A Grimm Knight In Quahog Phase 2 Is Live!!

UPDATE 3/7: In usual TinyCo fashion, looks like they wanted to help Players along with the HP and made adjustments. Many of you will now start to see jumps and increases in your HP. You’re welcome. 🙂


Hey there People of Guilder… or are you from Florin!

Phase 2 is now live in our games! WOOHOO! With it we will get more Characters, Buildings, and more fun things to do.



First up, the Basic Requirements…

  • Players will need to have reached Honor Point Level 4 and complete Once Upon a Time Pt. 9
  • Players will need to be on Version 1.19.0 in the App Markets, so if you are not… go download it (or wait til it hits your market)
  • Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s completed
  • Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version, not Windows Stand Alone
  • PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points
  • Don’t have a TON of Tasks open in your Task Menu. If you have too many open, no new ones can arrive. So if you do not see new Tasks popping up, clear out some there to make room.

Back with more in a bit…

For more Basic Details on the overall Event, go to the Event Page HERE


Chris the Giant Crush ItChris the Giant: You will first have to place the Big and Tall shop to start his Material Collection, He helps ALWAYS drop Potions much like Sir Peter, Westley, and the Black Knight. (Poor Bunny)


Magic Bean2500 Magic Beans: Mini Beanstalk Greenhouse OR Medium Beanstalk Greenhouse OR Knights in Training OR Questlines Or Herbert Work as Town Crier OR Bruce Tend to His Fat Ass OR Chris Play With Arrows OR Jerome Sell Grog to Hipsters OR Quagmire Play With Arrows OR Tom Tucker Make Up News for Fun OR Mort Mock Medieval Markets OR Joe Attempt Seated Swordplay OR Herbert Work as Town Crier Gypsy Cart OR Event Buildings

Dragon Booger25 Dragon Boogers (Always): ***STILL VERIFYING***  Defeat the Dragon (it will have to be a new one, not one currently in Battle)

Golden Harp15 Golden Harps (Rare): Chris Hang Out at Home Or Prince Charming’s Manner School (Bazaar)

Giant Gym Sock25 Giant Gym Socks (Chance): Flash Bomb Mort Trolls

Bonemeal Bread10 Bonemeal Bread (Rare): Jerome Play Darts OR Herbert Be a Peeping Tom OR Miracle Max’s Medicine Shoppe (Bazaar) Or Great Castle in the Sky


FezzikFezzik: 250 Clam IconClams, Fully Tasked all dropping Magic BeanMagic Beans & Honor PointsHP, Comes with Questline, He IS Voiced!, ALWAYS drops 1 GauntletGauntlet (6hrs)



Tall Beanstalk GreenhouseTall Beanstalk Greenhouse: 700 Clam IconClams (+100Honor PointsHP when placed), Earns 500 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 3Honor PointsHP every 8hrs

Sapphire Egg EagleSapphire Egg Eagle: 130 Clam IconClams (+100Honor PointsHP when placed), Earns 10 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 3Honor PointsHP every 14hrs, Always drops 1 Sapphire EggSapphire Egg

Extra Tall Beenstalk GreenhouseExtra Tall Beanstalk Greenhouse: 950Clam Icon Clams (+100Honor PointsHP when placed), Earns 1000 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 5Honor PointsHP every 12hrs

Great Castle in the SkyThe Great Castle in the Sky: 120 Clam IconClams (+100Honor PointsHP when placed), Earns 14 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 4Honor PointsHP every 10hrs, Always drops 1 Bonemeal BreadBonemeal Bread


Big and Tall Giant's ShopBig and Tall Giants Shop w/Chris the Giant: 100 Magic BeanMagic Beans, 8hrs Build Time (+80Honor PointsHP on Build), Earns 30 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 10Honor PointsHP every 24hrs



Old Willow TreeOld Willow Tree: 25 Magic BeanMagic Beans

Well Wishes BillboardWell Wishes Billboard: 80 Magic BeanMagic Beans



There is now an additional option to just buy Potions. Remember, this is only Optional. It is your choice if you wish to splurge and use your Clams to go this route. (This option popped up momentarily, then disappeared in my game. More on it in a bit.)

As with most of these items, you MUST start the Phase 2 Questline to fully see all the New Items. Here is the breakdown of the Potions for sale.

