Wet Hot Quahog Summer Phase 2 Is LIVE!! Updated and Complete

Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho, it’s off to Camp we go!!!

TinyCo have dropped a long, hot, summer kind of Event into our silly lil games and it’s stuffed full of all sorts of goodies to get us all hot and bothered.

So what does this Summer Event have in store for us? Let’s dive in and take a look at Phase 2 Hot Wet Quahog Summer!!


I’m going be updating this as I move along in my game as I don’t have access to any test game info just now, so just keep checking back. But my initial play suggests some improvements to Camp Wars but I’m not sure if that will be for every player as we all seemed to have different issues, but I hope it’s for everyone.

First up, the Basics

  • Players will need to be on the App Market Version 1.50.1 or higher in order to see the event.
  • Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s complete.
  • Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version (iOS, Google, Amazon, Facebook). NOT Windows Stand Alone
  • PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points
  • Don’t have a TON of Tasks open in your Task Menu. If you have too many open, no new ones can arrive. (Keep it under 10). If you do not see new Tasks popping up, clear out some incomplete Tasks already on your List to make room for more

QUICK LINKS (coming as soon as I can get them done – please be patient, but if there’s something you want prioritised tell me in the comments and I’ll try to oblige) 

Infirmary & Campers Phase 2
Camp Store Phase 2
Camp Wars Phase 2
Camp Mess Hall Phase 2
Main Questline Phase 2
Camp Pranks Phase 2
Achievement Tasks Phase 2


The main Questline for Phase 2 is Battle of The Bulge


Crushed Camp Van: 175 Clam IconClams, Drops 1x Bus Token every 12 hours

Panty Fort: 250 Clam IconClams, Drops 14x Clams every 24 hours from 7/5 to 8/2. You’ll find full details HERE.

The Cabins: $10 Comes with Gene the Cook, see characters section for more information.

***For buildings purchased with event currency please see the section “Camp Mess Mall” further on in the post***


Camp Mail Delivery Bike: 200 Clam IconClams, Drops 1x Standard Care Package every 18 hours

***For decorations purchased with event currency please see the section “Camp Mess Mall” further on in the post***


B Lee Ermey (Full character): Main Prize in the Wet Hot Mystery Box (see Wet Hot Mystery Box section below for full info). This costs 150 Clam IconClams per try. Has a task to drop Eating Contest Badges, can also man the Cannon in the Camp Defense Tower and participate in Camp Pranks.

Fat Camp Chris (Character Costume): 270 Clam IconClams, Has a task to drop Eating Contest Badges, can also man the Cannon in the Camp Defense Tower and participate in Camp Pranks.

Gene The Cook (Full Character): You will trigger the side Questline to start unlocking him at Battle of the Bulge Pt. 1. At that point you will be directed to repair the Cabin in the event area. Please note this is NOT timed so don’t delay. Repairing the Cabin costs $10 and is instant.. Can also man the Cannon in the Camp Defense Tower and participate in Camp Pranks.
18 Aprons (Always): Get from Camp Wars
12 Sweaters (Common): Get from Boys Cabin
8 Fondue (Uncommon): Lois Heat Up TV Dinners OR Get from Secret Snack Stash
15 Fridges (Rare): Chris Look For Leftovers OR Joe Research Applicants OR Get from Weigh In Station

Great Outdoors Joe (Character Costume): You will trigger the side Questline to start unlocking him at Battle of The Bulge Pt. 3. At that point you will be able to go to Al’s to see what you need for him. Can also man the Cannon in the Camp Defense Tower and participate in Camp Pranks.
129 Fishing Tackle (Always): Complete Achievement Tasks


Much like past Events, you will see an updated Event area at the top of your town, this looks a little different from last week but it’s simple to navigate.

There are 6 functional areas in the Event area now, and these are, 1 Camp Store, 2 Camp Mess Hall, 3 Infirmary,  4 Tower Defence & Training Area, 5 The Cabin and 6 Camp Pranks Bus.

