A Grimm Knight Q&A

UPDATE ON GOLDEN EGGS 3/1: Per TinyCo, there was a “visual” glitch they have narrowed down now from Players reports of “not getting Golden Eggs”. Many of you WERE getting Golden Eggs this entire time, but “visually” were not seeing them. The Magic Bean Icon instead popped up. This “visual” glitch has been resolved, but just wanted to let you all know that even though you saw 0 or 3 “Visual” Golden Eggs, you may have actually gotten like 5 or more of them all this time. 🙂


Hey there 6 Fingered Men!

Bouncing by to go through some VERY common questions hitting over n over n over in the comments. Also covering a few “technical issues” many are questioning. Take a look below and see if your questions are answered.

A Grimm Knight Sir Peter Icon

For the MAIN Event release details, see the MAIN POST HERE. 



Defeat the Dragon

As many of you are seeing, TinyCo is relaying in messaging to you that the Dragons re-spawn anywhere from 12-27 hours. I myself as well as others saw MORE than this time pass before the Dragons finally returned. I already reported this and am awaiting more feedback from them. In the meantime, expect at LEAST 12-27 hrs for their return.

Also coming up in another post, the payouts for Magic Beans from the Dragons are a LOT more than it shows in the pop up.



Cinderella Lois Princess Buttercup

Like I noted already in the main post (see link above), these two will take time… a LOT of time to complete. Possibly the entire Event. Right now the ONLY item you can collect for them is the Princess Hats (300 needed total between them) from the Dragons. As more unlocks, which I assume will be as the Event continues over the next few weeks, I will continue to note WHAT and from WHERE when they hit. So stay tuned. We have a month of this, so plenty of time and lots more to come.



Singing SwordGolden Egg

As we are all seeing, the Archery (at least for me) shows many of the items as a “HIGH” chance of dropping no matter who I send. I did ask if there could be more clarification on this one as with them ALL “HIGH” I am still seeing the Golden Eggs drop more at a Rare/Low rate. Will update if I get more information. In the meantime, just keep trying. The ONLY guarantee of Golden Eggs is the Golden Egg Goose Clam Building.



Knight in Training

These wandering Knights in our games that you can tap to clear (and that fall silly, Lol) are timing down via your Castle Gates. However, that timer usually shows around 24hrs… though I see them more like every 2-4hrs spawning. Reported.



Honor Points

Without there being a number to tell you EXACTLY how many you have earned so far, it is hard to know just where you are. With this I am also seeing the return of “the bar isn’t moving”. As in the past, this is more a “Visual” thing as the higher you get, the more you need to move forward. The Bar tends to appear to “stick” at points and not move. This will happen time and again. No worries, it is still going, just not enough for you to visually see it. Just keep going and eventually it will jump forward to the next spot.



Human Rupert glitch

I have not seen a lot of reports on this. Only one or two actually, but wanted to put it out there in case others saw it too. Players are reporting a Consuela Error in there game.

Config empty for id humanRupert-strBorg in Skins

I suggested the usual Basic Troubleshooting, but for many this does not seem to be helping. I did report it and am waiting on further instruction on it. In the meantime if YOU are seeing it, report it from your game if you can. And if you can’t, email them help@tinyco.com and attach a screenshot of the Error including the numbers on the screen from your Splash Screen.



Turbolift Error Inventory

Many of you had some items leftover from Star Trek creating all sorts of odd things.

First up, the Turbolift. We ran into this too the first Event when it ended. The Turbolift dropped into Inventory, but placing it only gets it stuck in your game. It is not supposed to be there.

Characters state they need the Turbolift. Again, another repeat. They should have been moved to regular locations for the Tasks like Griffin’s House, etc. This will take a lil bit to resolve.

Players being transported to alternate Play Space like Enterprise/North Pole. This most definitely should not be happening.

On all these issues, all I can suggest is report it to TinyCo until a patch is sent out to resolve them.



Magic Bean

Even though the info is in the Main post, I am still asked time and again WHO helps with Magic Bean drops, so I will post the exact information in the Main Post here.

