Pizza Day – A Word About Olive Drops

I see all your comments regarding the drop rate on Olives, I’ve raised the same concern to Jam City after testing the drop and finding it to be very, very poor. However we need to remember it is a Rare drop and sometimes these drop slowly at first then increase as the event goes on. I’m hoping this is the case, and we see better drops over the weekend. If not I’ll raise it with support again. Until we know if these drops will get better I’d advise you to decide which of the 2 freemium characters you want most and use your Olives wisely according to this.  However it’s worth remembering Pizza Delivery Quagmire has an Olive drop, so it’s up to you whether to follow the main Questline and go for him first or to just collect up what you can then decide who you unlock. I’m not sure it will be easy to get both characters if the drops stay as they are.

77 responses to “Pizza Day – A Word About Olive Drops

  1. I’m relatively new to this game. I’ve been playing a little over a month. I started a few days before Christmas. Since I’ve started I’ve played virtually non stop & have progressed quite nicely. I’m currently on District 8, in the process of unlocking Stewie & close on Carter. I can accept that this game has a long history & there are many characters & Costumes from the past that I may never be able to get, although the QHS is a nice feature & may be able to help with that a bit. However, I would expect to be able to earn any new characters that enter the game.

    I obtained everything needed for both Pizza Peter & Pizza Quagmire, except the Olives, by Friday afternoon, so just a bit over the 2 day mark of the event starting. I have every building that I can get with the pizza slices & still have almost 750 pizza slices (& counting) & nothing to do with any of them. I’ve continued to get all the other ingredients needed for the 2 characters, Olive Oils & Pizza Warmers, Leftover Pizza & Chef’s Hats. I’m probably 2 or 3 times the number needed & I stopped sending characters on quests for them after I obtained the needed amount. However, the Olives, 12 of the 25 total needed, so less then half. I only just unlocked Pizza Quagmire late last night/early this morning. I have played this event virtually non stop, Consuela has TAKEN FOOD HOME every 4 hours all week. Peter has FOLDED HIS SLICE as much as I have been able to, but I have needed him for other things as well. That’s pretty much been my only option as I don’t have Stewie yet. It shouldn’t matter though. There’s no reason someone whose played as much as I have and is as dedicated as I am should not be able to obtain the characters.

    There needs to be an equal balance between creating new content for older players & allowing new players the ability to fully participate & not feel left out. Although, in this case it seems like an issue for everyone no matter how long they’ve been playing. Which is also an issue. These events should be fun & challenging, but not impossible.

    I hope this doesn’t continue to happen, as I have greatly enjoyed my time playing & it’s a lot of fun. However, if I keep missing out on current content & not being able to fully participate in these events, I may end up deciding it’s just not worth it & stop playing altogether.


  2. i didnt see this post until after i voted in the poll.
    in a way im glad it’s not just me having olive drop issues – although i’d rather none of us have drop issues tbh.

    i think someone at JC must have finally worked out the correct algorithim to make item drops match their drop rate as these olives more rare than rocking horse poop!! (coincidentally, i found that recently the dreaded ‘uncommon’ drops have been loads better than they have been historically)

    Thanks RT for addressing this with JC 🙂


  3. Just ran Consuela 10 times through fast forward.
    Zero olives


  4. Well I’ve gotten 9 olives in 5 days, just need to get 16 more in the last 2 days and I’ll be able to finish. I’ve never seen the fast forward option in my game for anything except clams.


  5. I had been enjoying QFS again since Historical Society started. But the olives are very disheartening. I bought olive statue, have watched way too many rubbish adverts, and I still need 13 olives to unlock Peter and less than two days left. Just what are the developers doing? Want us to leave so they can close the game down? I pay money regularly for clams – this is simply not good enough.


  6. Trying to use FF to get more olives and I always get those ads that have no timers on them just an X, even if you wait 2 minutes, you never get the time down. I get about 4-5 of the same ad in a row that does it.

    Anyone else get those ads?


  7. At least some of you have been and to FF. For some reason i lost that ability about 7 days ago and havn’t been able to FF since 😦 i just messaged support hoping it’s a big they can fix. I also have the looping clams at startup issue that i already reported to them.


    • Some of us gave never had it at all. It’s not a permanent feature, it will come and go I’m afraid


    • I lost mine a few days ago and sent message to support (also had same looping clams for the 2nd time after they removed it) and it appears to have returned this morning. Odd considering lots of people still don’t have it! Still not helping with the Olives – have 7 so far waiting to unlock Quagmire. Doubt getting anything for peter.


