Coming Soon!!!


Look what’s on its way really really soon.

Keep an eye on your App Markets for version 1.27.0 to hit, update, and get ready for some Superheroes.


You getting excited?


35 responses to “Coming Soon!!!

  1. It is 4:40p EST and I just found it in the play store. wooooooot lets a gooooooooooo


  2. It just hit!


  3. It was so nice of Tiny Co to give us a days break between events for a change.
    Allows us to finish off future Chris and Stu questlines and generally enjoy life without so much tapping for a little while. I hope they do this more in future. I mean I would like a weeks break sometimes to be honest, but a day is nice.

    PS: Super heroes? Sounds like a certain other tap based game…


  4. Oh yeah! This looks like it’ll be a really awesome one! Can’t wait to have fun getting my DC on!


  5. Event is now live! Trying to battle thug with Superman is freezing game though – bummer to hit a showstopper bug 3 minutes into an event.


  6. Not really excited. Each big event have been more and more of a downer for freemium players.
    I used to buy clams with each event, but even doing that I couldn’t compete. I stopped paying for anything after the Christmas event,


    • So don’t pay. Play. Just have fun. Don’t focus on money money money, just for the thrill of it. See where it takes you. This kind of mindset will allow you to enjoy the game more to just see what you get and how far vs how much money you spend. 🙂


  7. I knew hoarding all those clams waiting for a Star Wars event (that never came) would finally pay off. Bring on the super heroes!


  8. I’m a Marvel girl myself but I’m sure I can get my nerd on with a DC event. The update is currently avsilsble in the apple App Store.


    • If your a Marvel fan you might like another Tinyco game – Marvel Avengers Academy! This event has some mechanics that are similar to the Spiderman event currently on. Just be warned – it is hard to earn everything.


  9. Got a POW button on my game now but nothing else yet. Looking nice 😉


  10. Update now live in my game! Can’t resist superman for 250 clams!


  11. EEEEEEE… *COUGH* I LIKE MARVEL BETTER *COUGH* But DC will doooooooo! Pretty Pumped now. Probably going to be impossible for me to get anyone I want though.


    • If you like Marvel more, why not have a look at another Tiny co game – Marvel Avengers Academy! This event seems to have a few mechanics similar to the current event in that game which is a Spider-Man event! But be warned – it is hard to earn everything-


  12. moecyslack905

    Cool! Looking forward to that 😀


  13. Update has now hit App Store for iOS. Downloaded it, but other than the icon, nothing new in game YET!! Awesome- can’t wait!!😄


  14. OMG, please tell me that they will use Adam West to voice Batman.


  15. Update is currently loading. Hope it starts right away.


  16. The Problem Child

    You know, I don’t mind FG coming up with similar non-holiday events as Tapped Out and vice versa…but at the same time? I don’t think so.


    • Wouldn’t be the first time. Keep in mind also these are planned out MONTHS in advance due to legality and copyrights. So… it could be that TSTO saw they were shopping the rights and pushed Superheroes 2 to combat it. 😉


    • Well this event seems a bit similar to another Tinyco game – Marvel Avengers Academy – it seems some of the mechanics have been taken from that game.


  17. woehoeee let’s goooooo!!!!


  18. Ugh. Just when I had gotten away from the habit of spending clams. Whelp… there goes my savings!


  19. I hope the stuff from comic-con will help. Although I highly doubt it, it would be pretty cool for us older players.


  20. This excites me! More than Pokemon Go! I LOVE DC Comics! I have a feeling I will be spending a fair amount of clams this go round!


  21. Yeah, I’m excited. Do you know when exactly it’s gonna be here?


  22. Family Guy update 1.27.0 has hit the iOS App Store! “The Legion of Doom is hellbent on inciting chaos in Quahog! Luckily, Superman and your favorite DC Comics superheroes are around to keep the peace! Help Peter and the gang suit up and stop their emerging threat. And find out who will win the battle for Truth, Justice, and the Quahog Way!”



    I would be excited if I could get into my game! 2 months now!!! No help from TinyCo!


  24. Got the update, no change except app icon so far?


  25. If Mayor Adam West is not Batman, I will be highly disappointed.


  26. {{fills out loan applications in anticipation of clam buy needed}}


  27. Oh. My. God.
    I just had a great big O!


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