Kung Pow Quahog Premium Character Questlines – Tai-Jitsu Lois & Ninja Stewie

Here comes the……Questlines!!!

If your name’s Bill, I’d watch out, as Tai-Jitsu Lois is wandering Quahog and looking for something to do. And if that’s not bad dnough she’s got her very own karate kid in tow, Ninja Stewie. Maybe we can distract them with a Questline as we all know behind every great costume, lies a great Questline.



Tai-Jitsu Lois  is a character costume available in Phase 2 of the Kung Pow Quahog event, she costs 270 Clam Iconclams. You’ll find the full profile HERE.

At the time of writing this Tai-Jitsu Lois doesnt have any tasks that drop event items, (although Lois does have a 4hr task with a chance drop of a Trophy), but she is one of only a few characters that can fight Samurai and Mr Miyagi, so you will probably delay her Questline until the end of the event, but here’s a taste of what to expect once you decide to tackle it.


 Here Comes The Bride Pt. 1
Lois Starts

Have Tai-Jitsu Lois Fight Like Crazy: 4hrs, Earns $50  & 30xp
Have Chris Hide From Birds: 2hrs, Earns $30  & 20xp

Completed Task Rewards: 15  Chopsticks

 Here Comes The Bride Pt. 2
Lois Starts

Have Tai-Jitsu Lois Take A Bike Ride: 8hrs, Earns $80  & 50xp
Have Jerome Take A Bike Ride: 8hrs, Earns $80 & 50xp

Completed Task Rewards: 15  Chopsticks

 Here Comes The Bride Pt. 3
Lois Starts

Have Tai-Jitsu Lois Rule The Dojo: 6hrs, Earns $65  & 45xp
Have Mort Restock Bandages: 6hrs, Earns $65 & 45xp

Completed Task Rewards: 15  Chopsticks

 Here Comes The Bride Pt. 4
Lois Starts

Have Tai-Jitsu Lois Win Championship: 10hrs, Earns $90 & 59xp
Have Bonnie Take Tai-Jitsu Class: 8hrs, Earns $80 & 50xp

Completed Task Rewards: 20  Chopsticks

 Here Comes The Bride Pt. 5
Lois Starts

Have Tai-Jitsu Lois Order Sushi: 12hrs, Earns $100 & 65xp
Have Meg Smell Like Sushi: 10hrs, Earns $90 & 59xp

Completed Task Rewards: 30  Chopsticks


Ninja Stewie  is another character costume available in Phase 2 of the Kung Pow Quahog event, he is the top prize in the Sensei Stewie Mystery Box which costs 150 Clam Iconclams per try. You’ll find the full profile HERE.

At the time of writing this Ninja Stewie doesnt have any tasks that drop event items either,  but he is one of only a few characters that can fight Nerds. So again you will probably delay this Questline until the end of the event, but here’s a warning of what’s to come once you tackle his Questline.


 Enter The Ninja Pt. 1
Stewie Starts

Have Ninja Stewie Milk It: 6hrs, Earns $65  & 45xp
Have Chris Teach Karate To Turtles: 2hrs, Earns $30  & 20xp

Completed Task Rewards: 15  Chopsticks

 Enter The Ninja Pt. 2
Stewie Starts

Have Ninja Stewie Study Ninja Stuff: 4hrs, Earns $50  & 30xp
Have Bruce Tiptoe Like A Ninja: 4hrs, Earns $50 & 30xp

Completed Task Rewards: 15  Chopsticks

 Enter The Ninja Pt. 3
Stewie Starts

Have Ninja Stewie Fight Hunger: 10hrs, Earns $90  & 59xp
Have Bonnie Flirt With Ninjas: 6hrs, Earns $65 & 45xp

Completed Task Rewards: 15  Chopsticks

 Enter The Ninja Pt. 4
Stewie Starts

Have Ninja Stewie Choose His Weapon: 8hrs, Earns $80 & 50xp
Have Mort Sell Vitamns to Ninjas: 8hrs, Earns $80 & 50xp

Completed Task Rewards: 30  Chopsticks

There you have it. The side Questlines for Tai-Jitsu Lois and Ninja Stewie. Did you get eitther of them? If so, how far into their Questline are you? Liking them so far? Let us know.

~ Russian Tigger



2 responses to “Kung Pow Quahog Premium Character Questlines – Tai-Jitsu Lois & Ninja Stewie

  1. I spent 1500 clams trying to get ninja stewie with no success. I give up.


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