Tag Archives: Addicts Helpers

Away From Computer…

Hey there Clammers!

I need to take a break. It is more for my sanity and health… but it really needs to happen. I will be away all the rest of this week. I know this may cause an inconvenience and I apologize. I will try to put up the completed Questline for Phase 5, then the FAQ when the new Phase 6 goes live Wednesday but I will leave it to helpers to complete.

The remaining… well I am asking YOUR help. If you would like to submit COMPLETED posts (pics attached too) of Character Profiles, Questlines, etc (they need to be post ready) then I will be more than happy to put them up on the site to help other fellow Players with stats and info until I return. Just take a look at past post on the site for reference to how they should be set up and look.

If you are interested, email me FIRST what you would like to work on so we do not have multiple people doing the same post a million times. familyguyaddicts@gmail.com

Sorry again for going away, but it is this… or shutting the site down completely which I am really really really trying to avoid. So please help out in anyway you can. I may enlist another on the site in the meantime outside of Lotty to help with Comments in my absence, please be kind to helpers while they try to fill my Bunny Shoes in my absence. 🙂


Addicts Asylum Patient Zero


Family Guy Christmas Speculations & A TEASER??!!!!

Hey there Mistletoe Kissers!

TinyCo has dropped into my lap a “TEASER PICTURE” of the rumored upcoming Christmas Event. I will show you more on that in a bit. In the meantime, here is the Teased Christmas info again via the App Market.

Christmas 2015 Teaser

One of our Awesome Addicts Helpers has some Christmas Speculations she wanted to share, so I will place that first following the break, then the CHRISTMAS SPOILER IMAGE following her thoughts (so you don’t have to look if you don’t want to…but I know you wanna. Lol).  Continue reading

Dog Multiverse: Full Dialog Walkthrough- I’m Only Human

Note From Bunny: This post was brought to you by the generous help of one of our very own Addicts Readers! Thanks!!

Hey there Doggie Lovers!

This town has gone to the Dogs! Collars strung all over the place, leashes, bones, chew toys. Sounds like a night out at Quagmire’s. LOL.

With this new Mini Event comes New Questlines. Premium Questlines that come with Premium Purchases for the Dog Multiverse Event, like Human Brian. Whilst we’ve already got the Questline up for Human Brian, we thought it would be fun to take a look back at the dialogue and jokes. So if you missed any of the dialogue during the event, or you’re just curious what one of the characters had to say that you didn’t unlock… we’ve got it all here for you!

Human Brian 2

So let’s get started with the complete dialogue Walkthrough for I’m Only Human. Continue reading