Mini Beanstalk Greenhouse OR Medium Beanstalk Greenhouse OR Knights in Training OR Questlines Or Herbert Work as Town Crier OR Bruce Tend to His Fat Ass OR Chris Play With Arrows OR Jerome Sell Grog to Hipsters OR Quagmire Play With Arrows OR Gypsy Cart OR Event Buildings

You can also get them from the Dragons and just all over (like the Gypsy Cart by the Castle). I will have a more detailed post after TinyCo clarifies a few more things on them for me first.

As to Joe, Mort, and Tom Tucker….

  • Joe: Did not start until I hit the Task in the Main Questline
  • Mort: ONLY dropped for the Task in the Questline
  • Tom Tucker: Have not seen a Task yet.

So for these all I can suggest is play as some unlock at certain points, only available at points, or only after you build and place locations into your game. Otherwise wait… once I get more info from TinyCo on the Mort and Tom drop… I will add them to the final post and put that live. Just know they are EVERYWHERE in the game by just playing.



If you are having an issue, try the Basics

Family Guy Technical Help: Basic Troubleshooting

Family Guy Technical Help: Crashing and Lagging Game


If that does not work, feel free to report it here (if it is not already covered) and report it to TinyCo either in game or via Email.

The Basics Of Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff/ Contact TinyCO


There you go, some questions and answers addressing the things I am see most in the game.

Did this answer your questions? Help you out? Have any tips for those struggling that worked for you? Let us know.


167 responses to “A Grimm Knight Q&A

  1. Is there any actions that will increase your honour points by quite a bit apart from the dragons, am really struggling to get to level 4


  2. No matter how many time I complete the archery training, I still have not been able to gather a sword. Even when I use the Black Knight and Peter ;-(


  3. i had commented a little bit ago and now i can’t find it anywhere if it was moderated deleted or whatever idunno but on why i cannot attack and defeat the Dragon at all. i haven’t got to attack him not even ONCE yet and it hasn’t been in my game since sometime YESTERDAY?!..i had the 2 Earth Potions needed to attack jus now. One i got last night and the 2nd one i got sometime earlier today, but there is NO DRAGON(S) lol


  4. Anyone having trouble placing the black castle? I was having trouble purchasing it earlier. I managed to purchase it but not place it. It crashes my game each time. I have submitted this to TinyCo a little while ago. Just wanted to check if anyone else had this problem.


  5. I really hope they add a timer for when you’re waiting for the dragon to return. I defeated it sometime Tuesday afternoon and I’m still waiting for it to come back.


    • I don’t know if they will due to it returns at different times for every player.


    • Same. Going on 50 hours since last seen. Only appeared twice this week which is kind of lame. Hope this gets resolved STAT.


      • I’ve had 4. 3 white and 1 blue today. I have not paid to refresh them. Is it possible it’s something to do with how quickly you beat them?


      • Yep, the dragon popped up right away, I guess because I got the black knight, and I was able to defeat it twice. Then it was gone for a day and a half, which let me stockpile the potions so when it returned I could fully defeat it and that’s almost 48 hours ago. If there’s an internal timer (and isn’t there one???) then it should, also, be visible to the player.


    • in the same boat! i haven’t got to attack it not ONCE at all!


  6. I too am having difficulty with getting swords for Sir Peter. After sending Peter to archery 10 or so times, I’ve only got some once. I did notice that when you tap on the icon for swords in archery it says ‘1 singing sword!’ in the description when the icon shows 5. Which is it? Do I win 1 or 5, because if it changed to winning 1 at a time, that’s a bummer!


    • Go to Sir Peter. How many are listed as gathered?


      • When I go to Sir Peter it says 5 collected. I actually got them on the first time I sent Peter to archery, lucky me ☺ Perhaps it was just a keying error in the icon info screen because the icon still has a 5 next to the sword. I was just worried they had changed it. I’ll wait and see if I get 1 or 5 swords when I do eventually luck out and win them. This was noticed while you’re waiting for Peter to finish archery or when you have nobody practicing archery. So far I have not won any that I didn’t have show up.