Fireball PotionFireball Potion (3): 18 Clam IconClams

Earth PotionEarth Potion (3): 18 Clam IconClams

Lightning PotionLightning Potion (3): 18 Clam IconClams

This is actually a cheaper way to go then speeding up a Task at full time (which is 10 Clams for 1 Potion)



Flash Bang

You will notice a new Icon next to your Honor Level/Menu Hub Icon in the lower right of the screen. This is for Flash Bangs and taking out the Mort Trolls. You will see more information on this as you get into the New Main Questline for Phase 2, Twice Upon a Time.

Flash BangFlash Bang: Fairyjail Tower (Bazaar) OR Robbery Point (Bazaar) OR Peter Overeat OR Joe Raid Personal Weapons Stash


You can buy these in the Shopping Cart…

Flash Bang3 Flash Bangs: 48 Clam IconClams

Flash Bang6 Flash Bangs: 90 Clam IconClams

Flash Bang12 Flash Bangs: 160 Clam IconClams


Mort TrollMORT TROLLS: These guys start appearing with the start of the New Questline and wander your town. They do not stick to streets, so hopefully some corralling might help. Otherwise once you get some Flash Bang, tap on one of the Mort Trolls and Target it so it is walking into the center, then Fire the Flash Bang.

Still messing around with this to see how many I can take out with 1 Flash Bang. Will update later.

Just like some of the “Targeting” in the past, you CAN take out multiple Mort Trolls with one hit, they just need to be in those cross hairs of the Target when you launch the Flash Bang. Also much like the past, tapping on them will temporarily stop them and can also change their direction, so with some manipulation you can get more to one area before dropping a Flash Bang on them.

Payout: Magic BeanMagic Beans (+5, +10, +15) & Chance 1 Giant Gym SockGiant Gym Socks & Chance 1 Golden EggGolden Egg



ClamsFlash Bang

Peter Triggered a Clam Offer in my game. Your offer may differ.

The Best Knight Ever
Peter Starts

Buy $9.99USD or More Worth of Clams, get 10 Flash Bangs for Free! 

Once you trigger the offer, you will have 48hrs to decide whether or not you want to take it.



Wrestling Magic

There is a New Location by the Archery to help earn items for the Event. This is the “Wrestling” Ring.

Wrestling Characters:
Black Knight
Sir Peter
Chris the Giant

Cost: 4 GauntletGauntlets

Gauntlets (Rare): Westley Try a New Look OR Herbert Rebuild His House Using Candy OR Fessik Grab a Drink OR Bruce Fret About Something OR Chris Enjoy Private Time

Time: 3hrs

Chance Rewards:
Sapphire Egg1 Sapphire Egg
Lightning Sandbox
Magic Bean60 Magic Beans

OR at least 20 Magic BeanMagic Beans




Page 2 of the Bazaar has now arrived with more Items you can collect Materials for and unlock. Here are the New Items I see. Let me know if it differs for you. Again, you are able to get these in any order you want to.

Robbery PointRobbery Point (Building): Earns 8 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 2Honor PointsHP every 6hrs, Chance Drops Flash BangFlash Bang

Golden Egg1 Golden Egg
Sapphire Egg1 Sapphire Egg


Fairyjail TowerFairyjail Tower (Building): Earns 8 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 2Honor PointsHP every 6hrs, Chance Drops Flash BangFlash Bang

Magic Bean450 Magic Beans
Golden Egg1 Golden Egg
Sapphire Egg1 Sapphire Egg


Troll Mort's BridgeTroll Mort’s Bridge (Decoration)

Golden Egg2 Golden Eggs
Sapphire Egg2 Sapphire Eggs


Miracle Max's Medicine ShoppeMiracle Max’s Medicine Shoppe (Building): Earns 8 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 2Honor PointsHP every 6hrs, Chance Drops 2 Bonemeal BreadBonemeal Bread

Magic Bean550 Magic Beans
Golden Egg2 Golden Eggs
Sapphire Egg2 Sapphire Eggs


Prince Charming's Manner SchoolPrince Charming’s Manner School (Building): Earns 3 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 1Honor PointsHP every 2hrs, Chance Drops 2 Golden HarpGolden Harps

Magic Bean700 Magic Beans
Golden Egg4 Golden Eggs
Sapphire Egg3 Sapphire Eggs


Prince Charming's CastlePrince Charming’s Castle (Building): “FRIKKIN HARD”, Earns 30 Magic BeanMagic Beans & 10Honor PointsHP every 24hrs

Magic Bean25,000 Magic Beans
Golden Egg30 Golden Eggs
Sapphire Egg8 Sapphire Eggs



Defeat the Dragon

For the Dragons, I am seeing that they now also drop Dragon Boogers too. This did not appear until I defeated the one that was currently there and have a new one arrive (paid Clams to fast track this). If you do not see the Dragon Boogers just yet, wait. The NEXT Dragon will most likely show them in place of where the Princess Hats are. FYI, Princess Hats even though not showing DID still drop… so I got 4 Materials total for Payout.