You will find more details on each area in sections below.


Firewood: Chance Drop from Okay Care Package OR Premium Care Package OR Camp Wars OR Complete Questline Parts OR Amateur Peter Wood Carving (Always) OR Skilled Peter Wood Carving (Always) OR Expert Peter Wood Carving (Always) OR Wet Hot Mystery Box OR Standard Care Package OR Camp Pranks

Participant Badges (Always): Drop from Okay Care Package OR Premium Care Package OR Counselor Andy Patch Up His Jean Jacket OR Wet Hot Mystery Box OR Camp Pranks

Water Balloons (Uncommon): Jerome Fill Water Balloons OR Bonnie Stockpile Water Balloons OR Drop from Okay Care Package OR Premium Care Package OR Complete Questline Parts OR Buy From The Store OR Standard Care Package OR Wet Hot Mystery Box OR Camp Pranks

Standard Care Packages (Always): Camp Wars OR Camp Mail Delivery Bike

Eating Contest Badges: Drop from Standard Care Package OR Premium Care Package OR Wet Hot Mystery Box OR B Lee Ermey OR Fat Kid Chris

Bus Tokens: Drop from Crashed Camper Van OR Mort Search Safe OR Meg Search For Change OR Bruce Search For Change


A clam offer popped up when this Phase triggered, it’s called Sharing Is Caring and if you purchase $9.99 of clams or more you’ll get 3 Premium Care Packages free.


This costs 150 Clams Per try, and the prizes are as follows:

B Lee Ermey (Full Character)
15 Water Balloons
2 Junk Food Monster Cards
3 Schpupel Player Cards
130 Firewood
8 Participant Badges
16 Eating Contest badges
155 Clams


You’ll be directed to these at Battle of the Bulge Pt. 2, and they basically work the same as in the Quahog’s Excellent Adventure event, complete the achievement tasks to earn a reward. The reward here is Fishing Tackle which is required to unlock Great Outdoors Joe. You can see what you’re outstanding tasks are by tapping this icon that you’ll find at the bottom of your screen.

This will bring you up the Achievement Tasks box, where you can see why you’ve still to do and what you’ve completed. Remember to scroll down for more!!!

I’ll get a post up with details of the individual tasks soon, but for now here’s what I’ve seen playing through this Phase so far.

Getting Stronger! Pt.1
Unlock The Star Athlete
Reward: 2 Fishing Tackle

Getting Stronger! Pt.2
Unlock The Swimmer
Reward: 4 Fishing Tackle

Getting Stronger! Pt.3
Upgrade The Star Athlete to Level 2
Reward: 6 Fishing Tackle

Change For The Bus Pt. 1
Have Bruce Search For Change
Reward: 1 Fishing Tackle

A Gift From Home Pt. 1
Unwrap 4 Care Packages
Reward: 2 Fishing Tackle

It’s Just A Pank Bro Pt. 1
Perform A Prank 1 Time
Reward: 1 Fishing Tackle

Victory Is Mine Pt. 1
Defeat The Rival Camp 4 Times
Reward: 5 Fishing Tackle

Build A Camp Pt.1
Build the What A Mess Hall
Reward: 3 Fishing Tackle

So basically you need to keep completing Achievement Tasks until you’ve gained the 129 Fishing Tackle required to unlock Great Outdoors Joe.


Another new element added this Phase, and it works similar to the way the undercover missions went in previous events such as Quahog Heat. Basically to launch Camp Pranks tap on the Bus in the event area and you will see the Camp Pranks Screen.

You will see above you can do Pranking on Camp Firewood or if you click on the next badge to the right you can do Pranking on Camp Belly Flop.

But before you can prank any camp you’ll need to start collecting Bus Tokens to participate, here’s how you can get them.

Bus Tokens: Drop from Crashed Camper Van OR Mort Search Safe OR Meg Search For Change OR Bruce Search For Change

Once you have Bus Tokens, you’ll need 2 for each Pranking Mission, you can choose a camp to Prank and send characters away on the mission. The different camps use different characters and drop different rewards, these are the details for each camp prank.  The odds on what item will drop are affected by who you send Pranking, so keep an eyes on the chance meters when you select your characters,.

