Tag Archives: Super Robot Elf

Leaderboard Prizes Going Live!!

Hey there Big Spenders!!

Looks like the final tally and results for the Leaderboards are verified and now the Prizes are rolling on out to the games.

As I was ill and focused more on the Event basics, I did not push to hit the Leaderboards top rankings, so I will not be able to verify in my personal game the stats for the Prizes. I will see what info I can pull and confirm via TinyCo, but please feel free to also share your images in the comments or email them to me as well as the Questlines. familyguyaddicts@gmail.com

Leaderboard Winner Top 3

I did get Chuggs at least and will be compiling all the information for him and have that up tomorrow on the site. Again, feel free to share your information of your prizes.
