A Grimm Knight In Quahog Main Questline: Once Upon A Time

Hey there Rodents of Unusual Sizes!

It seems that we have taken a step into story time at the local library and are tossed into some Fairytale world with some fun and unusual Characters. There are Knights, Dragons, Magic Beans, and even Damsels in Distress.

With the New Even upon us, we also have a New Main Questline that will take us through each week’s New Content. Week 1’s Main Questline will start us out with Once Upon A Time.

A Grimm Knight Facebook Splash Screen

Let’s take a look at Once Upon A Time and all you will encounter along the way. 

For the Main Information for the Event, go to the Main Week 1 Post HERE.


Once Upon A Time Pt. 1
Peter Starts

A Grimm Knight in Quahog is Here: View Event Hub: Tap on “GO” to be taken to Event Hub Menu

Completed Task Rewards: 5 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 3 Honor PointsHP


Once Upon A Time Pt. 2
Peter Starts

Learn About the Castle Gates: Tap on “GO” to see the overview of ONWARDS TO HONOR
Open the Castle Gates: Tap on the Castle Gate in the Event Area (it will have a ! above it)

Completed Task Rewards: 5 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 3 Honor PointsHP


Once Upon A Time Pt. 3
Peter Starts

Clear 5 Knights in Training: Just tap on them to clear them
Earn 15 More Magic BeanMagic Beans: Mini Beanstalk Greenhouse OR Medium Greenstalk Beanhouse OR Knights in Training OR Questlines Or Herbert Work as Town Crier OR Bruce Tend to His Fat Ass OR Chris Play With Arrows OR Jerome Sell Grog to Hipsters OR Quagmire Play With Arrows OR Gypsy Cart OR Event Buildings
Place Castle Griffin: Cost 20 Magic BeanMagic Beans, 5hr Build Time

Completed Task Rewards: 3 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 4 Honor PointsHP


Once Upon A Time Pt. 4
Peter Starts

Place 1 Toadstool Patch: Costs 15 Magic BeanMagic Beans
Have Mort Mock Medieval Markets: 4hrs, Earns 5 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 1Honor PointsHP

Completed Task Rewards: 1 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 2 Honor PointsHP


Once Upon A Time Pt. 5
Peter Starts

Get 2 Arrows: Lois Teach Piano OR Bonnie Twerk It OR Bruce Be a Good Listener OR Old Lady Shoe House (Bazaar) OR Black Knight Shine His Armor
Have Peter Train in Archery: Requires 4 Arrows, 6hrs

Completed Task Rewards: 5 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 5 Honor PointsHP


Once Upon A Time Pt. 6
Peter Starts

Enter the Bazaar: Tap on “GO” to be taken to the Bazaar
Place the Jousting Field from the Bazaar: Costs 100 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 1 Golden Egg

Completed Task Rewards: 1 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 2Honor PointsHP


Once Upon A Time Pt. 7
Peter Starts

Learn About the Dragon: Tap on “GO” to see the Information about “DRAGONSLAYING 101”
Attack the Dragon: Tap on Dragon by Castle to see what it requires (previous Battles did not count)
Have Joe Play Dungeons & Dragons: 12hrs, Earns 10 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 2Honor PointsHP

Completed Task Rewards: 5 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 4 Honor PointsHP


Once Upon A Time Pt. 8
Peter Starts

Have Sir Peter Search for Giants: 10hrs, Earns 9 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 1Honor PointsHP
Have Joe Root for the Giants: 6hrs, Earns 7 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 1Honor PointsHP

Completed Task Rewards: 3 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 3 Honor PointsHP


Once Upon A Time Pt. 9
Peter Starts

Reach Honor Level 4: You can see how close you are (no numbers yet) in the Event Hub Menu OR by tapping on the Castle Gates OR by just looking at the HP Icon on the Screen. 
Re-Enforce Your Castle Gates:

Completed Task Rewards:  Magic Beans &  HP

***Here is where I am stopped, when Week 2 launches next week… we will move on.



Here are some of the additional Questlines coming I am currently working on and coming soon to the site

After Once Upon A Time Pt. 2 triggered
Supermodel Prisoners (Clam Reward Questline)
Lois Starts


After Once Upon A Time Pt. 3 triggered
Rise, Sir Peter (Sir Peter Questline)
Peter Starts


After Once Upon A Time Pt. 7
As You Wish (Westley Questline)
Peter Starts


Black as Knight (Black Knight Questline)
Black Knight Starts


There you have it, the Main Questline for Week 1 of A Grimm Knight in Quahog. This will be the one you will want to focus on completing.