Pranking Camp Firewood
Cost: 2 Bus Token
Characters you can send Pranking: Scoutmaster Peter, Kid Quagmire and/or Counselor Andy.
Pranking mission Time: 1 hour 30 Minutes

Always drops: 5 Firewood

Chance Drop of: 5 Participant Badges,  1 Okay Care Packages, 1 Water Balloon


Pranking Camp Firewood

Cost: 2 Bus Token
Characters you can send Pranking: R Lee Ermey, Fat Camp Chris Gene The Cook and/or Great Outdoors Joe.
Pranking mission Time: 2 hours
Always drops: 5 Firewood

Chance Drop of: 5 Eating Contest Badges,  1 Standard Care Packages, 1 Water Balloon


Similar to last week, only MUCH EASIER, and as an added treat we have new rivals and new Campers & Leaders, although you can still use some of the Campers & Leaders from last week. The rivals this week are Camp Belly Flop and these battles are your source for Aprons, Firewood and Standard Care Packages.

You will essentially try to send x amount of YOUR Campers from YOUR Campsite across the bridge to the other sides Camp before the rival campers successfully send the same amount from their side to yours. Just like last week,only without all the glitches.

So firstly in order to be able to participate in this Phase 2 of Camp Wars you need 3 things Campers, Leaders and Water Balloons.


Campers are unlocked in the Infirmary and consist of the above, Camp Prankster, Popular Girl, Campfire Man , Schpupel Player, All Star Athlete, Swimmer and Junk Food Monster.

Leaders can be created in Al Harrington’s, unlocked through gameplay or purchased via Clams, they consist of the above Scoutmaster Peter, Kid Quagmire, Fat Camp Chris, B Lee Ermey, Gene The Cook, Great Outdoors Joe and Counselor Andy. What Leader you can select is dependant on the Streak you’re on.

And finally to buy into a Camp War you will now need 4 Water Balloons and here’s how you get them.

Water Balloons (Uncommon): Random Questlines OR Jerome Fill Water Balloons OR Bonnie Stockpile Water Balloons OR Okay Care Package OR Premium Care Package OR Standard Carme Packages OR Wet Hot Mystery Box OR Camp Pranks OR Clam Buy

During Battle of The Bulge Pt 1, you will be prompted to Defend Camp Griffin aka start a Camp War. Go over to the Camp Wars Area and tap on the Water Cannon Tower with the Camp Griffin Badge over it.

Here are the Camper Requirements for the early Streaks:

Streak 1 – Size Up The Competition:
11 Campers

Streak 2 – A Weighty Problem:
7 Campers

Streak 3 – Return To Camp Firewood:
8 Campers

And here are the different levels of Energy required for your Campers to be released…

Camp Prankster:
50 “Lightning Power”

Popular Girl:
100 “Lightning Power”

Campfire Man:
200 “Lightning Power”

Schpupel Player:
300 “Lightning Power”

All Star Athlete:
275 “Lightning Power”

325 “Lightning Power”

Junk Food Monster:
500 “Lightning Power”

Now finally here’s what you want to know, what do I get if I win a Camp War. Well here’s what I saw in my game as I completed the Camp Wars: the results below are for defeating Camp Bellyflop, please be aware Streak 3 & 7 are against Camp Firewood so the rewards are Okay Care Packages not Standard Care Packages for these victories.

+15 Firewood
+3 Standard Care Packages
+1 Apron

And if you lose you will still get something:

+5 Firewood
+1 Standard Care Package


You will find the Camp Store in the Event Area, it looks like the images above. Basically, it is the location you need to go to in order to Open any Care Packages you gain or buy during the Event. For Phase 2, that is the Standard Care Package and the Premium Care Package.