This is what I saw in my Game…

Blue Dragon First Battle
Magic Bean50 Magic Beans
Dragon Booger2 Dragon Boogers
Dragon Scale2 Dra/gon Scales


Blue Dragon Second Battle
Magic Bean120 Magic Beans
Dragon Booger4 Dragon Boogers
Dragon Scale3 Dragon Scales


Blue Dragon Third Battle
Magic Bean280 Magic Beans
Dragon Booger6 Dragon Boogers
Dragon Scale4 Dragon Scales


Blue Dragon Fourth Battle
Magic Bean640 Magic Beans
Dragon Booger8 Dragon Boogers
Dragon Scale5 Dragon Scales


NEW CHANGE: I was also able to continue fighting the Blue Dragon one more Battle now. Though it did cost me 32 Earth Potions.

Blue Dragon Fifth Battle
Magic Bean1440 Magic Beans
Dragon Booger10 Dragon Boogers
Dragon Scale5 Dragon Scales


NOTE: The Dragon Boogers will ONLY show up if you do the following.

  • FIRST, place Chris the Giant to the point you see his Material Bubbles
  • SECOND, get a NEW Dragon. (If one is already there BEFORE you placed Chris, it will not show Boogers as they did not exist in the game prior to placing him). It will not matter if the New One is Blue or White, both drop them.

If you HAVE placed Chris the Giant, see his Material Bubbles, then a Brand New Dragon shows up AFTER doing that but still no Dragon Boogers dropping from the Battles… message TinyCo.


There you have it, the Basics to get you started. Remember to check all the “Requirements” up top if you are not seeing something. I will add a few more details and finalize the post, but this should be enough to get you the overall idea of the New Phase 2 and the New Items.

What do you think of Phase 2? Are you going to splurge on Fezzik? How about Targeting Trolls? Given that a try yet? Let us know.


222 responses to “A Grimm Knight In Quahog Phase 2 Is Live!!

  1. I wondered why I was having difficulty saving up sapphire eggs..!
    I just completed wrestling and watched a dropped sapphire egg swoosh up into the bar. Then I checked the building costs where it displays the number of materials collected and my sapphire egg count is zero.


  2. what are the lightning sandbox you win in the wrestling for?


  3. Is there an honor level limit? I am now at 14.


  4. Is there a problem with the sapphire eggs like there was with the golden eggs, it is hard enough to get the gauntlets to do the wrestling but have got the grand total of 2 from all my tries so is taking ages to get the bridge.


  5. Anyone else having such bad luck on gauntlets/sapphire eggs. I get that gauntlets are rare but I’ve sent sir Peter wrestling around 6 or 7 times now and only gotten a sapphire egg twice. Go me the golden eggs seemed broken at first too then I’m convinced they changed something and I have gotten one every time since doing archery.


  6. Hi, is there a deadline in order to get the frikkin hard castle, the last bazaar prize? Do we have to get it before the end of phase 2 or it will be possible also during the following phases? Thanks!


  7. Sure wish I’d known this would be impossible for me to finish [I don’t have Tom Tucker yet, and he’s part of a quest] BEFORE I spent real-world money on The Black Knight, a Wesley quick-open, and the goose that laid the golden egg!!! Jeeezuz…


    • ??? What do you mean? He helps drop items… but where is he required in a Questline?


      • “AS YOU WISH, Pt. 4″ ‘Wesley is too tired for the media”
        1. Have Wesley do frmboy stuff.
        2. Have Tom Tucker make up news for fun.


        • Got it. So not a required Questline nor critical to the Event like I was asking. No need to worry about it. That’s just a Character Side Questline. Those stay around after the event, so get to it later when you have Tom 😉


      • … and I only just got STEWIE open yesterday, after a plural-month o’ grind – slog! So, I’ve really no idea just what lies between me [“Freaks & Geeks Part 5″; Stu es Machina Pt. 4”] and Tom [after “What The Deuce, Pt. 1”].


        • OOPs! I’m brand-spankin’ new to this site/group/thingamadjyig, and didn’t know about your “What The Deuce” [a.k.a. “Bitch-Fests n’ Hissy-Fits] specifications. I’ll know better next time… ‘Blast!!’


  8. Margaret Williams

    Hahaha…just send my post about level going from 4-8 hit post comment back to the top and there was Bunny’s post about it.


