Undercover Gigg-Olo: Dick’s Inn New Rewards Added

Hey there Addicts, fancy a bit more undercover work? You should, as TinyCo are sure making it worth the trouble as they’ve dropped some returning character & character costumes into the rooms as possible rewards.

So I t’s time to play a game of Chance again. by sending your escorts on missions to see what else they can catch, I mean find and bring back with them.

For more information on the Main Event, go to the Event Page HERE


Well only the chance to win up to 4 new character costumes and 1 new character depending what’s rooms are available in your game.


They will show as a possible reward in different rooms. If you look here you can see Burnt Out Brian is now a chance drop in the Soccer Mom Room.

The full breakdown of where to find the new goodies is below, along with the other items that can drop, please note what you will see will depend on where you are in the event, but the odds on the character costumes/character do increase as you clear other items. And another positive the cost in Little Blue Pills to do Undercover Missions has stayed the same.

Now let’s take an overall look at the individual Rooms.


Soccer Mom Room
Cost of Undercover Mission – 2 Blue Pills
Who you can send on Undercover Mission – Pimp Stewie OR/AND Peter
Time of Undercover Mission – 10 seconds

Chance Payout:
$100 (Always)
1 Pink Handbag (Chance)
1 Feather (Chance)
1 Matchbox (Chance)
Burnt Out Brian (Chance) 


Honeymoon Suite
Cost of Undercover Mission – 3 Blue Pills
Who you can send on Undercover Mission – Pimp Stewie OR/AND Peter
Time of Undercover Mission – 10 seconds

Chance Payout:
$100 (Always)
1 White High Heels (Chance)
1 Gold Chain (Chance)
2 Matchboxes (Chance)
Judge (Chance)


Indulgence Suite
Cost of Undercover Mission – 6 Blue Pills
Who you can send on Undercover Mission – Pimp Stewie OR/AND Gigg-Olo Quagmire
Time of Undercover Mission – 10 seconds

Chance Payout:
$100 (Always)
1 Diamond Ring (Chance)
2 Matchboxes (Chance)
Billionaire Peter (Chance)


In order to be able to utilize this Room and find the Charmisse character, you will first have to pay a one time cost of 200 Clam IconClams to unlock it for use. Once you pay the Clams, you can then continue to use it just like the other Rooms.

Charmisse Room
Cost of Undercover Mission – 3 Blue Pills
Who you can send on Undercover Mission – Peter and once you’ve won her, Charmisse
Time of Undercover Mission – 10 seconds

Chance Payout:
Charmisse (Chance)
$100 (Always)
1 White High Heel (Chance)
1 Diamond Ring (Chance)
3 Matchboxes (Chance)
Condom Chris (Chance)
Schoolgirl Tricia (Chance)

*** I won Charmisse on my 2nd Undercover Mission but your results will vary ***

There you have the Basics of the added drops in the Undercover Missions. And as they are all returning items I’ll link their original profiles and walkthroughs below. But be aware rewards will have changed due to their original use during the event they were released in.

Burnt Out Brian: ProfileQuestline


Billionaire PeterProfileQuestline

Condom ChrisProfileQuestline

Schoolgirl TriciaProfileQuestline

What do you think of the additions to Dick’s Inn? Have you tried your luck and got anything yet?

~ Russian Tigger

72 responses to “Undercover Gigg-Olo: Dick’s Inn New Rewards Added

  1. Got Brian’ costume and the Judge after deciding that I had a better shot at getting them than finishing Peters costume. Canes and rings are too hard for me.


  2. I just got the judge as a reward but he isnt showing up in my game. How do i report this?


  3. all the characters and costumes are showing at my dicks inn, even tho I have burnt brian and condom chris. Will it make a difference if I dont have schoolgirl tricia? Will it still drop since her and chris are connected? I am going for judge, but I was curious in case I get him quick…


    • I only saw the characters I didn’t already have. You should still be able try for Schoolgirl Tricia, but if you’re concerned your drops will be affected by characters showing even although you already have them please message TinyCo.