Standard Care Package: Get from Camp Wars OR Get from Camp Mail Delivery Bike (Premium)

Premium Care Package: Purchase from Store

Once you have an Standard Care Package or a Premium Care Package you need to go to the Camp Store and Unwrap It. Unwrapping each Standard Care Package takes 4 hours, and a Premium Care Package takes 2 hours. You can queue up to 6 at a time.


Here are the current Prizes you have a Chance at getting from unwrapping an Standard Care Package. Remember you will get a total combination of 3 Prizes.

1 All Star Athlete Card
1 Swimmer Card
1 Water Balloon
4 Firewood
5 Eating Contest Badges

And these are the current Prizes you have a Chance at getting from unwrapping a Premium Care Package. Remember you will get a total combination of 3 Prizes.

2 Schpupel Cards
2 Junk Food Monster Cards
3 Water Balloon
30 Firewood
10 Eating Contest Badges
2 Swimmer Cards
2 All Star Athlete Cards


This is where you will go to purchase Event Items. Clicking it will bring you up a screen that you can scroll along to show you  all the items you can purchase this Phase. They are all unlocked so you can purchase in whatever order you prefer, but be mindful of what items you need for drops and what you need for the Main Questline.

These items are what you can get with the Firewood, Participant Badges and Eating Contest Badges you collect, they are listed below from left to right.

What A Mess Hall: $30 & 20xp every 4hrs
Cost ~ 50 Firewood

Weigh In Station: $40 & 30xp every 4hrs, Chance Drop X2 Fridges every 4hrs.
Cost ~ 65 Firewood & 6 Eating Contest Badges

Overloaded Canoe:
Cost ~ 20 Firewood & 10 Participant Badges

Secret Snack Stash: $45 & 30xp every 8hrs, Chance Drop X2 Fondue every 8hrs.
Cost ~ 40 Firewood & 14 Eating Contest Badges

Boy’s Cabin: $40 & 25xp every 6hrs. Chance Drop 2x Sweaters every 6hrs.
Cost ~ 120 Firewood & 17 Participant Badges & 5 Eating Contest Badges

Hot Dog Eating Contest::
$40 & 25xp every 6hrs. Chance Drop 1x Water Balloon every 6hrs.
Cost ~ 200 Firewood & 8 Participant Badges & 20 Eating Contest Badges

Go Cart Track: $45 & 30xp every 8hrs,
Cost ~ 25 Firewood & 15 Participant Badges & 30 Eating Contest Badges

Collapsed Horse:
Cost ~ 80 Firewood & 8 Participant Badges









This is where you’ll unlock your Campers, these are the guys, gals and eh fire and junk monsters who will defend your camp and fight off rival campers. Before you can use them in Camp Wars you need to unlock each one here. So basically tap on the Infirmary and you will see all your existing Campers and your new camp mates that you need to unlock.

There you have the overall Basics that I can give you for Phase 2 of Wet Hot Quahog Summer.

What do you think of it so far? Any tips for fellow Players? Any items you are most excited for? Any items you immediately purchased? Let us know.

~ Russian Tigger

75 responses to “Wet Hot Quahog Summer Phase 2 Is LIVE!! Updated and Complete

  1. So I had to MANUALLY go to the Play store and apply the update to start week 2. So, now I am 4 days behind. What a crock of BS!


    • This can actually happen a lot on specific devices. It is really a common thing on Kindle/Amazon to have to do this. Something about the way the App Market releases the updates and how the device picks them up.

      In the future, if you do not see it within 24hrs of launch on your device… check the App page itself online. Hope that helps in the future.


      • Samsung Note 3. This is not normal, and I don’t have to perform an update to move on to phase 2/week 2, etc. I do, however, look religiously for updates when one event ends and we are waiting for the next one to begin.


        • RussianTigger

          The update was released in order to deal with issues and glitches, we talked about in on here. And sometimes new phases material is released in an update, not always but if there’s lot new stuff it can be that way. I don’t have auto updates switched on so need to always check for them


  2. Week 1 was good but making so you had to unlock a character with very rare drops to continue the main story was upsetting. I don’t have enough clams for the rest of the teeth and I bought Andy so I won’t buy more. I’m already days behind in week 2 so I’m done with the event.


