Rocky Times in Quahog Main Questline: Boxing Ring Of Dreams

Yo Addictssssss!!!! Get your boxing gloves at the ready as its time to get in the ring!

A new event has hit our  games and that brings with it a New Main Questline to help us punch our way through the 1st Phase. The Main Questline is Boxing Ring Of Dreams.

Let’s take a look at all you will encounter along the way. 

Boxing Ring Of Dreams Pt. 1
Peter Starts

Place Adrian’s Pet Store: Cost $200 from your store.
Learn About Chickens: Tap on “GO” to learn more
Start Training By Chasing 6 Chickens: Wait for Chickens to spawn in your town and clear 6 by tapping them.

Completed Task Rewards: $ 20, 35xp & 1  


Boxing Ring Of Dreams Pt. 2
Peter Starts

Train at Mickey Mitt’s Training Gym: Place Mickey Mick’s Training Gym from your store, it costs $100.
Learn About Training: Tap on “GO” to see the details
Collect 1 Gym Pass: Get from Mort Abuse Free Gym Trials OR Rocky Tenderize Meat OR Jerome Work Out OR Clam Purchase from Shopping Cart

Completed Task Rewards: $10, 25xp & 3 

***Triggers Eat Lightning, Crap Thunder – Boxer Peter Unlock Questline ***


Boxing Ring Of Dreams Pt. 3
Peter Starts

TIMER WARNING: Rocky Balboa is timed, placing the Brain Trauma Day Care Centre to complete this part of the  Questline will activate the 7 day timer, you then only have 7 days to unlock him,  so if you want to delay the timer don’t complete this part of the Questline until you’re ready.

Train To Earn A Barbel: Go to Mighty Mick’s Training Gym and complete 1 boxing training session, you will need 3 Gym Passes.
Place Brain Trauma Day Care: Costs $200 – Comes with Rocky Balboa, who you only have 7 days to unlock once put in your game.
Building Shamrock Meats: Buy from the Adrian’s Pet Store, costs 18!Gloves

Completed Task Rewards: $30 & 45xp 

***Triggers The Italian Stallion – Rocky Balboa Unlock Questline ***

***Triggers Training Day – Side Questline *** (2 parts, you’ll find them further on this post)


Boxing Ring Of Dreams Pt. 4 
Peter Starts

Have Boxer Peter Take The Stairs:  1 Min, Earns $10 & 5xp
Defeat 2 Lightweight Boxers: Use Boxer Peter OR Apollo Creed to clear 2 Lightweight Boxers
Spar At The Boxing Ring: Buy the Boxing Ring from Adrian’s Pet Store, it costs 2 Gloves. Then send Boxer Peter to spar in the boxing ring. You will need 3 Steaks to spar.

Completed Task Rewards: $50 & 65xp 


Boxing Ring Of Dreams Pt. 5 
Peter Starts

Have Collect 3 Steaks: Get from Steaks Clear Lightweight Boxer OR Clam Purchase from Store
Clear 12 Chickens: Wait for Chickens to spawn in your town and clear 12 by tapping them.

Completed Task Rewards: $20 & 35xp  


Boxing Ring Of Dreams Pt. 6 
Peter Starts

Train At Mighty Mick’s Boxing Gym: Go to Mighty Mick’s Training Gym and complete 1 boxing training session, you will need 3 Gym Passes.
Have Lois Gawk At Boxers: 4hrs, $50 & 30xp
Place The Philly Cheesesteaks Restaurant: Buy from the Adrian’s Pet Store, costs 95 Gloves

Completed Task Rewards: $30 & 45xp


Boxing Ring Of Dreams Pt. 7 
Peter Starts

Spar At The Boxing Ring: Send Boxer Peter to spar in the boxing ring 2 times.You will need 3 Steaks to spar each time.
Place The Eye Of The Tiger Herbalists: Buy from the Adrian’s Pet Store, costs 140 Gloves

Completed Task Rewards: $50 & 65xp

Boxing Ring Of Dreams Pt. 8
Peter Starts

Place The Boopa Dee Bappa Dee Market: Buy from the Adrian’s Pet Store, costs 160 Gloves
Have Joe Misinterpret His Dreams: 4hrs, $50 & 30xp
Check Back Next Wee,….. 

Training Day Pt. 1
Peter Starts

Place The Boxing Gym: Buy from the Adrian’s Pet Store, costs 2 Gloves
Learn About Sparring: Tap on “GO” to see the details
Learn About Lightweight Boxers: Tap on “GO” to see the details

Completed Task Rewards: $30 & 45xp

Training Day Pt. 2
Peter Starts

Collect 1 Gym Pass: Get from Mort Abuse Free Gym Trials OR Rocky Tenderize Meat OR Jerome Work Out OR Clam Purchase from Shopping Cart
Get a Steak From Lightweight Boxer: Use Boxer Peter OR Apollo Creed to clear Lightweight Boxers until you collect 1 Steak
Spar At The Boxing Ring: Buy the Boxing Ring from Adrian’s Pet Store, it costs 2 Gloves. Then send Boxer Peter to spar in the boxing ring. You will need 3 Steaks to spar.

Completed Task Rewards: $?? & ??xp

There you have it, the Main Questline that will take you along the 1st Phase of Rocky Times In Quahog Event.

Where are you so far? Any tips for fellow Players? Liking it so far? Let us know.