What do you think of it so far? Where are you in the Questline? Any tips for fellow Players? Let us know.


238 responses to “A Grimm Knight In Quahog Main Questline: Once Upon A Time

  1. Hey Bunny,
    I’m stock to once upon a time pt 8 in level 1. I can’t do either Peter quest or Joe quest because it’s asking me I need to get a “flappy jack” to unlock the quests when I click on both Joe and Petet. Where do I get that “flappy jack”? Is it a building?


  2. I had dragons come since part 1 of the first week (which I couldn’t attack because I didn’t have sir peter). Right when they did the launch of phase two my dragon had 2 hours left then vanished when a “!” popped up over the barrels in the castle and I clicked it. I am now stuck on part 7. I had them come consistently ever 17 hours but I haven’t seen one yet. Is this a glitch or did week 2 change the timetable?


  3. As a freemium player this is the 2nd consecutive storyline it seems impossible to keep up with.

    I love this game, but have to be honest, I’m looking at removing it as quests seem impossible without paying.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’ve been thinking the same thing. Outside of the quests the game is fine since it doesn’t matter how long it takes items to drop since the districts aren’t going any where. During the quests though I find myself constantly feeling frustrated at my lack of progress because the stuff I need just will not drop.


  4. I only hit the white dragon once to finish my questline task as I didn’t have enough potions to defeat. Today it came back as the blue dragon. Am I going to have to defeat the blue dragon before it goes back to white? Its not supposed to be blue already right?? Aa usual I’m confused.


    • Basically, this is how it works out. If you do NOT defeat the White one and the 24hr timer passes… it will go away and a Blue one will come back. The only way to keep battling the White one is to pay the Clams to revive the White one you failed to defeat.


  5. i don’t understand AT ALL how this Dragon thing goes about! i’ve had 2 green potions,one from LAST night and one from earlier today and have not seen that dragon all day today???


  6. When I logged in today at 4pm I noticed there was an exclamation point above the barrels (above and a little to the left of the gate). I think there was a castle and crossed swords underneath the exclamation mark. I clicked it and nothing happened. I was wondering if you know and can tell me anything about this. Thanks.


    • For me, it finished Part 9. But nothing more yet. They usually drop new content between 6-9pm Pacific. It all depends.


      • I’m only on Part 7 of the main quest, myself, being that I’m one of those people who is not getting swords. I’m thinking now that it was probably one of TinyCo’s infamous glitches. Thanks for the reply, Bunny.


  7. Still waiting for the final sword drop to unlock Sir Peter!

    Irritating Bonnie and Lois are needed for both Westley and for arrows so it’s taking time to balance progress.


  8. When I tap on my level meter it takes me to the home page for event and the meter at the top actually is past the end and touching the end of the bean in the magic bean counter.


  9. During phase 1, once we have the swords and firepit.. Is there any point in archery practice besides beans & eggs?


  10. How to Re-Enforce Your Castle Gates?


  11. How are you guys able to attack dragons already? I’ve been working on unlocking Sir Peter since day one and I’m not even half way to unlocking him.


  12. I have sent Peter to archery practice 8 times now, still just beans, no swords, no golden eggs, nothing but beans. Is this a glitch? It seems everyone else at least got something around try 5. I just wanna unlock the jousting arena!!