  3. I have discovered 2 glitches in Week 2 in my game. The first is that “What a Mess Hall” is nowhere. It’s not in the “Camp Mess Hall” nor in the store, nor anywhere else on my screen. In the Achievements, when I click on”Go” it takes me directly to “Camp Mess Hall” where “What a Mess Hall” ISN’T. I have reported this to TinyCo but I’m. It holding my breath. Does anyone else have this issue?
    The second glitch is getting credit in Achievements for unwrapping care packages. My game often crashes when opening them. When I reload the rewards are there but no credit is given for opening them. I’m still at 0/8 after opening 4 packages this morning (and experiencing 4 crashes. I’ve also reported this to TinyCo but wondering if I’m the Lone Ranger with these issues.


    • RussianTigger

      The credit isn’t given when you open the package after the 3 or 4 hours, it’s when you send them to the unwrap queue. The What A Mess Hall appeared fine in my game. Hope you get it sorted soon.


      • Thank you for clearing up the one issue for me. Hopefully the second one is simple too, but everyone I know has the What a Mess Hall. Seems odd that I’m the only one missing it.


  4. Does anyone know what the drop rate is for eating contes badges? I’ve opened at least 12 standard care packages and I still haven’t gotten any. Should I contact admin about them problem or is it just extra.rare?


  5. Fun and varied – but also frustrating because the game crashes a lot during the fights.


  6. Check out the main store under events – my game just allowed me to open 4 standard care 📦 INSTANTLY !?! 😜


  7. Not sure I will make it to phase 2. I am freemium/premium and purchased Andy. I started on Quagmire right away and have had the cabin for at least 4 days with zero drops of braces. Have managed to get 4 from Herbert and Chris. I know it’s extra rare but I check in every 2 hours. Guess I just don’t have luck with this event. No sour grapes cause that’s the way it goes but I refrain from spending any $$ on clams cause I feel defeated and not worth it. Thing is, I would have, so how does Tonyco profit on people like me… perhaps I am an outlier.


    • I have the same problem, only at 4/8 braces. I saw other (older) posts where people needed the zit cream or were waiting on enough wood for the building that drops game controllers. But me, I’ve just needed the braces for days.


  8. Not getting any Eating Contest Badges. Making if difficult to get buildings to unlock Gene.


  9. Glad to see Gene is not timed .. i just repaired his cabin

    also .. did anyone notice the energy meter in Camp Wars is so much faster now ???


  10. strange quirk when you click on the information screen in the pranking section, when you try closing it, it brings up the boxing screen from a few quests back.


  11. Just a heads up, I’m pretty new to the game. I just have a few questions.

    How do I start to unlock Gene the Cook?

    I have District 3 unlocked, but what does having Al’s complete entail?

    I’m so lost.


    • You will need to play the event. Honestly. There are parts you have to follow in the Main Questline to unlock areas of the Event as you go along. If you are still in the Content launched last week at the beginning of this Event, you will not see him to unlock him until you reach the new content for this week. He is prompted to be unlocked right at the start of the Phase 2 (this weeks) Main Questline. Tapping on GO on the Task takes you to the cabins where he is and starts the unlock process.


    • You’ll find new outfits for characters in Al’s. You’ll get a lot as you progress through the districts, and you’ll need it for every single event since they all bring an outfit for Peter. Outfits are needed to move on in both district and event quests, so Al’s store is really important. For example, right now you have to collect items for Scoutmaster Peter; you need this for fights and all the others tings explained in this post. You’ll see what the outfit needs in Al’s store. Have you built the store yet? If you haven’t, you won’t be able to progress on the event because you won’t get the outfit. And that must be the reason you click/tap the cabin where the Cook is but can’t see him yet; you’re not on the right phase of the event yet. Hope this helps 🙂


  12. Finding camp wars very easy this time round but not seen a single fighter at all yet. I’ll just firing my canon as soon as it’s ready lol.


