Category Archives: District 4

Character Overview: John Herbert

Hey There Clammers!

With the introduction of Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff there’s a whole cast of characters to unlock in your rebuild effort of Quahog!  These overview posts are designed to give you a quick breakdown of the characters, how you unlock them & their tasks so you can play FGG more efficiently!

Of course there will be those players who don’t want to know the details of unlocking the characters so for that reason we’ll post all of the details below the fold.  So if you don’t like to know what’s going on before you play don’t click read more…CAUTION SPOILERS AHEAD

The next character we’ll tackle on our character overview is John Herbert. Herbert is one of the characters you’ll find in the School District.  So now let’s take a look at Mr. Herbert the pervert and his tasks…

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Character Overview: Joe Swanson

Hey There Clammers!

With the introduction of Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff there’s a whole cast of characters to unlock in your rebuild effort of Quahog!  These overview posts are designed to give you a quick breakdown of the characters, how you unlock them & their tasks so you can play FGG more efficiently!

Of course there will be those players who don’t want to know the details of unlocking the characters so for that reason we’ll post all of the details below the fold.  So if you don’t like to know what’s going on before you play don’t click read more…CAUTION SPOILERS AHEAD

The next character we’ll tackle on our character overview is Joe Swanson. Joe is one of the characters you’ll unlock in the School District, and the 9th or 10th character you’ll unlock in TQFS (Depending on if you unlock him or Herbert first).  So let’s break down Joe and his tasks…..

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Quest for Stuff Quick Walkthroughs: School District to Unlocking Pirate’s Cove

Hello there Clammers!

We last left off our walkthrough we had unlocked Lois and Mort and Peter was just suggesting we unlock the School District (District 4)…so he could find Joe.  So now we pick this back up with the complete quests that will pop up while in the School District!

The School District is where you’ll unlock Herbert, Joe & run into a bunch of wild tots!

Once again this District walkthrough is structured by questline  (Note: Questline is considered the entire task list that is required under a certain title.  For example The Lost Boys Pt. 1, Pt. 2 etc).  This should help you keep track of what comes next in each questline & what you’ll need to do.  Keep in mind, with this game various quests/tasks can be running at once.  You can be in the middle of 1 questline and another questline will start, however the order in which the questlines appear may be different for each game.

Unlocking characters in the School District takes a little more patience, as the list of “Stuff” required to unlock is longer, and the quantities of each are greater.  Take your time, try not to get frustrated when the items don’t appear.  Try a different task to unlock the item, or try working on a different item.

So let’s pick our walkthrough back up with Peter, the Lost Boys & the quest for NEW stuff!


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