Wet Hot Quahog Summer Wicked Glitches

Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho, it’s off to Camp Chaos we go!!!

TinyCo have dropped a long, hot, summer kind of Event into our silly lil games and it’s stuffed full of goodies to get us all hot and bothered. But when our inner kids cone out to play so do those glitchy gremlins, so this post is dedicated to them.

***For those reporting that Standard Care Packages did not add to your total in the Camp Store after a victory, please be aware Streak 3 & 7 are against Camp Firewood so the rewards are Okay Care Packages not Standard Care Packages***

Now Phase 1 brought a raft of problems, but TinyCo has been trying to get these ironed out and things seem smoother now we’re in Phase 2, but I’m starting to see comments with reports of issues, so as ever I thought how can I help, and although I don’t have a direct line to the top of TinyCo, I thought I can do a post where you can comment about your issue, platform, device etc. And this way TinyCo can see all the issues in one place, and of course others can share any advice or help with for fellow players. So please use this post to tell us your problems, (game related please, if you just got jilted at the altar this probably isn’t the place to seek advice, lol) seek advice and offer help, but don’t forget if you’ve got a problem DO send a support ticket to TinyCo from your game as well. That way they can see under the hood of your game and gather info on the issue.

Now I’ll start with what I’m seeing in my game. I’m experiencing some issues I didn’t have before this Phase, my game is very slow to load on my iPad, and I’m getting more extreme lagging but not crashing on both my iPad & iPhone whilst I’m opening Care Packages. I’m on the latest version of IOS and have high memory devices.  Anyone else having this issue?

Anyway apart from that I’m doing fine. Hope you all are too!!!

~ Russian Tigger

48 responses to “Wet Hot Quahog Summer Wicked Glitches

  1. Is anybody else missing clam tv videos since week 1 started? It had come back from the last problem event but the watch video button is grayed out again. The offers button still works. I’m not in week 2 yet.


  2. Unrelated to the event, but I unlocked District 11 a while ago and just finished up unlocking Mr. Weed, but now I’m not getting any more zombies in my game, so naturally I’m kind of stuck and can’t progress any further. I’ve sent a support ticket, and just got the generic “we’re aware of the issue” response. But does anyone have any possible fixes to it?


  3. So I keep losing streak 8, should I get a package or just some fire wood?


  4. I am on Streak 8 heavy hitters and cant see the graphics for my fighters. I saw the oppositions though……… As hard as I fought, I lost, (it did give me an apron anyway) even Peter didn’t help. May have to wait and level up players. iphone5 latest ios.


  5. I read this post and paid attention to my care packages totals because I thought something was amiss. I defeated Streak 5 and received three standard care packages as a reward and they added as okay care packages. I paid particular attention to my totals before the war. I had 13 okay care packages in storage and three standard care packages. The reward showed standard care packages and those are what were dropped in my game and showed on the upper right of the screen, but when I went to check the totals I had 16 okay care packages and still three standard care packages. I have won every camp war since starting the phase on Thursday morning (it dropped after I went to sleep) so I should have received 12 standard care packages (accounting for Streak 3 paying okay care packages) which at four hours of crafting time means I should not have gone through all of them in less than 24 hours. That’s 48 hours of crafting and I had some okay care packages in the queue already loaded when I started. Others should check the same and contact TinyCo.


  6. I lost week 2 camp war streak 5 and instead of getting a standard package I received an Ok package, which I already had 6 of! Boooo


    • RussianTigger

      Same just happened to me in Streak 8, reported it also


      • Lol…someone’s tired. Streak 3 (already played) and 7 ( per you) are the ones that are not camp bellyflop. Streak 5 is and is supposed to award the standard package per the game. I let TinyCo know. Hopefully next time I’ll win so this won’t be an issue again.


        • RussianTigger

          Sorry, I’ve typed 3 & 7 so much today my brain rebelled, lol. But same thing just happened to me in Streak 8, I lost and got an Okay Care Ackage, which is anything but okay. Reported it also


  7. Ariana Turner i have the same glitch


  8. Ariana Turner

    Visual glitch in week 2 where I’m sometimes not seeing campers in battles. Lost two standard care packages due to crash and no items were added even though I lost the two boxes. Latest battle I got ok care packages instead of standard. Kind of hard to progress when they keep glitching the main source of badges to move on. Also have done pranks twice with no badge drops.


    • RussianTigger

      Thanks for reporting glitches. Although the Camp Pranks drops ar random so that isn’t a glitch, just incase you’re unsure.


