Best Of 2017 Week 2 Overview!!!

Welcome to Russia, where the spies are bots and the AK-47 is your currency of choice…. or perhaps you’d rather pass and just reach for the vodka and join me in Quahog instead where we’re getting another peek behind the iron curtain for the latest event.  

Yes, it’s time for the second week of the event many of you have been waiting for, the  Best Of 2017.


17th January at 3PM PST


Ok we were told by not completing the week 1 main Questline we could delay Weeks 2 launching, I hope this has worked for those of you who wanted to keep boxing clever and collect those Rocky characters.

For those of you who have moved on Week 2, you should still have the Best of 2017 Part 1 Mystery Box available if you’ve not emptied it. If you’re not seeing it let me know in the comments.

You can still collect Red Flags, you’ll get 1 for every Russian Spy Bot you clear!!!

Hammers are gone but if you have any banked you’ll still be able to buy the Russian Troll, you’ll find it in the decoration tab in your store.

An event with a hint of Russia, Spy Bots and Putin, just what I asked for HERE, well almost.

And a freemium chance to earn one the best costumes of 2017, Tai-Jitsu Lois, grab her if you can!!!






I’m not personally experiencing any with this update on IOS. If you are having any issues let me know in the comments.


Addicts Area
Main Questline – Ghosts Of 2017s Past
Week 2 Questions & Answers


Cold War

And here’s a snippet to get you started.

Part 1

Welcome To Week 2
Build The Russian Cathedral and find out who’s there ($100)

Part 2

More Characters Have Returned 
Spybots Are Here
Send Mrs Giant Chicken To Destroy A Russian Spy (requires 1 Cybersecurity Software)


Vladimir Putin (Character): You’ll be directed to place him for unlocking at Pt 1 of the main Questline Cold War. You have until the end of the event to unlock him.
95 Ak47 (Common): Herbert Stick To His Guns, Clear Russian Spy Bot
18 Puppets (Common): Vladdys Puppeteer School
16 Fake News (Uncommon): Mrs Giant Chicken Read Tabloids, Wacky Leaks HQ
1 Putin’s Plane: Place Putin’s Plane From Store


Ninja Stewie – 190 Clams

 Dojo Peter (Character Costume): If you don’t already have him you’ll be able to create him for free in Al Harrington’s .

Tai-Jitsu Lois (Character Costume): If you don’t already have her you’ll be able collect items to unlock her in Al Harrington’s.
22 Ak47 (Common): Herbert Stick To His Guns, Clear Russian Spy Bot
6 Katanas: Lois Practice Sword Fighting, Jerome Try International Sports

Samurai Quagmire (Character Costume): If you don’t already have him you’ll be able collect items to unlock him in Al Harrington’s.
10 Ak47 (Common): Herbert Stick To His Guns, Clear Russian Spy Bot
10 Kimonos: Quagmire Buy Bathrobes, Mort Open Chinatown Store

Golden Dragon (Character): If you don’t already have this you’ll be able collect items to buy this in your store.
30 Ak47 (Common): Herbert Stick To His Guns, Clear Russian Spy Bot

Sumo Chris (Character Costume): If you don’t already have him you’ll be able collect items to unlock him in Al Harrington’s.
58 Ak47 (Common): Herbert Stick To His Guns, Clear Russian Spy Bot

Yogi Fighter Brian (Character Costume): If you don’t already have him you’ll be able collect items to unlock him in Al Harrington’s.
58 Ak47 (Common): Herbert Stick To His Guns, Clear Russian Spy Bot

Kung Fu Herbert (Character Costume): If you don’t already have him you’ll be able collect items to unlock him in Al Harrington’s.
58 Ak47 (Common): Herbert Stick To His Guns, Clear Russian Spy Bot

Walking Joe (Character Costume): If you don’t already have him you’ll be able collect items to unlock him in Al Harrington’s.
58 Ak47 (Common): Herbert Stick To His Guns, Clear Russian Spy Bot

Ninja Stewie (Character Costume): 190 

There are other returning characters available to win in the Best Of 2017 Part 2 Mystery Box, I’ll cover this fully below.

The returning characters all have a task to drop 1 Cybersecurity Software, and these are the tiers they fall into:

Tier 1 – 4hr Task
Sumo Chris Get a Vine
Ninja Stewie Snoop on Brian’s Laptop
Yogi Fighter Brian Protect His Laptop
Kung Fu Herbert Click Suspicious Links
Walking Joe Walk to the Store

Tier 2 – 6hr Task
Tai-Jitsu Lois Protect Her Family
Golden Dragon Guard Against Threats

