Do I Want That? MacGyver

So you think you’re as rich at Carter Pewterschmidt? Own a fancy house like Buzz Killington? You sure gotta lot of clams there, whatcha gonna do with them?



Now hold on there a minute. Are you SURE you want that? With all these cool Quahog Heat limited time event items in the game, it is very easy to get carried away. Before you know it, Clamshell Shock! All gone!

So before you go ahead and buy the MacGyver character with your hard-earned Clams, here’s a few things you might want to know about him.

Character: Yes
Clam Price: 270 Clam IconClams
Unique: Yes


  • A new Character for your Quahog.
  • Can help investigate the Casino Blackjack Parlour
  • Inflicts 2 Damage on Kingpin Consuela
  • One of only four characters who can attack Kingpin Consuela
  • Fully tasked with Questline.
  • 2 permanent animated tasks
  • Has appeared in Family Guy TV show


  • Frakkin 270 CLAMS!!!
  • Won’t be useful after the Event


Well there is none, he has no drops, the main purpose of this premium buy is to give you an advantage in investigating the Blackjack Parlour to find Card Sharks and bust Kingpin Consuela, you can then use him for attacking Kingpin Consuela.

Think of this, MacGyver can start to do investigations immediately in Room 1 in the Casino, the Blackjack Parlour. This room only needs 2 rare Police Tape per investigation as opposed to the 3 and 5 needed for other rooms. So that’s a plus straight away with Police Tape drops. The only freemium character who can investigate this room is Erik Estrada, if you’ve not unlocked him yet or missed out on him, then this room is out-of-bounds for now, unless you purchase MacGyver.

You can of course investigate other rooms with Miami Cop Peter, Lifeguard Lois  & Aerobics Bonnie, once you’ve unlocked them. But if you’ve not unlocked Erik Estrada you’re probably going to find you can only use Miami Cop Peter for investigations for a while, and as I say the rooms Miami Cop Peter is of use in take more Police Tape. The Lounge needs 5 and the Casino Floor  needs 3. And the Police Tapes as I say are rare drops, and there’s been no additional characters added to drop them this for this Phase.

Also MacGyver can help fight Kingpin Consuela once you bust her during an investigation. The only freemium character that can fight her is Miami Cop Peter, so a premium character will be a big help there.

These  battles are crucial not only to progress in Phase 2 but also to getting enough resources to exchange for Detective Badges in order to unlock Lifeguard Lois & Aerobics Bonnie.

And another quick reminder of who else can help investigate rooms:

Blackjack Parlour – Erik Estrada

Lounge – Miami Cop Peter and/or Aerobics Bonnie ( Aerobics Bonnie needs to be bought in Luxury Wheels & Deals before she can be used so won’t show as immediately available).

The Casino Floor – Miami Cop Peter & Lifeguard Lois (who needs to be unlocked before she can be used so won’t show as immediately available).

And who else can attack Kingpin Consuela: Miami Cop Peter, Chopper Cop Quagmire & Moustache P.I. Joe

Final Thought:

Personally, I usually only buy a character if it’s something I really want in my game, I rarely buy just because it will help in an event. But I have to say if I hadn’t already bought Chopper Cop Quagmire I  would possibly have taken the plunge, as he will help you move along in this Phase: with the cheaper investigations, and inflicting damage on Kingpin Consuela. If you’re short on time, or like a hand up in events this is a tempting buy as it’s a full character not a costume. I think a lot will depend on how you’re finding your Police Tape drops and progress going. My drops haven’t been good so far, and that is what made me buy the Chopper Cop Quagmire costume, even although I thought 270 clams was way too much for a costume. Now I wish I’d held off and purchased MacGyver instead. But I have to say during this part of the event it’s hard to say with the random nature of things exactly how valuable he will be. I was disappointed Chopper Cop Quagmire didn’t help me do more in Phase 1, but he was useful, just not 270 clams worth, MacGyver may be the same, ie he will help but not be a massive help. And if you’ve not splashed any clams up until now, you may think it’s a good time to do as traditionally Phase 2 of an event tends to be the toughest.  But for me it’s a no as I have unlocked Erik Estrada already for Investigations and  have Chopper Cop Quagmire for attacking Kingpin Consuela.

With it being part of a Limited Time Event, just make sure you make up your mind as once the event is over it is most likely they will be gone. In the end it’s your call.  What you buy and what you don’t buy is your own personal choice we can only guide you on the facts and let you know what we did and what we think.  But don’t purchase it until YOU are sure. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!

~ Russian Tigger

15 responses to “Do I Want That? MacGyver

  1. I’m not getting it either


  2. i clicked ‘buy’ on this so freakin’ fast! Not for any potential help he may provide in the event (I really don’t bother actively participating in events anymore) but for the pure nostalgia factor. MacGyver was my favourite show as a kid. Everyone in my family knew not to bother me on Monday nights. I’m actually super happy he was available to buy outright – if he’d been a timed character like Erik Estrada I’d’ve never been able to get him.


  3. Is this the same MacGyver from The Simpsons episode “Kiss Kiss Bang Bangalore” because that’s what I first thought of.


  4. Is he voiced by Richard Dean Anderson?


  5. I gambled and bought Chopper Cop Quagmire too. For 270 clams, it was a bad investment because the costume did nothing to help me along. I’m not rolling the dice again (pun intended) for McGyver.


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