  9. Margaret Williams

    Not sure if anyone else was experiencing their Level not going up. I was just in the game and went from Level 4-Level 8 in secs. I’m thinking it may of been stuck (glitch) as I’m in the game checking regular. I’m going for the Freaking hard this time as I want the castle. I’m just over 3,000 beans away from 25,000. Now for the blue eggs to drop.
    Have a Great Monady evening


  10. not sure if this is just me or if it is everyone, since playing this event the honor points on my bar having been going up slowly in conjunction with when I collect from the tasks, which I have assumed as normal. On my game it says I am on Honor level 3, but after a few of my characters have completed random tasks I am awarded a clam and then my game has said I have completed honor levels 4 and 5, so I am able to move onto the new quest lines. Is this normal?


  11. Hey Bunny… is there a timed challenge in week 2 and if so how do we open it?


  12. Is everyone else having the same problem with the supposedly “high” chance of the sapphire egg drop from wrestling training as you did for the gold egg? I’m going to report that mine is more like a low or rare chance but was wondering if it’s just my game.


  13. Is there a time limit to complete Wesley before he disappears? Don’t want to miss him


  14. Hi Bunny I was wondering about the princesses. I got the hats for them and clicked on the bubbles to claim. The next bubble still has ? mark, is that normal?


  15. Blackshirts & Boogers

    Thought I was having issues with boogers…but thanks to your info you completely cleared my booger problem up. Thanks Bunny for taking care of my Boogers!!


  16. Well, that was quick. I went back to the game, picked up an honor point from Jerome, and poof I was in Phase 2. Wish they would give us numbers for the honor points rather than just the bar. It really looked all the way over no matter how many honor points I added earlier today, even though it was visibly moving before that as I added a bunch of toadstools.


  17. How do you level up castle in order to unlock 2nd item needed to unlock princess buttercup?


    • There is no 2nd item or any other items for Buttercup or Lois yet. The ONLY item so far you can earn for them is the Princess Hats. When more unlocks, I will note it in one of the posts.

      Otherwise the ONLY new content as well as the requirements is all listed in this post. 😉


  18. so im a regular player and i only just got to honour point level 3. and that was a struggle. am i missing some way of earning lots of points?


    • Tasks, Questlines, Bazaar Buildings or other Buildings, Toad Stools, Charming Bunts. That is the main places to get them. Just look on the Main Posts for Phase 1 & 2 for the HP icon and you can see all the places you can get it from.


    • I’m in phase 1, part 9 of main quest, re-enforce your castle gates is checked off but I didn’t intentionally do anything, but reach honor level 4 is still stuck at 3/4. The bar looks complete to me. I spent a small fortune in beans on cute little red toadstools and that seemed to push it toward the far end, plus I’ve added honor points from tasks since then. But the number still says 3. I tried visiting Ollieland to resync and force quitting several times. My app is up to date. (iPhone)

      I have everything from the bazaar except for the Joe carriage- do I actually have to get that before I can go on? Was hoping not to get it. Or do dragon honor points count differently to push into the next level? Peter won’t have collected enough potions for the next (3rd) battle phase for the current dragon for another 6 hours


  19. Every time I have 3 trolls and launch the grenade only 2 disappear. One is always unaffected (once the unaffected one walked right thru the two that did disappear). Am I missing a trick to this?


    • Depends… was it walking OUT of the screen? Or was it walking INTO the Target Area?


      • They are in the main circle area. The one literally walked in between the two that were affected. How bizzaaro. Also I missed your answer and purchased the Robbery Point, in your opinion do we need the Troll Bridge? Its hard getting all these items w just Sir Peter. Thanks for all your help!


        • Troll Bridge is part of the Main Questline, so whether you want it or not… you will eventually have to get it to complete the Main Questline to move on.

          As to Mort Troll… it depends on what it was doing when you fired the Flash Bang… if it was triggered and then they walked in… they can be missed. If it is along the very edge of the Cross Hairs in the Target screen walking out… it can be missed. Mainly look to see which ones hunch over and those are the ones you hit.

          Also try the “Tap Method” to make them all stop walking before firing on them. That can, at times, help to ensure they can’t walk out of the Target when you fire.

          A Grimm Knight 101: Mort Trolls


          • The same happens with me quite regularly, I normally have four in the crosshairs but only get three rewarded, or have three in the crosshairs and only get two rewarded… I think the game is not quite perfect on this, even if they are fully within the crosshairs they may not count if they’re not dead centre (which is impossible to achieve). Happens. 😉


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