Tag Archives: Character Locator Family Guy

9/10: Play Store Update

UPDATE BUNNY 630PM EST: There is an issue when trying to sell from inventory. DO NOT USE IT THERE. They are looking into it. If you want to sell an item, please place the item into your game first then select the icon option to sell it. 🙂

FYI this update should also fix Felicia’s Freeze Tag task. It should be bavk now. For iOS, it will update when yours hit.

Hello There Clammers!

Looks like an app store update hit our devices…(for now it’s Android only.  iOS will be live soon…)

2014-09-10 19.59.14

Be sure to hit up your app store and download the newest version!

What does it do?  Well….

It brings back the old loading screen as well as changes the icon back to normal Peter..instead of Captain Hammered.  Also…. Continue reading