… can you explain? Can’t help if you don’t say what it wrong.

      If you mean the Event hasn’t shown up, that could be just that it has not got to Facebook yet. Just like it hasn’t hit Amazon yet. Those two seem to be the last Markets to push the update. Not sure why. Happens on every game we write on. No matter they get the update the same as iOS and Google, they just are slow pushing it out.


    • Don’t know how tech-savvy you are, but there are programs that will let you install Android onto your PC or Mac, at which point you can install Quest For Stuff and have the events hit immediately, since Android and iOS always get the events first. Don’t know if progress carries over from the Facebook version, though. I know it doesn’t from the Windows Store version.

      Bluestacks is probably the most well known and user friendly option, though it’s not as pure an Android experience as some. But it is free. AMIDuOS is probably the closest you can get to Android on your PC without actually loading it alongside Windows as a different OS, but they charge you to use it for more than 30 days (though you can just uninstall it and reinstall it to get another 30 days).


  24. The update still hasn’t launched for Amazon yet. Any idea when that will be?


  25. For some reason, the event started for me with Chris (I already have a Klingon costume for him). But when I tapped on the turbolift tag button for him as prompted, the game kept crashing. But when I didn’t touch him, I was taken through what is the normal sequence for the event (starting with repairing the shuttle). So once I was on the Enterprise, Chris could do his turbolift tag task without crashing. If any other character is crashing the game, it might just need to be on the Enterprise rather than in Quahog.


  26. TC Should do this with other events too!!


  27. Noticed there is also a skin for human rupert but of course you have to have human rupert open to get it.


  28. nadarenlambulamcia

    star treck again!?really!??! so sad about it


    • Honestly for those that played it before, you can pass on this or just breeze through it easily. You don’t HAVE to play it. As Alissa pointed out first time around… she HATES HATES HATES Star Trek, but played the Event for the sake of just playing a game and it was fun doing so. She didn’t know or care for the Characters, but didn’t stop her from seeing the game mechanics of the Event.

      In short, you don’t have to like it to play it. Give it a try or just pass on it and take a break to catch up on other things. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  29. Game unlock order:

    Bridge – 4 – Vulcan Quagmire
    Ten Forward – 15 – Troi/Klingon Chris
    Sick Bay – 20 – Crusher/Edo Herbert
    Holodeck – 30 – Data
    Engineering – 65 – Geordi

    More to come.


  30. After the “football” event I was so close to uninstalling this game now we have a Star Trek event. Nice save TinyCo, you’ve got me back 🙂


  31. Brilliant to revisit star trek and not go with the expected of a valentine event. Enjoyed this event last time, hope its as much fun this time round.


  32. I hope this time they put Uhura and Kirk to good use. I was so disappointed at how useless they turned out after spending so much time and effort into fighting that Bertram robot.


  33. Hey Bunny, this can absolutely wait until tomorrow.. I know you’re tired! Just wondering.. Part 2 of the questline makes me unlock the Bridge. The Bridge says to unlock to gain access to Vulcan Quagmire… but I already have him.. Is that a glitch? I thought it would only make us unlock parts where we don’t have the character. Like the sick bay since I don’t have Edo Herbert. Just find it a little strange that I would have to waste 4 Gamma Rays to unlock the bridge when I could use those towards unlocking the sick bay.. If that makes any sense?

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Dug out all my Romulan ale bars. LOL

    Liked by 2 people

  35. The event has not started for me since I didn’t play during this last time all I see is borg Rupert and the dollar icon thingy no questline or anything


  36. Ooh The Return of the Enterprise, sorry wrong franchise 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  37. why star trek and not Star Wars though ? Did they ever do a Star Wars theme ?


    • Gotta get legal release. Remember this is a THIRD party releasing the game. Not FOX. Not Family Guy. Not Seth directly. A game house. So lots of lawyers, legal, and negotiations go into any release of copyrighted material.

      If the house of mouse says nope… then they can’t.

      Liked by 1 person

      • ah i see 🙂
        well i can only hope …
        anyway i cant start the event before tonight because i’m clearing the block for OLIVIA !! and theres a spaceship that needs repairing …


  38. Now nothing showed up, Borg Rupert is gone, instead I have a small button next to my coin counter with a green thing and a +.



  39. Oh no. Not that event again -.-


    • Honestly for those that played it before, you can pass on this or just breeze through it easily. You don’t HAVE to play it. As Alissa pointed out first time around… she HATES HATES HATES Star Trek, but played the Event for the sake of just playing a game and it was fun doing so. She didn’t know or care for the Characters, but didn’t stop her from seeing the game mechanics of the Event.

      In short, you don’t have to like it to play it. Give it a try or just pass on it and take a break to catch up on other things. 😉


  40. Nothing except Borg Rupert is showing up for me. Perhaps because I have already unlocked everything


    • Yup Yup. That’s bout all I had show up in my Main Game. Lol.