  4. got the judge today, starting on his quest


  5. I got the Judge and Brian right away. Nice freebies. Especially free we totally got suckered in on the useless Stewie costume. I don’t even want the Peter skin, but I think I’m on track. I went for the Judge instead. TinyCo, if you are listening, everyone wants new characters. No more costumes or skins!


    • Damn 😦 I got Brian after 2 tries but I’ve tried to get the Judge at least 10 times without success


      • I just got him on my 12th try, and instead sending both Pimp Stewie and Peter, I just sent Peter to reduce the chance of matchbooks. And voila it paid off as he dropped.


        • I don’t have Pimp Stewie, so reducing my chances isn’t really an option haha 🙂 But, I got my last ring today so I was able to go back to trying for the Judge again… I got him on my second go, so probably around 12 tries overall like you. I only have 4 canes to go, so I should have Big Pete Peter just before the event ends


      • I’m having similar lack of luck. I’m only trying for the judge, not really interested in unlocking Peter or Quagmire’s costumes since neither would help get the judge and there really isn’t enough time for me to do anything else anyway without stress (not fond of short events, I prefer long ones even though I usually miss the last one or two phases – seems more relaxed)). I could get Quagmire easily enough, though, almost done for him. So I just check in to poof the wanderers and give it another try, not picking up drops from characters or buildings. Wish they spawned in more abundance.


        • It looks like my luck just changed as I got him after a couple of more tries. I’m surprised you don’t have the Quagmire costume, as that was relatively easy. I should have the Peter costume just before the event ends. Having said that, I don’t really care for the costumes… also most, if not all, of the event buildings are boring and will go into storage (I might be more interested if there was more land to decorate with). Here’s hoping for a more exciting event in a couple of days!


          • I finally got the judge yesterday, then started trying for Brian. Did get the one bag I still needed for Quagmire while trying for Brian in the Soccer Mom room. I didn’t want to use pills to finish Quagmire until I had the judge, once he became available.

            The only thing I bought with boxes was the car with the pool in back. Wish it moved, but I suppose it’s too long for that… I’ve ignored the main questline starting in Part 4, since I didn’t want to waste boxes on a strip club that would just go into storage.

            Liked by 1 person

  6. I won The Judge and nothing happened. I don’t see him anywhere and he isn’t an option in the Honeymoon Sweet any longer. What can I do?


    • Check the character tab in your inventory in case he’s sitting there waiting for you to put him in your game.


    • Same just won the Judge yet nothing. Checked the character tabs nothing I don’t even see his profile there. Forcestopped my game, rebooted and still nothing. He is also no longer in the Inn to get so not sure WTF happened.


      • If he’s not showing in your inventory anywhere, look through sometimes things don’t go where they are supposed too, then please message TinyCo.


      • I had the same, he’s in the inventory not in the shop. Go to settings => inventory and he’ll be there. What’s the bet? 😉


  7. I was on the fence about opening Charmisses room but the addition of Chris and Tricia’s skins really made the 200 clams feel like a bargain. Totally worth it. Charmisse is hilarious!


    • Her tasks etc are funny, despite her looking such a sad worn out soul.


    • I was glad I held off on the clams for Stewie as I paid for Charmiss’s room instead. I was able to gather items for Peter faster, got the Quagmire costume relatively easily and was able to concentrate on the Judge and Brian’s costume…The Judge took the longest, but Brian and Trish were relatively easy as Dick’ Inn was pretty empty by that point…I did spend on her, but I feel like I got value – that’s all I ask…


      • I agree, better value for premium items has been a constant ask and with last event and Charmisse I think we’re seeing it. Just need pull costume prices down.


  8. So I got the judge to drop as a reward but the game never told me I unlocked the judge and hes nowhere to be found. Is there something Im missing?


  9. Won both Burnt Out Brian and the Judge with only a few attempts; nice freebies. Already have Billionaire Peter. They totally punked us with the Pimp Stewie pre-buy though, as it looks like spending those 200 clams on Charmisse’s Room would’ve been better value.


