Renaissance Mystery Box

Hey Dudes!

As we continue to the Renaissance on our most excellent adventure, TinyCo has popped another Mystery Box into our lil Quahogs – the Renaissance Mystery Box!

Now I know many of you are curious about the items inside and just what you are taking a risk to get by spending those precious 175 Clams, so let’s jump on in and take a closer look.

DISCLAIMER (Bunny’s wise words)

As I state each and every Event, these Mystery Boxes are completely optional. It is your choice and your decision to take the risk and chances to see what item(s) you will get from inside.

EVERY Players results will vary. Some good. Some bad.

Just make sure it will be worth it to YOU to spend your precious Clams to take those risks and to be happy with the results, no matter what they are. It is a gamble after all.


As with previous Events, tapping on the “PRIZES” button will take you to the details and information area of the Mystery Box. There you can see what you have left to win inside and some basic information on the items.

If you tap on “OPEN BOX”, 175 Clams will be deducted from your Clam total and your Prize will be revealed.

Once the Prize is revealed, you have two options… “GO!” which will take you out of the Mystery Box and back to your game. “175 (Clam) RETRY” which once tapped will take another 175 Clams and give you another Prize.

With the general idea out-of-the-way, let’s now take a look at each one of the Individual Prizes inside that you will be attempting to win for 175 Clams per try. And if you’re seeing anything else in the box that we aren’t please tell us in the comments.

***Please be aware Minstrel Bruce is a returning character, so if you have it already it won’t show in your box as a potential prize***


With the general idea out-of-the-way, let’s now take a look at each one of the Individual Prizes inside that you will be attempting to win for 175 Clams per try. And if you’re seeing anything else in the box that we aren’t please tell us in the comments.

Joan of Arc Lois
Description: Character Costume for Lois
Unique: Yes
Drops: Has a task to clear Plague Doctors, clearing these gives an always drop of Plague Rats. Also used in Achievement Tasks.
Size: N/A
Additional Info: None

Minstrel Bruce
Description:  Character Costume For Bruce
Unique: Yes
Drops: None
Size: N/A
Additional Info: Returning character, was previously available premium in the A Grimm Knight In Quahog Event.

180 Clams
Description: Premium Currency
Unique: Yes
Drops: N/A
Size: N/A
Additional Info: N/A

Flying Machine
Description: Decoration
Unique: Yes
Drops: None
Size: 5×5
Additional Info: Animates when tapped.

Colonial Donkey
Description: Decoration
Unique: Yes
Drops: N/A
Size: 2×2
Additional Info: None

12 TeaBags
Description: General Store Crafting Currency
Unique: No, can repeat
Drops: N/A
Size: N/A
Additional Info: Used to craft Tea Crates in the General Store.

30 Plague Rats
Description:  General Store Crafting Material
Unique: No, can repeat
Drops: N/A
Size: N/A
Additional Info: Used for crafting Plague Wine in the General Store.

20 Renaissance Time Capsules
Description: Event Material
Unique: No, can repeat
Drops: N/A
Size: N/A
Additional Info: Used to repair buildings in the Rebaissance Playspace.

20 Colonial Time Capsules
Description: Event Material
Unique: No, can repeat
Drops: N/A
Size: N/A
Additional Info: Used to repair buildings in the Colonial America Playspace.


Now this is the order in which Bunny won items as she took her chances in the Mystery Box. Again, these are BUNNY’s results… you personal results can and will vary. Please note as she already had Minstrel Bruce, he was not in her mystery box as a prize.

20 Renaissance Time Capsules
180 Clams
20 Colonial Time Capsules
30 Plague Rats
30 Plague Rats
Joan Of Arc Lois

As you can see Bunny needed 6 attempts to get Joan Of Arc Lois. And remember for Bunny who is speeding through the Phases to pull stats and info for us all those Materials won are helpful.

Clam Icon

Total Clams Spent to win Joan Of Arc Lois – 1050.

Total spent on box altogether: 1050 (870 with the +185 Clams win) … OUCH!!!

There you have it, the overall look at the items in the Total Knockout Mystery Box.

Did you take a chance in the Mystery Box? If so, what were YOUR results? Get the items you wanted? Tips for fellow Players? Let us know.

~Russian Tigger & Lotty

8 responses to “Renaissance Mystery Box

  1. I put most of my buildings away a long time ago due to crashing/memory issues. Never put any decos out, just straight into the inventory. Only use the bottom corner of the play area. Couple rows of common used buildings and a row of the current event buildings. I hit 5 million plus coins and never spend them so the extra buildings are little more than a memory draw. Level 84 but with no incentive to level up no need of experience. That does make the event play areas more appreciated though. Lol Playing since the beginning and still enjoy the game…most of the time anyways. Love this site, wouldn’t still be playing without you guys and gals. Big thx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If the mystery boss allowed you to use coins I’d be more incllined to attempt them but clams either take a long time to build up freemium or are costly if purchased to waste on a chance of getting something useless.

    Maybe if they made it coins to give you a, fair, chance of getting something and clams to choose the exact item you want then they might get more interactivity with the boxes.

    That means clams would take away the mystery part and make it more like the shop. It would, also, give more use for coins and allow people to get specific events items in a way more suitable to them.


  3. Why would I want more plague rats or pay clams for something to drop more? I already have an ever increasing pile because of the wine timer.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. These mystery boxes should be 50-80 clams maximum. They’re way too risky only to end up with capsules, rats, or utterly useless teabags (I have squillions of them already)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What is TinyCo think with the Louise Joan of arc! You can’t complete a task without her.


    • RussianTigger

      Similar to Phase 1 when the premium character Bill was needed late on in an achievement task set. You don’t have to complete the Joan of Arc tasks, that set will just end there for you.


  6. A big negative of Family Guide game is that you cannot expand your land. Because land is so limited, I almost don’t care about getting new buildings. All my buildings space is maxed out and I can’t really even see what most of them are. I’m not sure why they don’t make it like Simpon’s Tapped Out where you can buy\expand your territory. Because I don’t have room, and don’t want to risk getting something like “the flying machine” (which I wouldn’t have a place in my town to even put), I usually don’t gamble on the mystery boxes.


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