Do I Want That? Yellow Ranger Bonnie

So you think you’re as rich at Carter Pewterschmidt? Own a fancy house like Buzz Killington? You sure gotta lot of clams there, whatcha gonna do with them?



Now hold on there a minute. Are you SURE you want that? With all these cool Mighty Morphin Griffin Rangers limited time event items in the game, it is very easy to get carried away. Before you know it, Clamshell Shock! All gone!

So before you go ahead and buy the Yellow Ranger Bonnie character costume with your hard-earned Clams, here’s a few things you might want to know about her.

Character Costume
Clam Price: 240 Clam IconClams.
Unique: Yes


  • A good looking new female Power Ranger Cosplayer for our towns.
  • 2 Permanent animated tasks, however neither are particularly exciting.
  • A fun temporary event animated task.
  • Can Clear Blue Ranger Cosplayers.
  • Fully tasked with Questline.


  • Frickin 240 Clams, way too high a price for a costume.
  • It’s a costume, Bonnie has quite a few already.
  • Has never appeared in the Family Guy Show.
  • Won’t be useful after the Event


I wanted to give you an overall idea of how it COULD benefit your game play. And it’s simple you can use Yellow Ranger Bonnie to clear Blue Ranger Cosplayers, letting you build up the essential resources they drop, including Blue Zeo SubCrystals quicker.  However to be honest she isn’t essential to progressing as Goldar Brian can also clear Blue Ranger Cosplayers. But Yellow Ranger Bonnie will let you clear more each day, and that will be a good way of building up a stock of much-needed Blue Zeo Subcrystals. These are needed as energy for the Triceratops DinoZord. .

  • Her Attack Blue Ranger Cosplayers Task is 4 hours long, so technically you will be able to clear up to 6 more Blue Ranger Cosplayers in any 24 hour period than you could with Goldar Brian alone.

But as I said there is a freemium way to clear the Blue Ranger Cosplayers using Goldar Brian’s ‘ Scare Off Blue Ranger Cosplayers task which is also 4 hrs long.

Final Thought:

So it’s simple you can use Yellow Ranger Bonnie to clear more Blue Ranger Cosplayers, in order to build up Blue Zeo SubCrystals that you can then use to energize your Triceratops DInoZord, this in turn will allow you to use it for more tasks and thus gain more drops. However as I said she isn’t essential to progressing as you can juse use Goldar Brian to clear the Blue Ranger Cosplayers. The real value in her is you will get more use of the Triceratops DinoZord due to the extra Blue Zeo SubCrystals you can gather. And now we’re in Phase 3 it takes 4 Blue Zeo SubCrystals to activate your Zord, and as these are not going to be easy to come by this phase I can see why she’s a tempting buy.

But personally, I am passing on her, as I’m getting a little frustrated with character costumes being priced as high as full characters. There is no justification for it, so I’m taking a stand on this one, on principal alone. If it had been a Yellow Power Ranger character for that cost I might have pulled the trigger and bought her.

I will briefly mention that being able to use the Triceratops DinoZord, just like the Tyrannosaurus & Pterodactyl DinoZords, is one of the main ways of getting the Power Medals that are used in the Leaderboard. So yes, the extra Blue Zeo SubCrystals she brings will help you get more Power Medals in the long run, however buying a premium item just to get a leg up on the Leaderboard is NOT something I would ever encourage as there are no guarantees it will help you Rank where you want, much of this depends on other players, the time you put in etc. In the past I’ve Ranked in the top bracket having bought no premium item, but have also not Rasked in the top spot in events where I have bought premium items. So buying this won’t guarantee you any Leaderboard prize, so please think very carefully before spending clams for this reason alone. However it’s you choice at the end of the day.

Now if your clams are scarce, and you’re not a big fan of the Power Rangers think hard on how quickly you want to progress or even how far? Also think how many costumes have I already got for Bonnie and do I ever use them, then consider if she would be good value. The decision is yours.

With it being part of a Limited Time Event, just make sure you make up your mind as once the event is over it is most likely they will be gone. In the end it’s your call.  What you buy and what you don’t buy is your own personal choice we can only guide you on the facts and let you know what we did and what we think.  But don’t purchase it until YOU are sure. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!

~ Russian Tigger

4 responses to “Do I Want That? Yellow Ranger Bonnie

  1. Another very-limited need costume with a real sticker shock price…I’m with you, I won’t buy on principal alone…if it was a character (e.g., Rita), then probably…but ANOTHER costume? Having spent six days on a cruise means I’m behind in this one (not that I would have changed anything, the cruise was awesome) and I’m not feeling any real urge to catch up…I earned the Red Power Ranger before we left port, I just earned the Lois costume and still need 8 brushes for the Brian costume, so not rushing anything…if I can phase up and get the Blue Power Ranger before his time expires, then that’s fine, if not, not worried about it…


  2. “But personally, I am passing on her, as I’m getting a little frustrated with character costumes being priced as high as full characters. There is no justification for it, so I’m taking a stand on this one, on principal alone. If it had been a Yellow Power Ranger character for that cost I might have pulled the trigger and bought her.”

    ^^This… Agree 100%!!


  3. I was thinking the same thing, that it should have been the Yellow Ranger character instead of a costume – really we should have a full set of 5-6 Rangers available, I think, even if some were to be premium. Plus as you said, a character better justifies such a high price.

    With that said – I did end up grabbing Bonnie. This event is the first one I really really want to “complete”, ie not miss out on any of the timed characters, and if this is going to help me do that then so be it.


  4. I never buy character costumes. They add nothing to the game after the event ends. The prices for these character costumes are outrageous. For 240 clams, I’d rather have a new character. Just my two cents.


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