  8. Well, here we are over half way through this one week event and I have 2 of the 25 olives required. So, only another 5 weeks to go to collect the remaining 23!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Guess I was the lucky one, got the last one I needed this morning. Used FF but no clams.


  10. Have Quagmire now. Bought the last olive with clams. Have a nice day.


  11. BTW my olive drops now show “chance” instead of “rare”, and I got my first one from Consuela. I still only have 6 in total though.


  12. Spent all day trying to get the last olive to unlock pizza delivery Quagmire, but no luck. Maybe tomorrow. I noticed that the cost to buy just one olive is 55 clams. WTD?


    • It’s been changing, as one the character unlock material it’s 32 Clams


      • The cost to unlock Quagmire when 1 olive was the only missing item was 55 clams, at least it was last night. Now I need all 15 olives for Peter (have everything else), and his buyout is 768 clams (51.2 each) in my game.


  13. i complained and they gave me 5 olives , and i was able to unlock quagmire who also drops olives,
    im stuck with 3 olives for peter since yesterday .. i got 2 of them by FF consuela .. i complained again and the support said she agrees with me but they’re only support & can’t change the drop rate bcz that’s the programmers job .. but she was sympathetic 😀


  14. I feel that they made a mistake because The olive has a background of orange and if I remember correctly that is like an extra rare item. So far I only have 1 olive.


  15. I’m glad I bought Pizza Joe. 10 more olives and I’m done with everything.


  16. I have everything for both Peter and Quagmire done except for olives I have 2 total! Ridiculous


  17. I see that people are getting olives using ff. The only ff I have requires paying with clams and I’ve never had any luck when I pay to ff. Are some people getting the ff for videos? I had that for a while but then it went away.


  18. Agree, I have had 3 characters working on the Olive drop since Wednesday. Dropped 2 the first day. Since then I have not seen a single one. I have Pizza Quagmire ready to go, but needs Olives. Can’t see this changing over the weekend at this point. Guess this was supposed to be a ultra rare drop.


  19. 8 With ff. Thanks for the info on this site Russian Tiger.


  20. Fabrizio Azzolini

    Still nothing here as well. As stated above..I believe Consuela has not dropped one either on normal time or FF..yesterday I did get 2 more olives via FF which brings me to a total of 6 for the event so up the dying yang..still dropping items that have already been done needing but they still drop. Italian guys and pineapples that I dont know what to do with..but olives are killing me..still need 4 just to unlock quagmire..forget about getting 15 after that for Peter…I guess they want you to buy and use clams..not going to happen for me.


  21. Having same issue with olives, yesterday tried to do FF but the game kept crashing. This morning still have issues with olive drops and my FF disappeared. Tried to send message to support, then the game crashes. I guess I’m going to struggle even more now. Then here I am. Happy Saturday!!! 😦


  22. I hit 4 Olives total a few days ago and having been stuck at 4 ever since. That’s with purchasing Pizza Delivery Quagmire and using his Olive drop. I have been checking in on the game several times a day, so something seems wrong.


    • Thanks for feedback


      • Soraya (the one from Liverpool)

        Anticipating the meagre olive drop, I finally used the 200 clams I’d been hoarding to buy the olive tree on day two.
        With thirty-three hours to go, and four other characters working on it, I currently have five olives. I check this game five or six times a day so as RT suggested I am hoping the drop rate will increase. If not, we’ll have medals for efforts. Win! Win!

        Personally, I quite like it when it’s a bit more difficult as the progress is rewarding. If it’s too easy it can be boring. I get so much pleasure from this game (tho I have to hide it from friends and family’s derisive glances “…I FIND THIS GAME RELAXING. GIMME A MINUTE”) and of course it’s free.

        Thanks Russian Tigger as always for all that you do, and to the developers for their stellar work.


  23. I can only assume they fixed the drop rate on these olives, as I’ve been getting a bit more than before. 3 days with 0, then yesterday I hit 4 of them at once, then 1 later and a couple this morning.


