Tag Archives: Brainiac

Truth, Justice, & The Quahog Way Live!!! **UPDATED**

CONSUELA SERVER ERROR: For those that the game is dropping the Server, have patience. It is essentially “rush hour” as everyone rushes to load the new content. I know I have dropped out several times off and on. Just keep trying or wait a bit til “rush hour” dies down a bit.

For those crashing on battles, try a quick restart of device. This should help clear it up. 😉

Hey there Superheroes!!!!

Long time ago in a galaxy… nope that not it

Once upon a time in a land far far away… hmmm not quite!!

Who will save the planet from the Evil Villains plot? Who will fly in to save the day? Who will shut up Meg? Stay tuned….


Stay tuned for more details to come.
Also there is a bug with 1.27.0 with clearing the spawns. It’s fixed in 1.27.1 but that version wont be out for iOS for a few days. It should be on all other devices soon if it isn’t already.
This “issue” will impact all spawns in iOS. Many of you will even see the “bacon ipsum” glitch because of it. All you can do is wait til the update hits the App Market to resolve it. (Thanks to one of our readers for image)

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