Best Of 2017 What Part (Week) Are You On?

Yes, it’s a 2 part event that’s let you decide whether to stay in the part, Part 1, or join us in the Present, Part 2. But where are you and why?

 Yes I  thought I’d bounce in with a poll to ask what part of the event are you currently in and how about you share with us why in the comments. Have you stayed in Part 1 to unlock a particular character? If so, who? Or are you stuck in Part 1 as you’ve not unlocked Mrs Giant Chicken? If so, what items holding you back? Or if you’ve moved on to Part 2 what do you covet most?

And if you’ve any questions just ask them here and I’ll try get answers for you ASAP.

~ Russian Tigger

33 responses to “Best Of 2017 What Part (Week) Are You On?

  1. I’m still working through week one quest line trying to get 20 salmon on 16 at the moment it’s taking 7 days to get that at least but I managed to get Rocky, clubber and Ivan unlocked. Only had Peter to start with. So have Lois, Steele and Deirdre left. Should get enough for Lois boxer costume.


  2. I should be able to get Putin today then open a mystery box (maaaaaybeee 2) tomorrow. A bit of a letdown after the success of the 1st week where i got everything unlocked with almost a full day to spare. Hopefully i can get a couple tries on the mystery box so I can get Pulaski and/or Bellows. I was happy to get Roaring 20s Brian to finish off my Great Griffins set so thats a plus.


  3. 3 days Facebook locked me out of the game, totally ruined this event!!!


  4. Not going to get Putin. Too far to go in less than three days! 😢


  5. with 2D21H, I still need 45 sickles to unlock Putin… is it really possible? (I actually giving up on getting skins…)


    • Keep going, the plane is the bug clam item in Putins buy out, so might be worth getting that then deciding where to go from there


    • Well, I just got the plane. Good God, that thing is massive! This might be the biggest item I’ve seen in the game yet. I had to put Superstore U.S.A. into inventory and move around some trees and light posts by it so I could place the plane. As soon as I could check that off of the list, I put the plane in inventory, took the store out, and moved the trees and lights back. I had enough sickles for Vladdy’s Puppeteer School, too, so I added that right after the plane. As for Putin, as I write, I need 18 Puppets and 8 Fake News.

      Trying to decide if I want to go for Yogi Fighter Brian, Sumo Chris, and Kung Fu Herbert, or take my chances on the Mystery Box. There’s two more characters I could add to the roster (and eventually put into Tan Lines, as I try to fill it up): Steve Bellows and Leonardo da Vinci, but I could get one of the lame skins instead. I got lucky with the first box, and got the characters I wanted quickly (I ended up collecting enough junk to go back to the box and get everything, anyway), but I can’t expect to be that lucky again and get Bellows on the first try. No, I’ll probably get Fat Camp Chris or Great Outdoors Joe. Yay (read that with sarcasm).


  6. I have unlocked all the buildings and the plane necessary for Putin. I’m just waiting for 4 more of each item to unlock him! I’ve cleared out Week 2’s mystery box, but still have 2 characters left in Week 1’s. With the red star drop rate so low now, I probably will only get one of them.
    Having some or most of the characters before this event started, helped immensely with almost having it complete. I can see how it would be almost impossible for someone who had to unlock all of the characters…..kind of an unfair event for everyone in my opinion.


  7. Week two is so much harder, nowhere near unlocking Putin and have only been able to get Joe, might as well just get the prize box costumes instead

    Liked by 1 person

  8. just opened Week 1 Mystery Box and got ……….. Principal Shepherd !!!
    the only full character that was inside … alongside Playwright Stewie , Tiger Brian , and Pusher Mort … so I got the best prize basically ^_^ altho if I got Playwright Stewie I wasn’t gonna complain … Brian and Mort are a waste of Red Stars …


  9. uggghhh i accidentally created Kung Fu Master Herbert .. i mean he’s cool .. but I wanted Walking Joe 😦 now I have to give up his AK task in favor of the CD task .. if I chose Joe I could’ve kept him on his AK task and gain 1 more AK every 3 hrs ..! also Joe deserves to be walking ……!!


  10. Well, this Facebook upgrade is pretty annoying. The game has been unavailable for a day and a half-plus. It makes it difficult to accomplish anything. There’s much to do. Yeah, I can play on the phone, but it drains the battery, and I have to stop and recharge constantly. Playing on the computer through Facebook eliminates that inconvenience, for as long as the computer’s plugged in and turned on, I can play. Well, USUALLY….

    They should save that kind of crap for a bigger event (like a 4-5 week one), when there’s still plenty of time left to do anything. If the event is only two weeks, and you’re going to lose half a week…What’s the point of participating?


    • Totally agree and can only assume that the reason they did it was to fix the task bug as that was fixed in the mobile version just before the game went down for 3 days, surely it could have waited till the end of the event and rather than pushing another quest on us within hours of it ending using the time to fix bugs, plus we don’t hear anything yet again from tinyco, so maybe one of the things we should see from them in 2018 is how to communicate with players as they are totally shocking in this department and instead of posting little cartoons and pictures on their facebook page even when problems are occurring, somebody actually posting what is happening so players are not left in the dark.


  11. I stayed on week 1 to complete a couple of character collections and received 25 free clams for doing so plus 4 new characters and the Stewey skin. I almost have enough stars to get Mrs Chicken but am not sure yet if I should move on to week 2 to try to get enough stuff for Putin, or if I should just stay on week 1 and continue to get stars and buy mystery boxes. I;m thinking at this point I won’t have enough time to get Putin and would be better off ahead to try to get Principal Shepherd and/or Al Harrington.


    • Unless you want to use clams to buy Ninja Stewie if you don’t already have him, you’re going to need Mrs. Giant Chicken to help you get Putin. Only she and Stewie can clear the Russian bots that will give up the sickles you need to place buildings and Putin’s plane. Clearing the bots will also collect AK-47s faster for you than Herbert will.


  12. Week one was a lot easier than week 2. No way will I be getting Putin before the end.


  13. I’m on wk 2 but really wished I’d stayed on wk1 the best of 2017 box was loads better ☺


  14. Since I started playing the game in April, halfway through Rocky, I decided to stay in Week 1 and get Mrs Giant Chicken and as many Rocky characters as possible.

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  15. I’m on week 1 still by choice. I didn’t have any of the week 1 characters, so I’m trying to grab them all (for free clams) before I do anything with Mrs chicken.

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  16. lol “Werk 2”. This week does feel like work :\


  17. Week 2, wanted to have Putin. Little chance. 3 days gone but no Tier 1 characters and no buildings yet.


  18. Still working on Mrs. Giant chicken. Already had some of the characters, but did spend 75×4 on stewie and the 3 boxers.

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  19. All i have been doing is collecting the CD’s. When I have 12, I wipe out the spybots, and keep it going. All I have in the box is 20’s Brian and Fat Camp Chris. I will get Brian, and Chris if I have the aK47. No real interest in getting Putin. If I never hear his name again, I would be okay with that! I already got Herbert, which was the one that i wanted this time!


  20. Stuck near start of week 2. I can only play on Facebook and the game’s been taken offline since Friday evening. Says: “Pardon Our Dust”. 😦 Bit worried this is permanent. In any case, I can’t get the cool Dragon.


  21. I just noticed that all the older questlines have disappeared from my game. So happy. I really didn’t want to have to go thru all that stuff again. Thanks RT for bringing that to TinyCo. attention.

    Liked by 1 person

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