Tag Archives: Golden Eggs

Noble Knight Mystery Box

Hey there Gamblers!

With Phase 3 now live in our games, some tempting Clam items have been dropped into a Mystery Box for your amusement. Now as I always point out, these Mystery Boxes ARE a gamble. It is there as a choice and YOUR choice to take chances and spend Clams to see what Prize you win from each try at the Mystery Box. Let’s take a look inside.

Big Bad Brian Continue reading

A Grimm Knight HELP: Current “Issues”

Hey there Dragon Breaths!

Bouncing by with some help and updates on the latest information I have got back from concerns and questions I addressed to TinyCo. Take a look below and see if this helps you with some things you have been running into.

Consuela Technical Support Bunny Glitch Continue reading

A Grimm Knight Q&A

UPDATE ON GOLDEN EGGS 3/1: Per TinyCo, there was a “visual” glitch they have narrowed down now from Players reports of “not getting Golden Eggs”. Many of you WERE getting Golden Eggs this entire time, but “visually” were not seeing them. The Magic Bean Icon instead popped up. This “visual” glitch has been resolved, but just wanted to let you all know that even though you saw 0 or 3 “Visual” Golden Eggs, you may have actually gotten like 5 or more of them all this time. 🙂


Hey there 6 Fingered Men!

Bouncing by to go through some VERY common questions hitting over n over n over in the comments. Also covering a few “technical issues” many are questioning. Take a look below and see if your questions are answered.

A Grimm Knight Sir Peter Icon Continue reading