Tier 3 – 8hr Task
Dojo Peter Call Tech Support
Samurai Quagmire Allow Pop-Ups


Wacky Leaks HQ: Chance Drop of 1 Fake News every 8hrs
Cost~ 21 Sickles

Vladdys Puppeteer School: Always drops of 1 Puppet every 4hrs
Cost~ 25 Sickles


Putin’s Plane: No drops
Cost~ 30 Sickles


Pack of  10 Cybersecurity Software – 120 


 AK-47  (Common) – Get from Herbert Stick To Hid Guns, Clearing Russian Spy Bot

 Sickle (Chance) –  Get from clearing Russian Spy Bot

 Red Stars (Always) – Get from clearing Russian Spy Boy


 Cybersecurity Software (Uncommon) – Sumo Chris Get a Vine (4hrs), Ninja Stewie Snoop on Brian’s Laptop (4hrs), Yogi Fighter Brian Protect His Laptop (4hrs), Kung Fu Herbert Click Suspicious Links (4hrs), Tai-Jitsu Lois Protect Her Family (6hrs), Walking Joe Walk to the Store (6hrs), Golden Dragon Guard Against Threats (6hrs), Dojo Peter Call Tech Support (8hrs), Samurai Quagmire Allow Pop-Ups (8hrs)


Costs 30 AK 47s per try. What you will see will depend on what characters and costumes you already have as these as this is full of returning content.

Great Outdoors Joe (Costume) – click here for details
Workout Bruce (Costume) – click here for details
Fat Camp Chris (Costume) – click here for details
Leonardo Da Vinci (Character) – click here for details
Clown Herbert (Costume) – click here for details
Pimp Stewie (Costume) – click here for details
Michael Pulsaki (Character) – click here for details
Zombie Chris (Costume) – click here for details
Steve Bellows (Character) – click here for details
Roaring 20’s Brian (Costume) – click here for details


You will trigger them and learn about them at Part 3 of the main Questline Cold War. You will find them wandering your sidewalks and you will need to use a combination of 1 Cybersecurity software and a character, Ninja Stewie or Mrs Giant Chicken, to clear them.

Basically you want to tap on any Russian Spy Bot that’s wandering around to bring up the screen showing you need a Cybersecurity Software and character to clear them, it will also show you the rewards.

Simply select the character you have available to perform the task from the list on the left, your choice is between Ninja Stewie or Mrs Giant Chicken, you only need 1 of them. And you can only select them if they aren’t busy on another task, so remember to use them for this between other tasks. Once you’ve selected your character just tap CLEAR and you’re selected character will clear the Russian Spy Bot, below you can see I used Mrs Giant Chicken.

Requires: 1 Cybersecurity Software & either Ninja Stewie or Mrs Giant Chicken

 Cybersecurity Software (Uncommon) – Sumo Chris Get a Vine (4hrs), Ninja Stewie Snoop on Brian’s Laptop (4hrs), Yogi Fighter Brian Protect His Laptop (4hrs), Kung Fu Herbert Click Suspicious Links (4hrs), Tai-Jitsu Lois Protect Her Family (6hrs), Walking Joe Walk to the Store (4hrs), Golden Dragon Guard Against Threats (6hrs), Dojo Peter Call Tech Support (8hrs), Samurai Quagmire Allow Pop-Ups (8hrs)

Task Time: 5 secs

Chance Payout:
2 AK 47  (Always)
1 Sickle (Chance)
1 Red Stars (Always)
30 xp (Always)

Spawn: A few times a day up to a MAX of 10 at a time on your game play screen

There you have the overall basics to get you started through the second part of the Best of 2017s Past Event. Where are you so far? Anything particular you like the most? Suggestions or tips to fellow players? Let us know.

~Russian Tigger

46 responses to “Best Of 2017 Week 2 Overview!!!

  1. Ugh. Now I know why I only play during Christmas! Way too much of a grind utilizing certain characters instead of a wider variety. Waiting to move on to week 3 since none of these costumes/characters really matter to me. Well maybe Vlad, since Trump really didn’t want to be peeezie o da steezie and Melania cried so hard the night they won. Leaving one question… if Trump didn’t want to win, why would he “collude” with Vlad? Maybe the unlock will tell the troof? I’m still hoping the game will disclose her uranium deal with the Russians! Hope this is on a secure private/illegal server in NY! Lol


  2. once we start week 2, what happens to the stars we had leftover from week 1


  3. Tip: If your Mrs Giant Chicken is happily dropping ‘Fake News’ (need 18 to unlock Putin – I currently have 6 after 2 days) then do not buy Wacky Leaks HQ (Main Questline Part 4) before using sicles to buy Vladdy’s Puppeteer and Putin’s Jet – this will increase your chances of getting Putin (You may not even need Wacky Leaks HQ and you could use a few clams at the end to top up Fake News if you’re short of time). There doesn’t seem to be any advantage in completing the main quest line (unless anyone knows different).


  4. Sho Nuff. Lol. The black shogun of Harlem! I didn’t know he was a character in the game! Does he possess the glow? Lol


  5. Ugh this even is looking worse and worse. 18 of one item and 13 for an 8 hour item. It looks like I pretty much have to choose between fake news or puppets. And that is only if I can get the airplane. I feel bad for anyone starting during this event as it probably sent them running away in terror.