  7. Not sure where else to post so here goes: with a recent update coins are now showing as 10M or 20M instead of the real number. Is there any way to see the real amount? I was at 20M then started clearing new land and went to 10M now I am curious how close to 2o I am.
    Also I have 1 egg after about a dozen tries- wish the visual glitch applied to me- just bad luck I guess.
    Ps. thank you for all you put into this site. I am 100% freemium and have gotten farther than I could ever have on my own thanks to the addicts!


    • From what information I have seen and other readers are getting back… they are working on the money info. Your money is still there, but only shows in those increments. I do not know how soon til they are done with it, but so far they are telling Players not to worry. Feel free to message them for more info from your game if you’d like. 🙂


  8. Whats the best strategy to increase your Honor Level? I have just got to level 3. The only thing I have left to get from the Bazaar is the Horse & Carriage.


  9. I’m sorry Bunny but that update about golden eggs is non-sense. Sometimes I wonder if Tiny Co has any idea what is actually happening in their game. If we were getting them, then how come we still can’t get things from the bazaar?

    Been doing archery training continuously since Friday morning and have received two golden eggs. Spent one on the joust area for the questline and now am waiting for two more for the Black Night Castle. The ye old clam is useless as I have completed collecting the items. (Joust area was as well).

    If it was just a visual glitch at time of collection we would be able to spend them in the bazaar.

    I’m not annoyed with you, appreciate your time and efforts dealing with this game, but these constant messages from TinyCo about visual glitches or working as intended are straight up fabrications.


    • You need to understand that not everything applies to everyone. The glitch was indeed real as myself as well as others had seen and reported it. Just because it did not happen to you does mean it did not exist.

      To date I rarely see every one have the exact same glitches, error codes, etc. Usually only a portion are impacted. Just look at comments and my “issues” posts. Not everyone has every single on of those issues, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to just ignore them and not look into it because I don’t have it.

      I get frustrations but to use anger to attack or put down others is not what this site is about. If it doesn’t apply to you, fine… but don’t use the site as an attack platform. Drops in this game from day one have rarely been always for everything. The game is chance. Always has been, always will be. Yes it can test the patience of many, but it is how they game. That will never change.

      Regardless, I’m not going to put others down for a real glitch that exists because someone else doesn’t have it and is ticked off. I’m going to do what I do… report what I see and do all I can to help.

      If you don’t like the drops let them know… but don’t put down someone else’s glitch/problem in the process. That’s just mean. Imagine if someone did that to you? Take a step back and see the bigger picture. A million plus players. We’re not all going to experience the game the same. 🙂


  10. Hi Bunny, the supposed visual glitch for the golden eggs does not seem to be the case for me. I trained over ten times and still only received two golden eggs. When I go to the bazaar to buy items it won’t let me saying I only have two eggs. So if they’re somewhere it doesn’t help if you can’t use them in the bazaar. I reported it in game but since I’ve never received a response from tiny co, I won’t hold my breath.


    • Glitches may not apply to everyone… but I did see it for myself… it was happening.


      • So then there still is a problem with the golden egg drop rate right? Something that has a high chance should be dropping more than 1/5 for those of us that haven’t seen the glitch. Can you keep on tiny co about this? Thank you for all you do.


    • Hi Teresa,
      I have the exact same problem (only had one egg drop all week and not a visual glitch) but I have had a response from tinyco.
      They said that the drops are verified and working correctly but they’ve tweaked the way items drop….. if you haven’t received an item after a set amount of tries (depending on rarity) it will automatically trigger a drop. I know they’ve done that in previous events and I saw an improvement in items dropping.
      Hope that explanation helps!!


      • It is also how the Materials work for the Districts. X amounts of fails increases the items likelihood to drop. For instance if a Rare doesn’t drop after… let’s say 12 tries for example sake… it then moves to an Uncommon rate chance making it more likely you will get it.


  11. Have any freemium players been able to fight a dragon yet? I’m still grinding trying to open sir Peter w no luck.


    • Nope im with you! I have everything ready except swords and i have not gotten a single one form the 5-8 archery missions. It’s a bit frustrating when you haven’t even started to unlock any costumes/characters or attack the dragon and the event is a week old already.


