Do I Want That? Lunch Lady Peter Statue

So you think you’re as rich at Carter Pewterschmidt? Own a fancy house like Buzz Killington? You sure gotta lot of clams there, whatcha gonna do with them?



Now hold on there a minute. Are you SURE you want that? With all these cool Fast Times At Griffin High  limited time event items in the game, it is very easy to get carried away. Before you know it, Clamshell Shock! All gone!

So before you go ahead and buy to your heart’s content and your wallets empty, here’s a few things you might want to know about the Lunch Lady Peter Statue.


Building/Decoration: Decoration
Clam Cost: 170 Clam IconClams
Unique: Yes
Drops: 6x Sloppy Joes
Earns: $45 & 30xp
Size: 2×2
Other Info: None


  • Drops 6x Sloppy Joes  every 8 hours
  • Sloppy Joes will probably still be useful as a part trade item in upcoming phases


  • Frakkin 170 CLAMS!!!
  • Definitely won’t be useful after the Event

Math of It:
With regards the Sloppy Joes, well you’ll be able to collect on this task up to a maximum of 3 times a day. So that’s up to 18 Sloppy Joes a day you can grab, and that’s a potential 126 Sloppy Joes for this Phase. And over the duration of the event you can get a possible 252 Sloppy Joes.

Final Thought:
It’s another decoration one which I will admit would just  end up in storage with all the others if I bought it, which as usual I haven’t, however the Sloppy Joes are in short supply until you start move through the phase so if you’ve clams to spend I can see why you’d be tempted, it will help you get Hall Passes quicker, and progress. This may be especially handy if you’ve inadvertently triggered the 48 hour timer on the final item in this weeks Trophy Case and it’s a character or costume you really, really want. This will help you get the Sloppy Joes needed for the 50 Hall Passes needed for that final item. But think whether that item is worth 170 Clams. The other option is to buy the slightly cheaper Schoolgirl Lois costume and use the Stink Bombs she drops to clear the Lunch Ladies, personally if you really need a premium item I’d get her as you could get more Sloppy Joes with her if you make sure hit the maximum of 4 lunch ladies with each Stink Bomb. ***Please note we have made TinyCo aware that Lunch Lady’s are not dropping Sloppy Joes as indicated, and this makes Schoolgirl Lois less attractive to buy***

So there you have it the facts & figures and my personal thoughts on another of this Phase’s premium buys. Just remember though with it being part of a Limited Time Event, just make sure you make up your mind as once the event is over it is most likely they will be gone. In the end it’s your call as obviously hat you buy and what you don’t buy is your own personal choice we can only share our thoughts and let you know what we did and what we think, and why.  But don’t purchase it until YOU are sure. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!

~ Russian Tigger

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