  6. Is nija stewie 100 or 190 clams? This post says 100, but ingame it shows 190? I wouldnt mind getting him, but not for 190?


  7. Um my game says AK47s are a common drop, not Always. Backed by the fact Herbert’s task doesn’t always do so. Bug or incorrect info?


  8. Mrs. Giant Chicken has dropped one measly fake news since event started. Pathetic!


  9. just unlocked Kill Bill Lois … awesome .. but i have zero tier 1 characters .. so Putin is gonna be a pain until i be “putin” him in my Quahog .


    • Exactly same as me. Almost zero chance of getting Putin unless rifle drops increase to 4 instead of 2, reduced requirements for Tier 1 characters. But it’s a wish list. And I just realized all Tier 1 costumes were premium during the event back then.

      Liked by 1 person

      • .. i think Sumo Chris was freemium cuz i just found out about him and removed him from Tan Lines .. sent him to do 4 – hr tasks .. still a bad ratio though .. and the Common Drops aren’t that common at all … and Mrs Chicken uncommon drops are horrible …


  10. It’s nice that I can collect for week 2 with Herbert and Samurai Quagmire while I’m still on week 1


  11. Thanks for pointing out where the troll was – I thought I had lost out. Turns out I had enough hammers to get two, so now I have a twosome.
    Of trolls.


  12. Isn’t Walking Joe’s task 4 hrs? Given that he also needs 58 ak-47 to unlock, like other costumes for Herbert and Chris. I gave not unlocked but he is the first one on my list for a Tier 1 character to help.


  13. not sure where to ask but I just got a pop up saying futurama would return or something. I don’t watch the show or play the game so do you know what this is about?


  14. Oh and I already had all the characters and it just re-triggered the story lines for each one. So I’m doing them all over again. I don’t mind that, though… It’s something to do.


  15. so something weird happened .. all the character questlines from the Kung Fu event got re-triggered for me even tho i completed them a long time ago …


  16. Ohh noooo! In my game the quest lines for 7 characters and costumes from the Kung Pow event just triggered! I had already completed all of them!! Anyone else getting this? Wonder if there is any chance Tinyco can fix this cuz if I have to complete all 7 questlines I may just have to give up on this event to get them all out of the way. Man, I also have a bunch of new quest lines from all the new Best of 2018 characters and costumes and Mystery Box 1!!!!


  17. Is someone else also facing glitches. I already collected dojo Peter, samurai quagmire, mr. Myagi and so on and finished their quests already. But now I have to redo all the quests, which is anoying since I need Peter, quagmire and lois for this week. Which will probably very hard for me, since I do not have the premium characters.


  18. Hopefully this week will be easy, I had every character already except for Stewie.
    I wish there was a faster way to collect stars for the Week 1 mystery box in week 2. I guess I should have waited another day to advance to week 2 in order to stockpile.


  19. I have so many expletives to throw at this event. I still have to collect 156 stars to unlock the three remaining wrestling characters I didn’t unlock the first time around, before I start on the 220 needed for Mrs Giant Chicken who I don’t even have the second building for. Haven’t even touched the first mystery box. And the Salmon aren’t an “Always” drop. I want to throw my iPad across the room.


    • I was lucky to have a few characters to get started on week 1. I can see how this would be almost next to impossible to finish if you had to buy all the characters. I also had a lot of trouble with the salmon drops, not very reliable. Sorry about your troubles, hope it turns around for you!


  20. I know we’re less than a day into this week, but I have to admit being less than enthusiastic about the chances for this one, and I got *all* the freemium stuff from the Kung Pao Quahog event. Just not enough resources dropped from the soldiers, especially with the time the not-guaranteed CDs take to drop. At 5 collection times per day for the Tier 1 character costumes, it would take 6 days of always dropping for each to pay for itself (though you might still need to in order to get enough sickles), compared to 3 days for the Tier 1 characters in week 1.

    At least I don’t care about anything in the mystery box this time, because that’s the thing I’m least likely to have enough AKs for.


  21. As far as noticeable changes… My game for a lot smaller. It’s like they changed the resolution.


    • I agree something changed, I can zoom in more im sure – not affecting gameplay, mYbe they are trying shrink the game size to help players who’s devices struggle cope


  22. Thanks again for giving us such awesome posts full of info. 😃👍 I’m sure you have lots of inside info on the Russian event you can’t tell us because Supreme Leader told you not to. 😜


  23. There’s conflicting info in the game on whether Walking Joe is Tier 1 or Tier 2. Do you have any further intel, Russian (Spy Bot) Tigger?😎


  24. Wonder if we’ll see Sho’nuff available to buy in a day or two? ( a bit like Apollo Creed popped up a few days into Part 1?)
    He’s one character I missed that I’d love to acquire!


    • Agreed. I was so upset I didn’t get him and currently have enough clams to do so. I still reference Sho’nuff, but no one ever knows what I’m talking about lol.


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