  13. Does anyone else see porn ads on this site? I’m on my phone. Preaty disturbing.


    • Let me put it this way… you will see ads via “Google”/browser searches on YOUR device. That means it will show ads depending on YOUR personal searches online. It has nothing to do with our site or settings at all. Only YOUR browser history. For instance if I search for Coffee Makers all day online, the ads on this site will be all about coffee and coffee makers. So, you may want to think about what someone is looking at on YOUR device. Just sayin. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • LMAO ohh myy!!! had no idea that is how it goes😂😂😂😂😂😂


        • I was looking at baby stuff for Alissa and for 3 days all I saw was Baby and diaper ads. Lol.


          • OMG I am dying of laughter right now! I actually just noticed the ad thing yesterday which makes this even funnier! Cuz yesterday I was on the Victoria’s Secret website for a while and then the ads on here were Victoria’s Secret. Then I was on the Ofra website and the ads on here were Ofra… So I realized it was based on what I was looking at.. So so so funny!


      • I’ve decided to try to make it without purchasing the blue egg eagle, and so I’m behind on week 2 bazaar items.. In week 3 will I be able to purchase week 2 items?


  14. I haven’t got a pack of swords yet after twice sent Peter to the training.


  15. I have only gotten beans from archery practice. No eggs, no swamp. Nothing. I will keep at it. Love the event though. Big Princess Bride fan. Big sword and sorcey fan.


  16. Over six times at the archery range and not a single egg have I earned. A pox on the drop rates! A pox I say!


  17. How do you re-enforce your castle gates?


  18. Is it normal that I’m not even halfway to unlocking sir Peter yet? I’m a freemium player and play multiply times a day. Almost nothing has been dropping for him. I haven’t been able to attack dragon yet. I feel like I’m waaaaaay behind.


    • No. Keep in mind there is a reason the Event comes in Phases. You are right at pace with the Event. I usually look at it as it takes the week to unlock the characters offered that week.


  19. I know that its totally random, but I still have not had one single golden egg drop, and I’m using both Peter and the Black Knight. I’ve had all the swords needed for Peter’s unlock and the fire swamp, but no egg 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Anyone no how to reinforce the castle gate in the quest once upon a time part 9
    Click the go to button in quest and just get a pop up window talking about the grey knights that walk around town and a hourglass about something else nothing about the gate same thing pops up
    Do we think it’s a timed quest where we have to wait for it to happen ??


  21. Anyone slay a dragon yet? I want to know how many of each option I need to slay, I don’t care about lois, but I want to unlock buttercup. …thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  22. OK so I’ve killed 2 dragons, have Sir Peter and the Black Knight and am half way to getting Westley which is awesome. Lagging being on those masks (have 2/8) but the rest is going well. I’m honour level 5 at this point.

    I was wondering though – is anyone further? The reason I ask is because I’m wondering what Cinderella Lois and the other woman need to be unlocked. It’s still only showing the 44/100 hats needed.

    Does anyone know what else? And does anyone know whether they might have an action like touchdown Jesus that drops clams? This is the first event I’ve put money down for so hoping I’ll get everything and it’ll be worthwhile!

    Thanks to anyone who replies. 🙂


    • If you go to the main post and NOT this Questline (link is at top of this post) you will see that you can’t unlock them any further right now. 🙂


    • Thanks! Sorry for the repeat post – I tight my phone was playing up when I posted so tried againnot realising it just takes a day after you join the website.

      Thanks for your help! For now I’m just going to focus on getting the last masks I need so I can get all 3 event characters making potions 🙂

      Good luck!


  23. My dragon finally came back. Was zoomed in clicking on the training area so I could send Peter to practice archery for the tenth time or so trying to get swords, and a flame shot across my screen. Only took a couple days unlike the 12 hours Tinyco (amusing, auto-correct changes their name to Tonto) said it should take. But at least I had a lot of potions saved up to fight it with.


  24. I also have not gotten any swords from archery practice. Or the Fireswamp. I think I did get an egg once. But it’s pretty much been beans, beans, beans. I wonder if the chance meters are off. They all seem to show the same level. I’ve only sent Peter as I’ve had the Black Knight working solely on potions. Has anyone had better luck with both? I’m only lacking swords and a few helmets from unlocking Sir Peter.