  13. im still trying to unlock teen quagmire 😦 im way behind in this event


  14. I’m stuck on Part 7. I’m not getting enough balloon drops to be defeated in Camp Wars to earn logs to earn the Slings and Arrows Archery Range to earn controllers to earn Kid Quagmire. I’m tapping out on this event.


  15. I am trying to do Camp Wars and I cannot…it was fine in Week 1, but this is the 3rd time I tried this week and it keeps crashing. I sent feedback


    • RussianTigger

      I’m doing ok on Camp Wars but having some lagging on opening the game initially and when Care packages, on IOS


  16. Crashes on streak 3 for me 2x 2GB Android, didn’t crash at all during first phase and still can’t see the campers, don’t lose any water balloons.

    Tried Facebook Gameroom which also crashes with a “set memory error”. If you don’t reload the page as the popup suggests and click help it loads an error submission form with the title “countdown timer error” but you can actually carry on playing camp wars to completion with no errors at all or slowdown.

    So there’s obviously a programming error somewhere and not a low memory issue?


  17. i dont have kid quagmire to use as a leader anymore. The only one i can use is peter. =(


    • RussianTigger

      He can be used in Streak 3, but to be honest with the changes I e not used Cannon yet and I’m at Streak 5


      • same here i was able to use him once but i just beat streak 5 with no need for cannon .. i guess they changed it because we need 18 aprons so 18 camp war wins …


      • Yeah, it’s weird that we can only use Quagmire in #3. I couldn’t use him in 1, 2, 4, 5, or 6 (current streak). I don’t know if that’s a bug or designed to slow us down


        • It switches back and forth between the Camps. The Camp launched Phase 1 (Camp Firewood where just the 3 could be used) and the Camp launched this phase (Camp Belly Flop where all can be used as you unlock the new ones too). So you will only see a limited Leader available when it goes back to Camp Firewood.

          Liked by 1 person

        • RussianTigger

          Possibly, you can use him again in Streak 7, butto be honest I’ve not fired my Water Cannon yet, rival campers haven’t ever made it far enough across to my side to need to use it.

          Liked by 1 person

  18. BurningBlaze360

    In events, do you need to complete the past Phases’ Questline to go onto the next Phase? I spent 38 clams to get my last Braces to get Kid Quagmire.


  19. I ran into a similar problem as David. My camp was about to overrun the enemy camp, and the game crashed. When it reloaded, it showed the “defeat” screen but didn’t give me any of the prizes for even *that*. But of course the water balloons were gone.

    This seems to be an ongoing problem for this game. It will ALWAYS, WITHOUT FAIL, take the resources spent right away, and save that result, but when it comes to giving things out, it is extremely fickle about it.

    I messaged Tinyco about it, but I am 90% sure that they will not credit anything to me, at most they’ll “fix” the issue for the future.


    • Same thing happened to me. Crash and payout for defeat and I was more than halfway down the path with my “good” guys. I won’t be trying again until a fix is announced. The water balloons are too hard to come by to waste while there is a known glitch going on in the game.


    • Do you get an error message when the game crashes, or does it shut direclty? My game crashed every single time I tried to fight a war yesterday, and a couple of time the past days. In my case it goes straight to my desktop. When it does, I disconnect the wifi on my tablet, and close the app. Then I connect the wifi again and load the game. I never lost balloons or got the leader unavailable. Repeating the fight leads to another crash, so I still can’t fight, but at least I don’t lose supplies.
      I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence, luck, or if it actually works. Give it a try next time (there probably will be a next time); it may help you 🙂


  20. Uncredited victory: I won the new camp wars streak 1 and even saw the animation of some new standard care packages flying up, but when I went to the camp store, the packages were not there AND I was not credited for a victory in the Battle of the Bulge part 1. I am still on streak 1 but 4 water balloons were taken away. Ugh. I did message Tinyco about this, but I’m not hopeful they will do anything as I never got a remedy for my disappearing packages (2) from phase 1 (I did message them about that but got a bulk reply).

