Daily Archives: June 2, 2016

Greek Life Event Phase 4 Is Live!!

Hey there Gods and Goddesses!


Well kinda, sorta, in a lesser form of me anyway. Please still feel free to continue assisting with the posts as I am still on limited ability and slowly working back up to more.

Now on to the NEW STUFF!!


Greak Life Event Icon

First up, the Basics

  • Players will need to be to Party Like a God Part 9 and updated the Fountain to move into Phase 4/Week 4 content.
  • Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s completed
  • Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version (iOS, Google, Amazon, Facebook). NOT Windows Stand Alone
  • PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points
  • Don’t have a TON of Tasks open in your Task Menu. If you have too many open, no new ones can arrive. (Keep it under 10). If you do not see new Tasks popping up, clear out some incomplete Tasks already on your List to make room for more

Back with more in a bit…… Continue reading