    • No me. I play 5-6 times a day and in barely halfway to getting Sir Peter. I don’t think I’ll get past week one.


      • Haven’t gotten a single sword. They’re pretty much all I have left to open him up and NOTHING over and over. Gets pretty frustrating.


    • Same here. Been nonstop with the archery but just finally got my first 2 eggs but still no swords. I was wondering if others had the same prob. I find it so confusing cause each time it says i have a high chance of all prizes but only ever get beans.


    • Nope no dragon fighting here either, still trying to get sir peter open


  12. The Bazaar counter doesn’t say I have invisible eggs from the past few eggless days, but I did collect one this morning so have high hopes for Peter coming through with his archery lessons. Although is it really wise to let Peter have a bow and arrow?


  13. It seems to be luck, at least you can only get the fire swamp once thus it gets removed thereafter and myself had no issues getting golden eggs from it but I had spent the 100 clams on the goose at the start , not sure if that made the difference but my first 4 -5 trys at training I got eggs, finally got 5 singing swords after my 5th attempt and waiting to get the other 5 needed, I got everything from the bazaar and just waiting to unlock the characters now. As far as hats for the princesses I’ve collected a total of 16, this seems to be quite a challenge to get hats but it’s still early and would appear we have til end of event to get the amount needed


  14. Is there anywhere that shows what potions you have when the Dragon isn’t around, I keep forgetting which ones I’ve been brewing.


    • Yes. Tap on the Castle area he disappears by, close to the Icon in some cases. It will pop up and tell you the amount and the Clam cost to revive him.


      • I had the same question as Chris – but when I click on either the icon or the castle itself (the tallest towers, just underneath the icon), the popup doesn’t specify the number of potions that I have. It just says “The Dragon Escaped” and displays the clam cost to revive him.

        Could it be a difference in platform? I’m playing on Android tablet and in the Facebook app, and in both places the “Dragon Escaped” popup is the same, i.e. no potion count. I’ve got screen shots if you think they’d help.

        It’s also possible that I’m just missing something really really obvious. 🙂

        Thanks for all you do, Bunny!


        • Hmmm very odd. I am seeing it on my Android devices. The potion count is right above the Clam Payout for me in it. Have you tried restarting your device to ensure any patches are in place?


            • Maybe because you defeated it? whereas mine timed out at 24 hours.

              I see this


              • Is that from NOT defeating him fully in 24hrs and he timed out? Or is that fully defeating to 5x level and he is in “Cool down”


                • From NOT defeating him, think I got up to 3x before the 24 hours ran out.


                  • K. That is something altogether different. If you do NOT defeat him, you will instead see that screen to restore him back to where you left of… which would be around 3x for you.

                    If you get him to “Cool Down” you see more the screen I showed. 😉


                    • Hey Bunny, if we don’t defeat the blue Dragon within 24 hours does he go back to the first white one when he comes back? Like how Borg Bertram would start from the beginning if we didn’t defeat him in time..


                    • Due to it takes a grueling amount of time for the Dragon to reset… I have not tested this theory. I would assume if one is not defeated another may take its place.


  15. This site loads comments soooooo slowly.

    I commented yesterday and it only shows up today. I wish that we could all talk a little more in real time to help each other because I’ve figured something out that’s REALLY helpful.

    That building that generates 6 clams every 12 hours? If you pay 5 clams to ‘speed it up’ after about 1 hour out of the 12 them you get 1 clam profit.

    Do this consistently and you can generate 10 or 11 clams every 12 hours instead of 6.

    Your welcome 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • You may want to read the Addicts Guidelines. It has to do with Moderation. I am the ONLY one running this site, so if I fall ill or am not around to moderate, the comments sit and wait for me. 😉


      • Oh sorry! I did not realise they had to be approved before appearing 🙂


        • Yah… if they did not… well… just take a gander at TinyCo’s Facebook page for the game. It is full of hate, vulgarities, physical threats, and trolls galore. Our site would be the same if we did not. You really DON’T want to see what we moderate out.