    Liked by 1 person

    • RussianTigger

      Working ok in my game, I’m on IOS. What platform are you playing on?


      • I play on Android and I’ve won 2 battles successfully. I never have crash issues though


      • I am on iOS (10.3.2). The game did not crash on me. (I don’t want to jinx it, but crashing glitches rarely hit me. Maybe it’s because there is plenty of memory? (128GB)) The victory was simply not recorded nor was I given a defeat. The result was simply that 4 water balloons were taken away without any benefits, and also Peter was in a 3 hr cool down period.

        I did summon the courage to try again later and it did work and currently my packages are being unwrapped. I’ll let you know if any of these disappear during the unwrap stage. I did notice one difference between the two attempts. After the first “victory”, the victory screen gave me a “Cool” button similar to the phase 1 camp wars and after I clicked it, the game showed animation of the standard care packages flying out the the camp wars ground and then when I went to the camp store, the packages were not there etc. But after my second victory, the victory screen gave me an “Unwrap” button instead, and when clicked it took me to the camp store and thankfully the 3 standard packages were there. So it does look like something changed in the programming between my two attempts.


        • Thanks for the info. I too am having the same problem as you. This time I clicked unwrap and the presents showed up. Hopefully the Cool label has been removed.


    • Soylentt Green

      I had the same exact issue as David. I was afraid it might happen again so I haven’t bothered attacking a second time as I can I’ll afford losing balloons. So now I’m stuck on phase 1 getting farther behind by the moment 😦


    • I’m on iOS and the same thing happened to me TWICE. Not to mention the gameplay is back to not showing any actual fighting taking place. I’m also sick of the “thanks we will pass your info onto the team” reply as that does absolutely nothing to resolve the issue. Quickly losing my patience and ready to delete this game. Sorry for the rant.


    • Same thing happened to me. I used my balloons and completed the task and saw the items, but they didn’t count. I’ll turn in a ticket to TinyCo, but like you, not sure they’ll do anything.


  21. Camp Wars are a lot easier this time, I’ve completed 1-5 and only had Peter available on the first one (since I didn’t wait for him to recover) energy seems to fill a lot quicker once you max out you’re just sending campers as soon as they’re ready the meter will more than keep up with how quick you go (note this is only with week 1 campers so far).

    Not had the option to use Quagmire or Andy yet which is a shame since they are for the moment useless although will help with pranks.


    • As soon as I posted I managed to unlock the two new campers and the strategy remains the same upgrade to the max straight away then just send campers as soon as their individual recovery time allows. I never ran out of the main energy it was always more than I needed to send the campers.

      To update on available Camp Leaders
      Streak 1-6: Peter, Fat Camp Chris, B Lee Ermey, Gene The Cook, Great Outdoors Joe
      Streak 7: Peter, Quagmire, Andy.

      All Star Athlete L2 costs 8 cards, Swimmer L2 costs 7 cards.


    • RussianTigger

      I used Kid Quagmire at Streak 3.


      • Ok my mistake I must not of checked at streak 3. I know I checked on the second and it was only Peter of the ones I have as he was on cooldown so I had to go without. At that point I had assumed it was the same everytime until I saw Quagmire and Andy posted here.


      • Streak 2 only allows Peter too.


      • at streak 4 – take a plunge, still no option for kid Q to man the cannon


      • Same here……Peter used on cannon ( not that I needed him) on Streak 1 & 2, Kid Quagmire at Streak 3.
        Do you know what the real shame is here? TinyCo have tried to introduce a new style of gameplay, and when it works it’s actually FUN! It’s just such a shame that week 1 was ruined with disappearing care packages, glitchy visuals and poor ballon drops. Week 2 has played like a dream so far; no timed characters, and the same kind of gameplay as the recent “Bill & Ted” in order to unlock Joe’s costume. Fingers Crossed! ✌🏼


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