    • Check your respective app store. There was an update for Android that didn’t auto install, but once I updated, the event started. Before that,like you, all I saw was the 300 Clam Rupert skin (no thanks). Don’t know if it’s the same for Apple phones.


  41. I’m actually a little excited for this one, as a HUGE trek fan, I enjoyed the first one, even though at the time my game would freeze constantly making me behind, hopefully this time I can get the few free characters i didn’t end up with last time…ie crusher and my favourite, data


  42. I hope Patrick Stewart has a role in this. He’s been sitting in my inventory and I really like what the Big Game event did with some of the dormant dog characters, giving them an item drop action.


  43. Game crashes when I send characters to to do any task that involves the Enterprise. I also can’t access the Enterprise by clicking on the Shuttle.

    That’s our TinyCo! 🙂

    PS – One thing I do like is that when you get Star Trek characters out of storage they’re under their own event tab.


    • Yes, I see now that you need to get to Second Contact Part 2 to access the Enterprise, but its still a bug.


    • I just sent a character to the Enterprise and the game still crashes.


      • I kept trying to send Talosian Stewie on a task, and my game kept crashes. But when I went to the enterprise FIRST and then sent him on it… It worked fine. Only when I tried to send him from Quahog did I have a problem. Not sure about the other characters cuz they were already on the enterprise when I sent them on tasks.


      • Only one I’m having a problem with is Guinan, and even then it’s only her 2-hour task, and it’s not a crash. It just freezes her pop-up window if I try to start that task. Tapping off of the window makes it go away, and then I can tap on her to try again. The 6-hour phaser rifle task is working fine as we speak. Everyone else who went to the Enterprise for their tasks is politely finishing said tasks in the Turbolift. Perhaps Guinan’s task requires access to Ten Forward, which is not unlocked yet.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Okay, I figured a way around it. You have to have your characters free and go to the Enterprise for the game to not crash. The characters that are allowed to be there will appear.

      The bug seems to be with the code involving the transporter animation, that appears when beaming up from Quahog.

      PS – Sorry, for spaming the board with messages.


    • I honestly am starting to think it is your device. Seems a LOT of issues hitting it over n over n over. 😉

      You already know what to do to help it. 🙂


      • I was having the same issue. No prob if I went to Enterprise first. Got booted half the time I tasked someone from Quahog.

        And my ClamTV makes the game screen freeze since yesterday morning.

        Thanks for keeping up the good fight even if you’d probably prefer to sleep! 😊


      • Agreed. Mine did the transport animation just fine without traveling first.


  44. GOSH DARN IT, TINYCO! I’m trying to put some space between us after that unpleasant Christmas event and you have to bring back Star Trek – now I have no choice but to go back in! Sigh. Had to pull all the ST characters out of storage – seems like they might be pretty helpful. BTW Bunny, did you ever find out where TinyCo got the Enterprise music from? It’s the same as last time and it’s awesome, but I never did figure it out. LLAP y’all!

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Well hopefully they will finally release Wesley into the game this time around. When you say Oops about Borg Rupert does that mean they didnt intend to release him this week or that he wasnt supposed to be released at all?


  46. First a football event and now a Star Trek event? I find this to be easy on my wallet, as I don’t personally care about either subject. After spending quite a bit of money on the events included in this game last year, it is good to just be a casual player for a while and not want to spend money on anything or fret that I will miss out on something awesome. I know that a lot of people are happy about the new Star Trek event though, so good for you. 🙂


  47. Since I wasn’t around for last year’s wave of Star Trek, I’m excited for a chance. 7 shall be mine! Kinda hoping they’ll add Captain Janeway to the mix from that show too. Still, while I don’t adore all Star Trek across the board, I definitely appreciate some of it. =)


  48. Why are all the characters i had from last time now locked again?
    So i have to farm and grind to get them all back?
    Here we go again 😦


    • ANY Character you fully unlocked last time should be in your game, if not you have something else going on in your game and need to troubleshoot and possible contact them. All 3 of my games still have every single Character I unlocked for them from the Event. All still sitting in Inventory or wandering town.


      • Hi Bunny 👯
        I was wondering is there anyway they can add a search for the items.
        I have so many buildings etc that it takes forever to find buildings or decorations. They’re ask nor even grouped in event appearances.
        My vision is impaired are it really takes a long time finding things.
        Tyvm again.


        • It has been requested by Players before. Feel free to message them your thoughts from your game, otherwise I will send a request too


        • I know the inventory is a mess if you are searching for things, but if it is event related there should be a button all the way to the left of the screen that will show you what you have in the inventory that is related to the current event.


  49. I’m not a huge Star Trek fan, but I enjoyed the first event and I’m really excited for the second event. It has a real videogame feel to it. Any chance that Uhura Will become available? She’s the one I didn’t get last time that I really want!


  50. Got all the characters and needed people from premiums to freemium. For once, I’m actually ahead! 😉 Can’t wait for more! Hopefully they add more characters, ones that weren’t in the first event of Star Trek. Would be nice to see McCoy and Chekov!


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