          Liked by 1 person

    • I did not receive clams on the last drop. I stuck to the 12 hours and did not speed it up, for fear this would happen. just be warned.


    • Please disregard my previous comment.. I think I used Consuela to collect coins so will see what happens next time around.


  16. Has anyone completed the timed quest and still haven’t gotten anything? Just wondering if this is a glitch in my game or everyone else’s


  17. Hi, I was wondering if anyone else noticed that the Old Lady Shoe House was listed as dropping arrows Always, but changed to chance on the actual building, and then Always was removed from the bazaar? BS move by TinyCo!
    Also, in the past year, it seems TinyCo has increased the difficulty in completing events unless you buy Clam items…. More normal buildings and more characters dropped items, instead of the three playable characters and buildings you have to quest to collect….
    Thank you Bunny for all your hard work in helping to resolve issues!


    • If you looked at the “Issues” post, you would see that the “Always” was only seen by some players and was an error in those games. The rest of us saw the rate as just “drops” which means “Rare” as it was tagged. It should have been the “rare” rate from day one for all Players.

      For me, I have seen rough and challenging Events from the first. Kingdom was hard, Peed Pants one was hard. MANY were hard to get it all. It may be that more are just now realizing the challenges.


  18. Anyone know what tasks need to be done for this weeks timed challenge?


  19. Not sure if it’s already been posted anywhere but noticed today that Westley is now voiced, looking forward to seeing if we get the other characters from Princess Bride… My name is Inego Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!


  20. I’m not sure why Tinyco haven’t done anything about the ludicrous drop rates of the Golden Eggs yet (sorry for bringing it up again as I’m sure that’s all anyone is talking about).

    I’ve now sent Peter to do his Archery quest eight times and not had a single one. Did get the Fire Swamp, all the Swords I need and a bunch of beans, but it means I can’t buy anything from the Bazaar other than the shoe (which I have) and can’t progress the main quest as I need to place the Jousting Field.

    The really annoying thing is that the Jousting Field and Ye Olde Clam help towards getting Peter, but as I’ve yet to get a Golden Egg I’ve managed to get all of the helmets I need for him and all bar one of the armours too. So these two decos will actually be useless to me by the time I can even unlock them. Surely this is not how Tinyco planned it to be?

    Because I’m stuck not being able to progress the quest or speed up getting Sir Peter, I can’t defeat the dragon or really do anything. So the whole event is pretty much a dud before it even starts. As there will no doubt be a whole new page of Bazaar items next week and I’ve yet to unlock more than one of the current crop – and I have to get at least the Field and Castle to progress the event and stand a chance of getting Westley. It bums me out more as I love the Princess Bride but drop rates have basically killed any chance I have of keeping up.

    Roll on the next event.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Don’t feel defeated. Remember that Events come in Phases and EVERYONE is in same place as you. Trying to get Eggs and Swords. TinyCo sets their game up so that it intentionally takes you time to unlock everything. They set a pace so that Players are not done on day one and saying “I’m bored”. So yes, it may take a lil bit longer to get things done in this game, but that is the style of their game. If it really bothers you that much, it may not be a game for you. I am just being honest. As you will run into this again and again and again. Panic in the beginning as everything seems to “take time”, but that is the game. It is not simple, it will always be challenging. You got to ask yourself, is it fun to YOU? Do you enjoy playing that style? If the answer is no, the OTHER game we write about may be more for you as it is simpler and not so challenging. My opinion anyway. Some food for thought. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • No they set it up so that people buy premium buildings which help them with getting the difficult items, like the golden egg laying goose. Simples. 😉


        • Like I said, PANIC. You “think” you are behind and so assume you have to get things to get ahead. Every game, store, business, etc does that. Grocery store is perfect example of all those “goodies” right at the register. You don’t need them, but they are there always to tempt you. Make you “think” you need them. The trick is to NOT give in and play how you want. 😉


    • Yep same here, lost count of how many times I’ve sent Peter to do his Archery yet still not even collected 1 golden egg. This isn’t just a visual glitch as the egg counter in the bazaar is still zero – can’t buy the items needed to progress.


  21. Tom tucker has a day long task for beans.


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