  9. Not a glitch but just a heads-up.

    As with the Bill and Ted event take care to not waste tasks in the achievements list.

    In particular, don’t quickly add another five packages to the camp store queue – the unwrapping that counts for the achievements is just the adding to the queue not the individual four or three hour unwrap. So check where you are with your current “A Gift from Home” level first.


  10. The last two times I did Camp Wars the app stopped responding and exits right as I’m about to win. As a result, I lose the rewards and balloons used to enter are wasted. Also, the latest battle shows okay care packages instead of standard care packages


  11. Just got to part 2 and decided to send Peter on his quest task and to use Kid Quag on the cannon. When I looked at the battle options KQ was not shown at all. Did I miss something? Is he no longer of use for camp wars? If that’s the case, then I went through all of the collection process just to use him once at the end of part one. Glitch, maybe?
    Regardless, this is not a bad event so far and as usual, the Addicts are heroes!


    • RussianTigger

      You can use him in Streak 3 & 7 as those battles are against Camp Firewood, but also be aware these battles drop Okay Care Packages and not the new Standard Care Packages.


  12. Well, it happened again… My first phase 2 camp wars victory was as if I never fought the camp wars (no rewards either) except that my 4 water balloons were used up (I already reported this in another thread). My next two attempts went fine – victories recorded and care packages awarded. But in my fourth attempt just now, my victory was recorded and I saw the animation of my three won care packages going up to the right hand side, but then they never showed up in my camp store. (So now tinyco owes me 6 standard care packages, but I’m not holding my breath to get them.) Here is the weird thing: I think I was awarded phase 1 okay packages instead! Has anyone else experienced this glitch? I hate to think this is a feature that you sometimes get okay packages instead, because I don’t need any more okay packages – I need the new packages.


    • The new update should have helped to resolve this. If it did not, please continue to report it directly from your game as it will send them all the data they will require to see into your game and hopefully find why it is still happening after the patch was sent out.

      I also reported it on my end


    • Hi David
      I dont think your last glitch is a glitch. In the 3rd round we are fighting the first camp again. Thus you can choose quagmire as the leader again (only in this round) and you get ok packages at the end and not standard care packages. Round 4 should get you back to the new camp we are fighting and to the standard packages again.


      • RussianTigger

        Streak 3 & 7 are against Camp Firewood so Kid Quagmire is available in both of these


      • That’s good to know. I could not tell I was fighting the phase 1 people because I was fighting invisible campers. Lol. I guess one only can tell if you magnify the screen to read the tiny lettering on the opposing camp house? Thanks. So tinyco only owes me 3 standard care packages as of now.


    • RussianTigger

      I got 2 Okay Care Packages awarded in my game as well, so not sure if that was due to fact I’d reported I’d lost Okay Care Packages in Phase 1. Let me know if you hear back from TinyCo!

      Please note for Streak 3 & 7 are wars against Camp Firewood so the rewards are Okay Care Packages not Standard Care Packages so that may answer why you’re not seeing them on your total.


  13. Hi, I don’t have much glitches so far except that Streak 5 not shown as complete when I was already at Streak 8. I reported and found that Tinyco helped me moved on Questline 2 when I logged in a day later. All is good so far. I am on Android. Even the frequent crashes I reported during Peter Prohibition Event were gone!
    Would recommend 3 ideas to prevent crashing. First, clear your cache on your phone regularly. Second, store more buildings if you find that game crashes often. Third, report to Tinyco and they may reset your game at their end. But you have to ensure you save your game first so you can restore. Previous, I did not know about this and panicked as my game went back to zero. Thought I lost my hard earned progress.


  14. I’m on iPhone 5S, iOS 10.3.2
    I Scoutmaster Peter isn’t available for Camp Wars and I have to pay clams to free him up, but he’s isn’t doing a task. It was only a few minutes to wait, but something is wrong.
    I had the same issue with Kid Quagmire. Weird.
    This is with the update they pushed out yesterday.


  15. Two battles won and both times I was awarded everything but the 3 Care Packages. Also the visual glitch where I see nothing happening during the battles is back.

    I’m on latest iOS version using iPad Air and iPhone 6 with plenty of memory. I always close out every running app and restart my device before launching and doing battles.

    All of this has been relayed to TC.


  16. OtriviaLaLivia

    I’m now experiencing connectivity issues. Anyone else?


  17. I am trying to do Camp Wars and I cannot…it was fine in Week 1, but this is the 3rd time I tried this week and it keeps crashing. I sent feedback. I just tried, and it crashed again


  18. was reading about pranking….and had a flash back to the boxing event, haha….told tinyco about it


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