  24. Not sure if this will help the cause, but it’s now Friday late, and I’ve gotten a total of 7 olives so far this whole time, and that was with a lot of speeding up via videos as well.
    I can’t say this for 100% sure, but I don’t think Consuela has dropped a single olive yet. Maybe one. But I think it’s at zero.
    Meanwhile, I’ve gotten literally every single other item unlocked for both characters, and placed all the (non-200) buildings for the event.
    That’s some seriously skewed drop rates. 😦


  25. Any reply from TCo on this yet? Been 3 days of Epic (fail) drops, not rare. Not a single one from Stewie or Peter’s 6 hour tasks, even when rushed. Only received a few from Consuela drops with task rushed to 2 hours several times a day. Might get to 10 by Tuesday 11th at this rate. Likely no chance to complete the quest line on freemium. This is all too similar to the Winter Meg non-drops in the previous event.


    • No, still waiting to hear if any changes but thanks for letting me know even with ff you’re struggling as it lets me show them how players who don’t have ff are really struggling


  26. Jackie MacKenzie

    Ya the drops on these olives are ridiculous. Ive got 2 so far since wednesday for Pizza Quagmire meanwhile Ive already got the rest of his items. Ive got all the buildings that have item drops and the pizzas for both Pizza Quagmire and Pizza Peter. Now working on the last one worth 125.

    For Pizza Peter other than olives I need 1 more olive oil and 3 more pizza warmers. I understand its a rare drop but at this rate I wont get either character. Pretty annoying. Reported it but dont expect to hear anything back. Usually the items that require both characters plus buildings are more common.

    These olives are killing this event.


  27. Thanks for talking to them for us!! Like everyone has commented the olive drops are really really rare. I personally have had 2 (two) that have dropped and I’ve been playing the game every four hours and started the event less then an hour after it hit the app store. If I can get 15 olives to drop I will use them on pizza delivery Quagmire like everyone has suggested on here.
    After the winter Meg fiasco I would bet tinyco will increase olive drop rates in a few days.
    Keep up the good work on this site, we appreciate it.


  28. I got 4 olives.


  29. There seems to be rare and super rare. Pizza Warmers are also rare and also have 3 tasks (2 characters and 1 building), but I’ve gotten 9 of those, while only getting 5 olives in the same time period. All rares don’t appear to be created equal.

    I think getting 10 for Pizza Delivery Quagmire is doable, but then another 15 for Pepperoni Peter seems unlikely. That said, all of the other items for Peter are easy to get, so at most you’ll miss out on 250 gold stars for the QHS ranks because they give partial credit.


  30. Fabrizio Azzolini

    So far I have only gotten a total of 4 olives from the 3 characters offering them. This was enough to get past one of the 1st quests..since then I have not gotten any at all..even with continued time savers..considering that I still need 6 more for Pizza Delivery Quagmore and 9 more for Pepperoni Peter i doubt i will get to see either one…I refuse to spend 119 for an olive statue.


  31. I’ve still not managed the quest to collect 4 of them. In 2 days 😦


  32. I got 5 olive drops, but only one of them increased the olive count. I contacted support.


  33. Yeah, this is really bad… I have exactly 1 olive after 31 hours. I realise that this event is supposed to be dragged out for a week, but when we need 25 olives they should be dropping at around 4 per day


  34. Cherry Bakewell


    I got an olive. Woo hoo!

    Now about those pizza warmers…? Still got none of those! :-O


    • Woo hoo….. everyone over to Cherry’s game, but no stealing her Olive 😅


      • The pizza warmers all dropped pretty quickly after that post; very soon just needed olives for both character unlocks.

        Have now reached 10 olives but they’ve only ever dropped in my game by waiting out the timers in full. Still never not had any olives drop by rushing the timers! Hmm…


  35. Good point about Pizza Quagmire having an olive drop. I think he may be the easier one to unlock anyway. And in positive news, I’m up to four olives now! That’s with buying Pizza Joe and having him on the task. That’s only 21 olives to go, seems doable at current rates but it’ll be close (but would be a lot tougher without having bought Pizza Joe). Leftover pizza didn’t need to have a building, especially as Monster Pizzas drop them–that building should have been for olives instead.


    • I’ve raised point with them that premium characters should always drop, they used to.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s a good point and thank you for raising it with support. There is the shrine that always drops olives–but that would only end up adding six olives (more if sped up some). But yeah, drop 270 clams for a character, drops should be almost guaranteed. That said, Pizza Joe has helped me somewhat, mainly because when he does drop olives, it’s two and his is only a four hour task.


  36. why is there no building you can unlock to drop olives as well? that is very poor planning for a quick 1 week event when they are rare

    Liked by 1 person

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