Quahog Excellent Adventure 101: Time Travel Future Playspace

Addicts Phone Home!!! Yes? No? Okay let’s use the Phone Booth to time travel instead then!

With the new Quahog’s Excellent Adventure Phase 4 now live in the game, there is also a lot of new gameplay.

For this Event, much of that resolves around time travelling via the Phone Booth, and this post will cover our fourth and final destination, the Future.

In the lower right corner of your game screen, you will see 3 new icons next to your shopping cart. The one in the middle is for the Phone Booth that you will use this area to “travel” to places and acquire items to further help you along in the game.

As the game progresses, more locations will unlock for you to travel to. The first location you will see will be Colonial America, the second is Renaissance, the third is the Mayan Empire and the fourth is the one we’re talking about here, the Future.

To go to the Future, just select it from the Phone Booth Time Machine screen, the button will turn to a green “EXCELLENT”, tap on green button, you will now be taken to an alternate play area.

Future Playspace

This is what the Playspace looks like. The first things you will notice as numbered above are 1 General Store,  2 the new Phone Booth Crash Site, 3 Blast From The Past Mystery Box and 4 the Time Rift Mini Game.

1: GENERAL STORE (Craft Area)

Here is where you can trade items, in the Future it’s Jetpacks to craft Fusion Fuel to heal Time Rifts.

It will take 3hrs to turn 2 Jetpacks into 1 Fusion Fuel. You can create up to 6 Headdresses at a time. Each one will sit until the one before it is complete, then autostart the creation process.


This will be in the Center of the Future Empire Area. You will most likely see Characters on tasks at this location during the event, clicking on it will bring you up a list of characters and the tasks they are undertaking there. See the example below. It also drops $10 & 10xp every 24hrs


You’ll find full details of this Mystery Box HERE!!!


You will find a full post on this HERE.

Future Repair Locations: 

You will also notice MANY hammers to “repair” building as you progress. These are as numbered above: 1 Future Clam; 2 Bill & Ted Statue; 3 Weapons Museum; 4 Fountain of Youth Cryogenic Lab; 5 3D Printing Studio; 6 Flying Car; 7 Wyld Stallyns Concert Hall; 8 JetPack Park; 9 Jetpack Peter Statue.

What follows is details on all the items to be repaired, including their cost and usefulness during the event to date. As this is the final phase there is no requirement to complete the main Questline, so buy these items in the order that suits your needs best.

1: Future Clam *** Comes with Rufus character to unlock ***
Earns: 15 XP every 2 hours
Drop: Chance drop of 1X Goggles every 2hrs
Cost: 4 Time Capsules
Additional Info: Once you repair this building Rufus will be appear for you to start collecting items to unlock,  also one of the ways to collect Goggles for unlocking Jetpack Joe

2: Bill & Ted Statue
Earns: 30 XP every 8 hours
Drop: Nothing
Cost: 50 Time Capsules
Additional Info: None

3: Weapons Museum
Earns: 25 XP every 5 hours
Drop: Chance drop of 1x Phone Headset every 5 hours
Cost: 100 Time Capsules
Additional Info: One of the ways to collect Phone Headsets for unlocking Rufus

4: Fountain of Youth Cryogenic Lab
Earns: 30 XP every 8 hours
Drop: Chance drop of 1 Guitar every 8 hours
Cost: 120 Time Capsules
Additional Info: One of the ways to collect Guitars for unlocking Rufus

5: 3D Printing Studio
Earns: 25XP every 6 hours
Drop: Chance drop of 1x 80’s Sunglasses every 6 hours
Cost: 75 Time Capsules
Additional Info: One of the ways to collect 80’s Sunglasses for unlocking Rufus

6: Flying Car
Earns: 20 XP every 4 hours
Drop: Nothing
Cost: 60 Time Capsules
Additional Info: None

7: Wyld Stallyns Concert Hall
Earns: 20 XP every 4 hours
Drop: Chance drop of 1 VIP Pass every 4 hour
Cost: 80 Time Capsules
Additional Info: One of the ways to collect VIP Pass for unlocking Rufus

8: Jetpack Park
Earns: 30 XP every 7 hours
Drop: Chance drop of 1x Battery Pack every 7 hours
Cost: 30 Time Capsules
Additional Info: One of the ways to collect Battery Pack for unlocking Jetpack Joe

9: Jetpack Peter Statue
Earns: Nothing
Drop: Always drops 5 Future Time Capsules every 10 hours
Cost: 220 Clams
Additional Info: Premium Item

There you have the overall look of the many Items/Buildings in the Future Playspace.

What have you repaired so far? Any favorites? Any you would have preferred to pass on? Any tips for fellow Players? Let us know.

~ Russian Tigger

2 responses to “Quahog Excellent Adventure 101: Time Travel Future Playspace

  1. If you plan on spending clams to unlock Rufus, wait until all you have left are trench coats. If you buy trench coats individually they are 28 clams each, but if you buy them in a group they are ten clams each. I need 13 more trench coats to unlock him and my buy out cost is 130 clams. I noticed my buy out cost dropped by ten each time I got a trench coat so I worked on all the other items while waiting for fuel. I’ll keep clearing rifts until the very end then buy Rufus out. Can’t have a Bill and Ted without Rufus!


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