Random Questlines glitch….

Just a heads up that TinyCo are aware some players, including myself, are having old Questlines re-appearing in their games. I’ve 10 at this time, and they all seem to be from the Wet Hot Quahog Summer event.

I’m seeing Questlines for the following characters/costumes: Troop Leader Lois; Wild Brian; Sasquatch; Director Susie; Playwright Stewie; Producer Ben; Great Outdoors Joe; Fat Camp Chris; Scoutmaster Peter & Kid Quagmire.

If you’re seeing any others let me know it the comments.

Russian Tigger

62 responses to “Random Questlines glitch….

  1. stevens4isagod

    So was there ever a solution to this? I still have a bunch of old questlines open; am I just supposed to wait for a fix or do I need to report it to them?


  2. These glitches are getting worst. I just filed a complaint with Google Play Store to ask them to remove this game from their store till it’s proper functioning. Currently they keep stealing peeps clams who try to get items and they get no credit for it, like the peter character . I brought items to quickly get him and had all the items but it won’t active him till the event only had four hours left. This company doesn’t care about customer service. It’s time we all stop buy or given them positive feedback. Give them One Star on Play Stores. These problems have been going on since March.


    • RussianTigger

      I can honestly only say what I’ve been saying for weeks, they are trying to fix this, unfortunately it’s not proving to be that easy, hence delay. But I know they are actively working on it and want to get players games fixed. They’ve not given up, unlike EA who did on the roll back glitch, there you basically got told here’s a new game but not with everything you had before. I’m hoping TinyCo won’t have to go that route and they are certainly doing everything possible.

      With regards the Bad Boy Peter costume, if you won it and didn’t get it, hopefully they can add it but maybe not whilst you’ve got an active glitch in your game. I’m not sure. Only TinyCo can say.


  3. I got a reply off TC/JC on Friday night (uk time) saying they pushed an update out and to restart my device to clear the random quests. I did that and the quests were still there so sent them screenshots.

    Had a message off them this morning saying they’ve manually removed them from my game, so now they’ve all gone from my game.


  4. Counselor Andy is one I didn’t see listed but his old questline can up along with the other usual suspects.

    7 total that came back, hasn’t interrupted my game, at least not yet.

    Wild Brian
    Playwright Stewie
    Producer Ben
    Great Outdoors Joe
    Kid Quagmire
    Scout Master Peter
    Counselor Andy


  5. Anthony Padilla

    I can’t enter Phase 3 because of an event (Fazed and Confused) that puts an exclamation point over Peter’s head for that event and blocks the one for starting the next Phase. I completed Phase Two early and was all set with plenty of time to spare too…

    Liked by 1 person

    • RussianTigger

      Are you seeing any duplicate characters or just this task? Please report to TinyCo asap.


      • Anthony Padilla

        Have I got duplicates?! Dude, I got 4 Peters running around! Plus, Lois and Stewie also producing these expired event popups. And have I reported to TinyCo? Five times since day 2 of the Clue event! I’d love to know what exactly happened for things to have gone so bad as they did…this isn’t some simple glitch…it had to have been a deliberate act of sabotage…


  6. Today I have beezelbaby demon stewie added to the mix.


  7. I am not able to get Kpop Peter. I have all the items required, everything is checked, but when I try to create him it says I need 366 clams.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’ve got all the random questlines you mentioned, and have had the duplicate issue for several weeks now…at this point, my game is not loading, phone is only 3 months old, not a memory issue I don’t think…shoot…


    • RussianTigger

      Think maybe too much going on in the game with the numerous glitches you have. Hope this gets sorted soon.


  9. I had all of those pop up to n me yesterday, now I can’t get into the game. It just hangs on the load screen for like 3 minutes and crashes. Restarted my iPad…didn’t help


  10. Got the questline for count of Marco polo stewie (or something like that, top hat and monocle) few days ago and just got an offer, buy leather jackets for the event, get that stewie.


  11. The Wet Hot Quahog Summer event was one of the few that I sat out, so I have few of the event specific characters or costumes. The only questline that showed up for me is the one for Sasquatch, because I just bought myself last month! 🙂 So I had no problem completing the Big Foot Forward Questline, since I am still in the process of levelling myself up, anyway! 😀


  12. I have kid quagmire and scoutmaster Peter. I’m kinda upset because I thought they were new quest lines for this game event we are i now and now i’m Missing out on time for the main event. We should be compensated in someway. Or the event should go a week longer instead of having a mini event in between the two main events. Please let them know.


