Tag Archives: Greek life week 3

Greek Life Walkthroughs: Party Like a God (Week 3)

Hello There Clammers!

Week 3 of Greek Life has hit…and you know what that means.  Time for a brand new questline to work through!

Party Like a God is the main questline for week 3.  While there are several side quests that will popup along the way, this is the one questline you must complete in order to move onto week 4 when it hits.

So let’s take a look at the quick walkthrough for Party Like a God….
Greak Life Event Icon

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Greek Life Week 3: The Freemium Perspective

Hello There Clammers One and all!  Today’s very special Helper post comes to us from Cassandra.  Cassandra has in the past written posts about the Freemium perspective of the game (most recently her thoughts on week 1 and week 2)…and we thought, “what the hell, let’s do it again!” So here you go you crazy rascals…enjoy!
(Oh and P.S Thanks Cassandra for the post!)

Also a note…I’ll be doing my best to catch up on some posts today..thank you for your patience :)- Alissa 

Hey week three Phi Beta Freemium pledges!

Have you advanced to week three play yet? Once again I had to wait until Saturday morning for enough Ambrosia to unlock Tri-Bri and advance myself.

A tip: Don’t sent Tri-Bri on his quest line task right away. He has a task in the main quest line that needs to be accomplished and that can’t be done if he’s tied up doing something else for 12 hours.

I didn’t hear anything back about my fat-finger purchase of Hades’ fraternity house so I suppose I’m just going to have to write those clams off as a loss. I did enjoy the extra boost in Soul Scrolls though, so there’s that. Not having to wait is good.



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