Tag Archives: Mr Miyagi Tasks

Mobster Premium Character Profile: Mr. Miyagi

Hey there Mafioso!

With Men in Zoot Suits running round the game, Goons shooting up Cookie Trucks, and Offers you just can’t refuse… the Mobsters Event is live in our silly lil games.

With the Mobsters Event rounding in full swing it’s time to take a look at the characters/costumes you could unlock throughout the event….

Mr Miyagi

Mr. Miyagi is an optional Premium Character  you can purchase during the Mobsters Event (he arrives during week 3), so let’s take a look at this Karate Master and see if he can teach us to WAX OFF!! WAX ON!!

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Quahog Mob Premium Walkthroughs: Sweep The Leg

Hello There Clammers!

Quahog has gone gangster and brought us an offer we can’t refuse!  As Don Corleone has decided to setup shop for his counterfeit cookie operation right in Quahog…and he’s enlisted Peter’s help!

During the third week of the Quahog Mob Event you’ll unlock Mr. Washee Washee, hire Evil Showgirls to take down the Takanawa Estate, beat up on some bike riding cookie couriers..and collect lots and lots of cookies!

Of course you can’t have some Freemiums without tossing in some Premiums. Mr. Miyagi was also dropped into our games for a Clam Purchase option complete with a Questline, Sweep the Leg.

Mr. Miyagi

So let’s take a closer look at his Questline to see what it will involve…

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