  10. just got Burnt Out Brian 🙂 and placed the Throne of Canes

    now i can focus on Peter’s rings …


  11. I unlocked Gigg-Olo Quagmire fairly quickly! I seriously was NOT expecting that at all LOL. In all honesty, my hopes and expectations were really REALLY low for this mini-event just because of the past 2 minis we had I majorly failed at both. Then on the very next try at the Soccer-Mom room after unlocking Quagmire’s costume, I got Burnt Out Brian which I thought was pretty awesome so I’m happy at the moment🤗😇🤡🤠🤤😁🙃


  12. Shawn Heidingsfelder

    I already had Quagmire unlocked, so I was able to get both Brian and the Judge to drop today. Would like matches to drop more often, but I’m making progress on Big Peter.


  13. Am I the only one not getting matchbooks? I have one, that’s it.


    • The matchbook drops get better as you clear other items from the rooms such as feathers, pink handbags etc. but they are a slow drop.


    • My drops for matchboxes increased to medium after I collected all the boots and necklaces (not really ‘extra rare’ in my case btw) in the second room. I was trying to get the Judge and I got full of matchboxes. Keep trying.
      If you feel behind maybe you could set some priorities and go for one room at the time or something like that. That helped me get everything I was looking for. Good luck 🙂


  14. I got Brian along with 25 clams for completing the mafia character collection


  15. I just got Burnt Out Brian. Thankfully one of the first things needed to clear pt.1 is also for Quagmire.


  16. What is the spawn time for the male strippers?


  17. game must have glitched on me i got brian with out even looking went out of game came back in and was done 4 me


  18. am i right that the judge is the only full character and the other are just useless skins/costumes? thanks


  19. I like this addiotion. I didn’t see the point of an event where you can only get outfits (fremiumly speaking). I think I’ll go for the judge only. I got Quagmire’s outfit, but I’m not confident of getting the canes for Peter’s, so I won’t send him for rings. I have only 3 canes and I don’t have matchboxes for the building. It doesn’t seem strategic to spend 6 pills trying to get rings to get stuck with canes. Fingers crossed for the Judge!

    Liked by 2 people

    • You’re not only player going for the Judge over Big Pete Peter – especially as Judge was a premium buy originally.


      • I thought so. It’s not like we’re in shortage of Peter’s outfits, lol
        I got the judge today. It took me a little over a day of attempts but I got him. And all my tries to get the Judge got me full of matchboxes because there was nothing else in the room, so I’ll go for Peter’s outfit after all since there’s nothing else to do.
        I don’t know if it’s coincidence, but I got the judge after trying a different room on the 2nd or 3rd attempt today, as if alternating helped drops a little.
        In that altering rooms I got Brian’s outfit on the 1st attempt, so this event is totally saved for me. It’s the first mini-event I don’t totally suck in I don’t remember how long! Whata nice change 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        • Think you’ve been touched with good luck today. Despite doing lot missions I’ve not got any of the characters added, I’ve got a shed load of matchbooks though, lol.


    • I agree with u Rut, as I don’t think I will get the nor the rings as I have 8 canes and 0 rings, so I’m just focusing on trying to get the Judge.


  20. Not going to try to go for Peter’s outfit unless I get the judge soon. I definitely prefer to earn a new character over a skin.


  21. What happens if you already have the character/skin?


  22. These aren’t new. They’re from prior events.


  23. I unlocked judge in the honeymoon suite, but he didn’t get added into my game? Anyone else experience this?


  24. Nice little addition and so glad I bought Charmisses’ room as Condom Chris is the only character I didn’t have so I now have a chance to acquire him! Thanks TinyCo!


  25. Just got Judge! After I received him all I had to do was open my inventory to retrieve him. Now to keep trying for Burnt Out Brian


  26. Almost got Quagmires costume, then I’ll aim for Peter. If I cannot get the throne of canes quick enough, I will just aim for the judge.


  27. Got brian after 3 tries and have done 5 for judge without him dropping


  28. omg i got the judge , i didn’t even pay attention to the new rewards … i thought he’s Ollie at first (but I already have Ollie) … cool new character 😀


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