Tag Archives: Cheepz

What the… Bunny? Easter Stuff!!

Hey there Egg Heads!

For no reason I can see (still seeing if it’s an oops) Easter Bunny Peter and some Easter goodies dropped in our games.

Bunny Easter

Will update more once I verify the content is supposed to be there. Lol. Back with more in a bit. In meantime, this is what I saw in my game.

Easter Bunny Peter (Costume): 120 Clams

Cheepz Pink (Decoration): $50

Cheepz Yellow (Decoration): $50

Cheepz Purple (Decoration): $50

Easter Egg Basket (Decoration): $80, smaller than Cheepz

Easter Egg Bunny (Decoration): $3000, smaller than Cheepz


Driving so will update pics later… but seriously the Bunny and Basket are really teeny.

Per TinyCo, YES… “they’ll be here til March 31st” for your “Bunny” enjoyment. 😉


Are you gonna pick up any items? Gonna fill your town with Cheepz… or is that just me? Let us know.