  13. Greg Winston

    Anyone having problems with smoke bombs? When i hit fire the game freezes. Ugh!!!


    • RussianTigger

      This can happen on some devices where memory is an issue. Can you give more details on your device etc.


  14. im just ignoring then since they have nothing to do with the event play


  15. I’m getting these quests as well. Do you recommend me to skip them or work on them? Any benefits or drawbacks? Thx.


    • RussianTigger

      I’m waiting on response from TinyCo so haven’t started clear them as yet. I’ll give an update once I know anything more


    • The only real drawback would be that the characters may be needed elsewhere, but if not, it is not a big deal to complete the tasks, to get rid of the questline.


  16. Producer Ben, Scoutmaster Peter, and Kid Quagmire popped up in my game.


  17. Thom Whitman

    I have Quagmure-gone in giggty seconds, Scout master Peter, Ganeshow Stewie, and Kid Quagmire.


  18. Same over here. Put my characters on quest thinking it’s a new event.


  19. Kane Harrison

    I had a load of quests pop up from some camping event I don’t remember. I thought it was odd.


  20. This happened to me over 3 weeks ago. Had a quest for Blueberry Peter show up. Apparently this is from 2017 and I hadn’t even started playing the game then so I don’t have Blueberry Peter. Now that quest is gone and I have one for Scoutmaster Peter.


    • RussianTigger

      Yeah it’s been randomly occurring for few weeks but last night seemed to see a little escalation so hopefully they can now see what’s causing the issue


  21. Yep, I’ve got all the summer camp characters and quest lines, too. It really threw me today – like, WHAT? Okay… so now everybody’s doing all the summer camp quests. Confusing!


  22. Same here except no sasquatch. Without this site I would always think it was just me. If we got these questline popping up, should we contact support individually or is it enough if you notify jam city? Thanks


    • RussianTigger

      They are aware of it so don’t think you need do anything more. Hopefully they can get to the bottom of it as few glitches seem to be spreading, and that’s a worry especially with the duplicate/triplicate character glitch.


  23. ohh boy i was jus gonna say lmao. yes same here!!! i’m like wait what aee they doing we don’t need this why are they doing this! and yeah same characters from that summer event. grrr. This has to be the most outrageous glitch i ever came across haha


  24. There are more glitches than this one as I’m still having the hotel glitch where all your characters are roaming the streets making the game slow and Add that all the characters have a double too and you have to find the right double or u don’t get a reward if that character does drops. This has been going on since March. I reported to them and they still haven’t fixed it. All they care about now is pushing out new events and trying to get monies from other players. The only plus side for me is I’m saving monies as I use to buy clams regularly but I refuse to when I can’t enjoy the game.

    Liked by 1 person

    • RussianTigger

      This post just refers to a glitch that’s appeared again today for quite few of us. The duplicates and triplicates I highlighted in the main overview post, but all I can say again is they are trying to fix, but it’s proving to be complicated I’m afraid. But they are working on it I assure you.


      • Oh I agree I told them that I think they are making it worst by adding more events and not finding out what the problem is.


        • RussianTigger

          Yeah I think a week or two downtime to let them try get this fixed would be a good idea. They could throw in one character to grind unlock during that time to stop players getting bored. I think downtime is a price worth paying to get these issues fixed as long term players are saying I’ve had enough due to it.


      • Yep, 9 random quests popped up for me. Same as yours but no Fat Camp Chris


    • So they should stop all events until your game is ok and if you can’t play, no one should?


      • RussianTigger

        To be fair I think what they are saying is maybe they need to have a gap in events and put everyone on fixing these glitches, as they seem to be spreading to more players. I think that’s a fair point to make and I’d be fine having a down week or two Event wise if it meant a more stable game for everyone. To stop players saying they are bored drop one character to unlock that will be a slow grind to do during the downtime.

        Liked by 1 person

      • yes but sadly I’m not the only one there are a lot of us with this glitch, according to them. IF they don’t address this soon the glitches are going to be so buried under all these event updates that it’s going to spread like a virus and the game will either crash completely on be on a huge hiatus.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Side note, with these events popping up for u all, well in March that’s what happen to me then it lead to more serve glitches that I stated above. So all of you might start experiencing others issues soon. Hopefully not but just food for thought.


  25. I’ve had pretty much all the same missions start up too while the balloons appear to have changed. This story is awful this time after such a good one last time


  26. Matthew Bryde

    Me too, same characters and more.


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