~ Russian Tigger

41 responses to “Rocky Times in Quahog Main Questline: Boxing Ring Of Dreams

  1. I starte Part 8 just now, and it has Joe not Jerome misinterpreting his dreams – maybe they changed it as Jerome is getting gym passes.


  2. Is there no weekly challenge? Doesn’t it usually drop on Mondays?


  3. Soylentt Green

    Does anyone know what the currency for week 2 is going to be? I’m contemplating going for broke with all my steaks to stockpile some boxing gloves to try to get a head start with the buildings, but it seems every time I take the initiative I get bit in the rear.


    • RussianTigger

      Not sure, I’m presuming Barbells will play a part, but whether another item comes into play for purchases at Adrian’s Pet store, well I think it’s very possible, so I’m just building up Steaks and Gym Passes now until Phase 2 drops, time will tell if that was the wise decision.


  4. darthmaleval

    I’m playing this one totally freemium (I just am not a fan of boxing). I’ve made it to part 8 of the quest already. I placed Shamrock meats as soon as it was available….I only need 9 more barbells and 5 more shiny robes to unlock Rocky!
    I didn’t think I had any chance of unlocking Rocky, but I might just get him in time. The shiny robes don’t drop every time so they are taking forever! I didn’t buy Apollo so I only have Peter on task to get steaks.


  5. Purchased Apollo pre event and so far he has been worth it. Finished the quest line now need 2 protein 12 weights to unlock Rocky. All set for round 2. Like the chickens and the punching bag and the drops have been decent. 7 is the best I was able to do with the punching bag


  6. Did not by apollo this time around. Just started part 4 of questline and placed brain trauma day care after I got all buildings that drop items, plus I saved up 12 steaks before placing brain trauma center – so I could do 4 quick battles – that got me 6 robes right away and 5 meatballs too. So will see how long it takes to go through rest of questline and get rocky – hoping just 3-5 days to complete and I won’t be too far behind (although it seems it’ll be quicker to get through main questline since allactions needed to get items anyway)


  7. Questline complete largely due to the Apollo Creed pre-event purchase.

    Now to work on Rocky!


    • I just need place the Boopa Dee to complete, 100 gloves away, playing freemium, so I’m surprised I got there so fast


  8. I think not enough people use the option to visit other friends towns. During events, this can be really helpful. The only way it will work is if you leave one road space open in front of the griffin house to hold your characters that are on tasks so it will be easy to find them. If everyone does this, you won’t have to hunt your friend’s town. Just make sure the road piece is where the screen starts for your friend to hit the check easily and move on to the next. I am currently deleting my friends list and rebuilding with people who want to join me. Anyone can friend me on Facebook at if they have the setup I described. All others will be deleted.


    • How does visiting friends help during events??

      As for me, I can’t have any friends, and no one knows why. TinyCo says it’s a Facebook issue, Facebook said they don’t know. *sigh* Super aggravating, but at least I don’t feel the pressure to visit/guilt when I don’t, like I do with TSTO (where I have no issues adding friends, via EA Origins accts *OR* via Facebook, I might add)!


      • It’s only helped during one event, Miracle on Spooner St I think it was.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yeah, that’s why I was confused by the OP’s statement that visiting friends helps with Events & not enough people take advantage of that.

          It would be neat for TC to add in the ability to get a random ‘minor event currency’ (so, Barbells in this Event) when visiting friends. It’d make people more likely to do so, I’d think!


  9. Hey addicts! Just a quick question to see if anyone else playing on android has encountered this problem. When trying to do the punching bag my game closes every time. I’ve sent feedback from the message that pops up each time but haven’t heard back yet. If anyone else has this problem please comment, thanks you.


    • Seen two others complaining of this but they didn’t say if they were playing with an Android device. Have you tried to store some buildings/decorations to reduce memory drain on your device?


  10. Took about a month off from the game. The Power Rangers didn’t do a thing for me then had a hard time trying to get back into it with the dog multiverse thing but I love chasing the chickens and punching the punching bags. I’m liking the game again.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I can never get more than six barbells. Lol Six bags is as fast as I can punch. I’m trying hard to beat it. Wml


  12. I sent tiny co a message stating that no where on character when your in shop does it show a timer and thats unfair im waiting for a response all i want them to do is refund my 200 coins and put the daycare with rocky back in my shop i know they can do this as it takes minimal effort.


    • One thing I have learnt over the years playing this game is to read the FAQs before jumping in feet first. Been burnt many a time before.

      I read TinyCo and the Addicts posts as there are occasionally errors.

      What is clear on this occasion in the FAQs though is the 7 days to get Rocky.

      I hope your appeal is successful as it wouldn’t hurt to stick a stopwatch or some other icon on the building to alert the over enthusiastic player.

      Triggered mine today, once I had activated Boxing Peter.

      Looking okay so far.

      Good luck.


  13. Whyyyy didnt i have a quick look here before placing brain Trauma day care. I had this strange Feeling..and didnt listen to it -.-. I really wanted to believe, that Rocky Balboa is easy to get. Stupid me 😦


  14. Is this an extended mini-event? With no event hub or a splash screen it’s got the feel of something small but it’s what.. a three to four week event?


  15. I contacted TinyCo support because I am unhappy that I mistakenly placed Rocky and do not think I will be able to get him in time. TinyCo replied back really fast and said:
    “I understand your frustration at the Rocky character having a timer attached and I will be communicating your displeasure with the team. It is through your feedback that we can make changes in game moving forward”
    I am happy that they were quick to reply and hopefully they will make a change, as I suggested we should have at least until the event is over! 🙂


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