  25. They reset my Lois for me…yay. But there are now beans next to the 2 princesses. I don’t want to click them in case it opens their tasks again…do you know anything about this


  26. I can’t send Peter to the archery because he’s locked until I unlock sir Peter. But in order to unlock sir Peter I need items from the archery. I don’t have any clams to buy the black knight to send to the archery either. I’m completely stuck. I tried putting castle griffin in inventory but it won’t let me. What do I do?


  27. I have been waiting all weekend for swords and when I FINALLY get some, my game suddenly crashes and when I go back in, it’s a golden egg instead!! That has never happened. Usually when it crashes, when I go back, it’s the same item. Should I report that to Tiny co or just chalk that up as a loss and keep trying?


  28. So I’ve got Sir Peter and I’m well on my way too unlocking Westley. But does anyone know what the two ladies will do? Like maybe they have a clam-drop action like touchdown Jesus?

    I’ve killed 2 dragons and am honour level 5 but it still only shows the 100 hats I need and not the next step. Anybody further than me who knows what it’ll be? Or will they show more in each week?

    Thanks for any help or speculation!


    • As it seems it will be a while before they are unlocked… no one can answer that til the option to pull them live in the game hits.

      (See the main post, not this questline) 😉

      A Grimm Knight In Quahog Is Live!! UPDATED


      • Thank you! I actually had not seen that main post! I figured it was a long shot but thought what the hell maybe someone is already level 20 honour lol I’m nearly at 7 now so you’re probably right in it being week by week because I’ve seen no change yet.

        (By the way – you may get a duplicate post or two because I sent this message ages ago but it only just came up…. feel free to delete them. I’ll delete them if I see any)


  29. Okay came here to get an answer and defying the norm I read other comments first to see if my question had been previously asked…it had…so pretty much noone knows where that darn dragon is hiding lol. …to this I will go with the norm on overreaction. .. WHY DOES TINYCO HATE ME!!! THEY SHOULD GIVE ME CLAMS!! If I don’t unlock Wesley before the end of the event…WILL I STILL GET HIM?? Why haven’t you posted this yet? Is there really a bug that helps you get kingbutt unlocked faster…or was that a different event?? Clams Bunny…where are they???


    • “supposedly” 12-27hrs… but I saw more, reported

      They hate you because you didn’t send them flowers for Valentine’s Day, duh!

      They should give everyone Clams, like from Ollie… or a Clam TV 😉

      I kidnapped Westley… he is mine… you can’t have him… MINE MINE MINE!!!

      I don’t like to post things, I just like to keep them in a secret spot… forever n ever n ever

      Kingbutt??? You callin me fat now??!!! RUDE!!!

      All your Clams belong to me, psssh. That’s what you get for callin me fat! 😛

      Liked by 3 people

      • Bunny is mean to Blackshirts

        …….so knew about the secret spot!!!
        Also knew you had Westley, he did “Saw” and is missing a leg now..He never had a chance!!
        Sent Tinyco a bunch of Godiva for Valentine’s day…they are the ones with big butts now (in hindsight a $20 google card may of been the better option for clams)
        They make it a point that timelords can sense each other when #10 is hunting down the master his final eps but when Missy kisses #12 he has no clue who she is…..wait wrong thread/point


      • I think Bunny got some new drugs! And I think I want some. 😀


  30. I know the drops are random, but is anyone else having issues getting the lemon eggs? (I spent all my clams on the library so the Golden Goose is out). Ive sent Peter to train 5 times and haven’t seen one yet. It says “high” chance which is not my case anyhow. I did get swords once, but beans the rest of the time. Need help getting the helmets for Sir Peter and need a lemon to get jousting field. **Sigh**

    Liked by 1 person

  31. I am having no success placing Buttercup’s farm. Each time I try I get an option to speed up a block clearing. Does that whole new row of land need to be cleared before placing the farm?


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