Mighty Morphin Griffin Rangers – Event Ending Soon & PowerCon Mystery Box

Hey there fellows addicts!

Just bouncing by to remind everyone that the Event will be ending soon. I’ll also have an End of Event poll up in next few days where you can feedback your thoughts on the event. And I’m sorry but I’ve no clues as to what is coming next, hopefully a break, lol.

Now let’s take a closer look at it all. 


This dropped into our games and is a way to use up all those PowerCon Pins you’ve built up. It’s 75 PowerPins a try and the prizes are the event area items such as the Kaijus, and yes they are animated like the event area Kaijus. Pretty cool if you’re a monster geek like me. So give it a go, you’ve nothing to lose apart from all those PowerPins that will be leaving with the event.


Wednesday, April 19th, @ 3pm Pacific Day Time. Keep in mind they are VERY punctual on this. There is no leeway.


There has been no indications the event will be extended.


NO. When the Event Ends, it takes all the Event items and Currency remaining with it. That means ANY Character/Costume not completely unlocked and walking your game… will go when the Event does. You MUST collect all the items needed for them to get them.

This goes for Buildings and Decorations. Unlock/Purchase all the ones you want as they will go with the Event.


Anything linked to the Event goes with the Event, so that means currency too. Use it or lose it essentially.


Keep in mind the game is set up to pull items from the Inventory Storage first, so if you already have say… 10 of an item in Inventory… you will need to pull ALL 10 items out first before the game will let you buy more of that item.

Place items from Inventory first, then you can get more. Continue buying until you have all you want, then store them away.


The ONLY Questlines that usually continue on after an Event are those directly linked to unlocking a Character and isolated from the Main Questline. All other Questlines are directly linked to the Event and will go with it.

There you have it, some basics for closing out of the Mighty Morphin Griffin Rangers event. What are you working on as the end draws ever closer?  Any tips for other players finishing out the Event? Let us know. And remember to look out for the End of Event Poll, it will be coming your way soon.

~ Russian Tigger

17 responses to “Mighty Morphin Griffin Rangers – Event Ending Soon & PowerCon Mystery Box

  1. Another worthless event. Took me literally 5 days to get the last spray can for the pink ranger. TinyCo has sucked all the fun out of this game. My inventory is overflowing with decorations, and the limited land is bogus. Hope they understand that those of us who’ve been around since the beginning are feeling shafted.


  2. i got everything from the event except black ranger cleveland and im hoping i got the megazord from the leaderboards


  3. Could someone point out to TinyCo that the GooglePlay store update is broken. Once installed you can’t get into the game anymore, keeps asking you to upgrade. Even uninstalling does not fix it.


  4. I’m glad we got one of these to get the buildings/kaiju arenas/statues in the event hub, but I was disappointed that we weren’t given a way to get walking decoration versions of the various cosplayers we’d been clearing throughout the event.


  5. I got all the mystery items plus the bumper boats just now.
    With an hour to go I’ve gotten to part 3 of week 4 as freemium. I really wish there was a way to read online the skits that I won’t get to in time. Is it posted somewhere?
    How will I know if they save the town or Quagmire from Rita!
    Okay…so I know the town will survive (spoiler alert) if the next game updates. But…what about Quagmire!


  6. i fought some more kaiju and bought two more mystery boxes , got the water and earth kaijus (my favorites)

    im all done with the event so im just finishing side quests now …


  7. Does anyone know how many clams it takes to make up for being short on Powercoin Pins? I currently can finish off the Megazord cockpit for 36 clams to make up for being short on hats, but I want to get one last 75 pin mystery box for the Stewie Statue. I would be short approximately 60 pins for the cockpit if I did this.


    • Well I took the gamble and spent the money on the mystery box after I got one more hat from a 2 HP dragonzord fight. Before pins spent it would have been 16 clams to finish and after it cost 66. So this event has now cost me 1.99, which is fine because I grew up on Power Rangers


    • I see in your other comment you went for it.


      • Sure did! I really wanted that Stewie statue and it was the only prize left so I figured I would. That and the Megazord cockpit tied up the event for me, totally free other than that last second $1.99!


  8. This is the first event I’ve ever “completed”, as in no more main event questlines or outstanding costumes/characters! What’s quite funny is that I did it *almost* completely freemium, the only thing I bought was the White Ranger since I had an excess of clams and he looked cool. Now if only I could do that well in events I’m actually excited about (I’m not a Power Rangers fan) lol 🙂


  9. last night i bought the 5 motorcycles and the kaiju theater which i really liked .. that left me with 80 pins .. i bought the mystery box and got the powercon sign .. which is cool i guess .. i hope ill make enough pins fighting today for another box .. ive been hoarding some crystals


  10. Nvm, I just saw it


  11. Will there be another mystery box included or not because I am not using my event currency just in case?


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