Tag Archives: Free Giveaway

CONTEST Create Your Own Superbowl Prediction

Updated 10:30pm EST: The Patriots have won.  We’ll be going through the entries and those players who picked the Patriots will have a chance to win the gift cards.  Winners will be announced soon. 

The Superbowl contest is now closed.  Thank you for all your entries!  We’ll be waiting to see who wins the game tonight to determine which players have a chance for the free clams!  Good luck everyone!

Hello There Clammers!

This Sunday is Superbowl Sunday where the New England Patriots and the Seattle Seahawks will face off to see who will be the Champion of the NFL!  All over the US people are making their predictions (and placing their bets) on who will be crowned Superbowl XLIX Champion and we thought why not get the Addicts in on the action too!

Peter Shaboopie

No, we’re not going to take bets on a winner…instead we’re going to give away free stuff! Continue reading

And Now For Some FREE STUFF!! Random Contest!!

Hey there Clammers. Having fun yet? Have you got all your Blam! Prizes yet? Still having a “blast” with the Minion Stewie’s? Well, we thought it would be fun to do something a lil different. GIVE AWAY FREE STUFF!!

Swag Bag Station

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